02/09/17; Phoenix, Arizona
:"Crack Addict" plays as the opening Implosion Video Airs: :Pyro Goes off to open up Implosion as "Game Over" plays causing the crowd to erupt in cheers: James Ruffa: Welcome to the kick off Implosion after a successful Xtreme Night of Chaos and it looks like our new Universal Champion, Finn Danielson, will be kicking off tonight's telecast. Sammy Polo: Finn Danielson got a lucky win at Xtreme Night of Chaos. :Finn Danielson walks out from behind the curtain to the erupting fans and heads down the ramp with the Universal Championship around his waist. Finn climbs into the ring and raises the Universal Championship before getting a microphone: Finn Danielson: As all of you can tell from this championship on my shoulder that I am the first ever Universal Champion after one hell of a match at Xtreme Night of Chaos. Ever since I came to SKCW, I have been gunning for the SKCW Championship after a short stint in another company and competing around the world. Sixteen years of blood, sweat, tears, broken bones, and torn muscles have finally come together with this championship and honor of representing this brand as the flag bearer. I have all you fans to thank for all your support over the years and allowing me to... :"Lift Me Up" plays interrupting Finn Danielson as he walks to the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand then heads down the ramp: Billy Gunn: At Xtreme Night of Chaos, you had a fluke victory over me at the opening of the main event. I admit, I under estimated your abilities and I own up to my mistake. But right now, I have seen what you have done and I am ready for you. :Billy Gunn walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring: Billy Gunn: Finn Danielson. I want a match with you right here tonight. One on One. Finn Danielson: I am a fighting champion and I will take on all comers but I don't feel that I should be defending my Universal Championship tonight. Billy Gunn: I am not asking for a championship match. Just you and me. One on one. But when I do beat you, I want a shot at your Universal Championship. Finn Danielson: It is too bad I will be beating you again tonight. :Finn Danielson extends his hand out to Billy Gunn as Billy looks down before extending his hand and shaking Finn's. "Game Over" plays as Finn walks over to the ropes and climbs out heading up the ramp. The cameras move to the commentators' table: James Ruffa: Finn Danielson has just accepted Billy Gunn's proposal for a non title contest last tonight for retribution from Xtreme Night of Chaos. Sammy Polo: Billy Gunn, the veteran that he is, did not have a great showing in the Universal Championship match. In fact, Gunn was eliminated from the match in just under three minutes in a shocking fashion. James Ruffa: Some would believe that his brawl with Cole Thomas earlier in the night could have been a factor in his elimination. Sammy Polo: Impossible! Gunn had the upper hand the entire assault. James Ruffa: And speaking of Cole Thomas, lets go to the ring to see if he can get another shot at the European Championship. :The cameras move back to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and will determine who will be the new number one contender for the European Championship. :"My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)" plays as Harlee Lambert walks out to the top of the ramp to a sea of mixed emotions before spinning around raising an arm towards the back: Harlee Lambert: Bienvenue. De Blackpool en Angleterre. L'homme qui sortira de cette pitoyable ville avec son coup droit au Championnat d'Europe. Mon homme sexy et amoureux intime. Andrew Palmer! :"Whatever" plays bringing Andrew Palmer out to a chorus of boos from the live audience. Andrew Palmer meets Harlee Lambert at the top of the ramp and heads down the ramp together to the ring. Andrew Palmer enters the ring and stands in his corner. "Black Bird" plays as Cole Thomas walks out from the curtain to the erupting crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. From Austin Texas. Weighing in at one hundred and ninety-five pounds. Cole Thomas! :Cole Thomas enters the ring before Referee Aiden Andrews calls for the bell: Andrew Palmer w/ Harlee Lambert versus Cole Thomas Palmer and Thomas stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring. Palmer and Thomas lock up in the center of the ring jocking for position. Palmer takes the upper hand and pushes Thomas back breaking the lock up. Thomas immediately goes in or another lock up resulting in Palmer oushing him back again. Thomas gets upset and slaps Palmer before unleashing a series of punches. Thomas backs Palmer in the corner with the attack before Referee Aiden Andrews backs Thomas out of the corner. Thomas reaches over and punches Palmer before grabbing him and hitting a snap suplex. Thomas gets up and waits for Palmer to return to his feet before hitting the Roundhouse Kick. Thomas rolls out of the ring and tells Leslie DiPietro to move and takes her chair. Thomas slides back into the ring and tells Palmer to get back up. Palmer pulls himself back up before turning around to a hard chair shot from Thomas. Referee Aiden Andrews calls for the bell. Winner: Andrew Palmer via Disqualification Leslie DiPietro: Your winner and the number one contender for the European Championship, Andrew Palmer! :"Whatever" plays as Referee Aiden Andrews and Harlee Lambert check on Andrew Palmer. Cole Thomas drops the steel chair and heads out of the ring: James Ruffa: Cole Thomas showed that he was not going to be denied tonight but ultimately cost himself the match. There is a whole new side to Cole that we haven't seen before. Sammy Polo: And I am starting to like it. He doesn't care who he has to hurt to get what he wants. James Ruffa: Some would see that as a sign of desperation. Cole is desperate to be relevant here on Implosion. Cole is desperate to get Anastasia Lafayette back. Cole is desperate to be European Champion. Sammy Polo: You have it all wrong. Cole KNOWS he is the premiere superstar on Implosion. Cole KNOWS he will be bedding Anastasia again. Cole KNOWS he is the rightful European Champion. But people like you see confidence as desperation. James Ruffa: There is a big difference between confidence and desperation. Cole Thomas is desperate. :The cameras move to the office of James E. Dangerously where James E. Dangerously is sitting on the phone: James E. Dangerously: Yes sir....I understand.....I will be addressing the matter in the most severe manner I can....Don't you worry about it.... :Stanley Ryan Tiger bursts into the office with a look of anger and annoyance: James E. Dangerously: Excuse me sir but I am going to have to let you go. I will be taking care of the matter with the utmost severity....Thank you sir. :James E. Dangerously hangs up the phone and looks at Stanley Ryan Tiger with annoyance: James E. Dangerously: Do you have any idea who I was speaking with? The Vice President of Talent Relations Danny O'Connell. You don't just end phone calls with the higher ups. Plus I have enough to worry about than deal with your pity little problems. So what do you want? Stanley Ryan Tiger: Look here Jim! I am the biggest talent you have here... James E. Dangerously: First of all; It is Mister Dangerously. Second. I wouldn't say that. Manifest Destiny is close to your size and Finn Danielson is the Universal Champion. So you claim is far from true. But do continue. Stanley Ryan Tiger: I don't deserve the disrespect that I am getting in the locker room. I got jumped during the main event at Xtreme Night of Chaos costing me the Universal Championship. I should be getting a Universal Championship match tonight. James E. Dangerously: You will not be getting a Universal Championship match tonight. Finn Danielson will be facing Billy Gunn in a non title contest. I agree you should be given another chance at the championship but you did stick your nose in the business of Double Penetration causing the blatant interference. Stanley Ryan Tiger: Fine. Give me Double Penetration tonight. James E. Dangerously: I can't give you them tonight. I don't feel comfortable putting you in a handicap match against them because I know you will come back here complaining about the unfair booking. Stanley Ryan Tiger: Alright then. Next week I want Double Penetration in a tag team match. James E. Dangerously: Who will be your partner? Stanley Ryan Tiger: I will have one next week. Trust me. :Stanley Ryan Tiger turns around and walks out of the office as he is stopped by Lee J. Tiger. SRT and LJT smile to each other before patting each other on the shoulder and walking past each other. LJT enters the office: James E. Dangerously: Oh good thing you are here. I need you to go get Bliss and have her get Badstreet for me. Lee J. Tiger: Right away sure but if you don't mind me asking, is there any word on Hayley Quinzel? I haven't seen her since she was sent away in the ambulance. James E. Dangerously: Currently she is still in the hospital from the attacks from Badstreet at Xtreme Night of Chaos. She has a severe concussion so they have her in a medical induced comma to allow her brain to recover without the possibility of a reversal in her progress. Lee J. Tiger: I will have Bliss get Badstreet right away and please do send my well wishes to Miss Quinzel. :Lee J. Tiger heads out of the office and down the hall for Bliss. The cameras move to the commentators' table at ringside: James Ruffa: It looks like our General Manager has some problems on his hands. The Vice President of Talent Relations is on him about Badstreet's actions at Xtreme Night of Chaos and now he has a very angry SRT on his trail. Sammy Polo: It is not Dangerously's fault that Hayley Quinzel wasn't ready for the big time and got hurt. Badstreet just showed that Quinzel was inexperienced. As for the whiney SRT, he stuck his nose in other people's business. James Ruffa: Stanley was defending a woman that was just in a match and was about to be hurt. With his attitude change, he is basically the locker room leader. The defender of all that this good. The protector of all. Sammy Polo: What kind of delusional garbage have you been smoking?! SRT is a hack. A loser. A never has been. He is nothing more than a neanderthal that thrives in small pounds. He has only been SKCW and International Champions because of being on a smaller roster or because he used a loophole to get the title and lose it just a couple weeks later. He is pure garbage. Stanley should have been left in the dumpster outside the RAW arena. James Ruffa: Stanley has been a bad dude for most of his career but he has turned his act around and is doing better for himself and his family. Sammy Polo: Stanley sold out to the fans and he became garbage. I hope he doesn't find a partner for next week and he gets injured. The bastard attacked me for no good reason and should be punished. James Ruffa: Lets go to the ring before you say something you will regret later. Sammy Polo: Everything I am saying is one hundred percent true. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Watch Me More" plays bringing Rina Kirilos out from behind the curtain to cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Vancouver British Columbia Canada. Rina Kirilos! :Rina Kirilos climbs into the ring as "Army of Me" plays bringing Kasey Winterborn out from behind the curtain to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her partner. From Chicago Illinois. Kasey Winterborn! :Kasey Winterborn climbs into the ring and hugs Rina Kirilos as "Radioactive" plays bringing Kennedy Jackson out from behind the curtain to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And their opponents. Introducing first. From Boise Idaho. Kennedy Jackson! :Kennedy Jackson climbs into the ring as "Sound of Madness" plays bringing Zoe Badstreet out from behind the curtain to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her partner. From Reno Nevada. Zoe Badstreet! :Zoe Badstreet climbs into the ring as Referee Andrea Andrews calls for the bell: Rina Kirilos and Kasey Winterborn versus Kennedy Jackson and Zoe Badstreet As Kirilos and Winterborn are deciding who will be starting the match, Jackson and Badstreet charge over and attack them. Jackson and Badstreet begin to beat down Winterborn and Kirilos before splitting off bodyslaming both women to the mat. Jackson picks Winterborn up as Badstreet grabs Kirilos positioning both women up for powerbombs before driving them to the mat several times. Jackson pulls Winterborn off the mat and slams her down with the Unhinged. Badstreet peels Kirilos off the mat and slams her down with the Nightmare. Jackson and Badstreet place a foot each of their victims as Referee Andrea Andrews makes the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winners: Kennedy Jackson and Zoe Badstreet Leslie DiPietro: Your winners, Kennedy Jackson and Zoe Badstreet! :"Radioactive" plays as Referee Andrea Andrews raises the arms of Kennedy Jackson and Zoe Badstreet in victory. Kennedy and Zoe pull their arms away from Referee Andrea Andrews before looking at each other before celebrating on their own: James Ruffa: Kennedy and Zoe absolutely dismantle Kasey and Rina. Showing their pure strength and ruthless aggression. Sammy Polo: Are you surprised? Rina and Kasey are little twerps that should be sent back to where they came from. James Ruffa: Rina and Kasey are very well accomplished women here in SKCW. Former Womens' Internet, Impact, and North American Champions. These two are some of the rising talent in SKCW. Sammy Polo: They are floundering here on Implosion and it is all because of their lack of commitment to the ring. Rina is just running around trying to be a bi-curious woman towards Amberly. James Ruffa: Amberly and Rina are friends Sammy. Women can be friends without being involved with each other. Sammy Polo: You say that now but just you watch. Rina looks like one of the creeper girlfriends that will take any attention as an advancement. James Ruffa: Oh my god Sammy! You are going way too far on your views of everything. You need some help. :Chad Chaos is seen walking towards the commentators' table: James Ruffa: It looks like Chad Chaos is coming to join us on commentary. :Chad Chaos points at Sammy Polo: Sammy Polo: Me? What do you want with me? :Chad Chaos begins to wave Sammy Polo over telling him to come with him: James Ruffa: Looks like he is wanting you to go with him. Sammy Polo: Oh! You think?! :Sammy Polo takes off his headset and begins to follow Chad Chaos backstage. The cameras move to the backstage area showing The Sorority walking into and heading towards the Womens Locker Room with their bags in hand. The cameras show Bliss walking down the hall with Zoe Badstreet in tow. The Sorority scuff at Badstreet before hopping to the side when Badstreet slightly lunges towards them. The Sorority regain their composure before entering the Womens' Locker Room. Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham head into the shower area just moments before Rina Kirilos comes walking in holding her neck. Amberly's eyes widen as she rushes to the door and places her hand over Rina's mouth: Amberly: It is not safe for you to be here right now. Alice and Rebecca are in the shower right now. You need to leave before you are hurt. :Alice Creed's voice is heard from the shower: Alice Creed: Who are you talking to Amberly? Amberly: No one. Just talking to myself. :The showers can be heard being shot off. Amberly panics and moves her hands off Rina Kirilos' mouth kissing her before pushing her out the door: Amberly: I'm only looking out for you. :Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham walk out of the showers with towels wrapped around them seeing Amberly walking around the locker room with her phone in hand: Amberly: Damn it! I almost had that Snorlax! :Amberly looks up at Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham standing in their towels: Amberly: Hey girls! Sorry Pokemon Go got a hold of me. :Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham look at each other before turning around and heading back into the showers. The cameras move outside the Womens Locker Room showing Rina Kirilos standing staring at the closed door. Rina touches her hand to her lips before a slight smile and walking away. The cameras move to Men's Locker Room showing Stanley Ryan Tiger heading down the hall towards the parking lot. Double Penetration come out from around the corner and attack SRT from behind. SRT attempts to fight back with some prevail until the numbers game gets the upper hand and Double Penetration capitalized tossing SRT into a wall. Double Penetration lift SRT up and drop him onto a production truck before dragging him over to the door leading to the parking lot. Bret Maddox opens the door as Bryden Maddox pulls SRT to the opening and holding his head on the door frame. Bret is about to slam the door when Lee J. Tiger comes running in and catches the door. LJT instructs Double Penetration to vacate the area before management repercussions are in order. Double Penetration laugh before walking away as SRT holds his stomach in rage looking towards his attackers. The cameras move back to James E. Dangerously's office where this time Bliss is standing beside Zoe Badstreet: Bliss: I got Badstreet for you. You want me to stick around? James E. Dangerously: No. It will be alright. Thank you again Bliss. :Bliss exits the office: Zoe Badstreet: What do you want? James E. Dangerously: At Xtreme Night of Chaos you viciously attacked Hayley Quinzel after the match was over. Zoe Badstreet: There was a corrupt official and she needs to know what it takes to be on the roster. James E. Dangerously: There was nothing wrong with the officiating and your attack was uncalled for. So I had a meeting with the Vice President of Talent Relations, CEO, and President over your actions. The decision has been decided that you are hereby suspended until the next special event. You will return to action at Affliction March Twelfth. :Zoe Badstreet lunges forward grabbing James E. Dangerously by the collar of his shirt and goes to lift him up: James E. Dangerously: I wouldn't recommend that unless you are wanting out of your contract with SKCW completely. :Zoe Badstreet releases James E. Dangerously and storms out of the office. The cameras move back to the commentators' table at ringside: James Ruffa: With Sammy Polo speaking with Chad Chaos for some reason, James E. Dangerously has assigned a temporary replacement for him. So I want to welcome everyone to table, Meghan Holliday. Meghan Holliday: Thank you for the warm welcome. Hopefully I can do well out here. But enough about me, lets move on to other matters. Just moments ago we saw the thirty day suspension of Zoe Badstreet due to the brutality she showed at Xtreme Night of Chaos towards new comer Hayley Quinzel. James Ruffa: Badstreet snapped after her shocking loss to Quinzel and forced medical professionals to induce a coma to help reduce the risk of sever permanent damage. Meghan Holliday: We here at Implosion would like to send our best wishes to Hayley Quinzel and a speedy recovery. I am sure once she is medically cleared to return to the ring, her roster spot will be waiting for her. James Ruffa: Undeniable. What condition will Stanley Ryan Tiger be next week when he takes on Double Penetration? Meghan Holliday: If you look over the last eleven years of his career here, you would see that he is resilliant and actually becomes more aggressive when he is down. Double Penetration will have one angry destructive giant on their hands next week. But who will be his partner? James Ruffa: Well isn't it obvious? Over the course of twenty-sixteen, we have been hearing rumblings of The Tigers teaming up for the first time in SKCW history. Stanley and Debra rekindled their relationship and it is only next week before we see Stanley extend his hand out to his brother and finish the rebirth. Meghan Holliday: As much as the SKCW Nation and Implosion would like to see that, there is a problem. Lee is a Road Agent. That means they only can wrestle at Psychotic Games, Curse of the Game, and of course inside the Royal Rumble. And next week is none of the three. We'll see who Stanley got from Implosion to team with him. James Ruffa: Lets go to the ring for our next contest. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Game Over" plays as Finn Danielson emerges from behind the curtain with the Universal Championship around his waist to the erupting crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Bray County Wicklow Ireland. Weighing in at two hundred pounds. He is the Universal Champion. Finn Danielson! :Finn Danielson climbs into the ring and puts the Universal Championship over his shoulder as "Lift Me Up" plays bringing Billy Gunn out to the mixed crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. From Austin Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty-eight pounds. Billy Gunn! :Billy Gunn climbs into the ring as Referee Billy Sanders calls for the bell: Finn Danielson versus Billy Gunn Danielson and Gunn stand in the center of the ring staring at each other. Danielson extends his hand in a sign of sportsmanship as Gunn looks on. Gunn reluctantly extends his hand and shakes Danielson's. Danielson and Gunn lock up in the middle of the ring jocking for position. Gunn easily backs Danielson in to corner before letting go and backing away. Danielson walks out of the corner before being met by Gunn in the center of the ring again. Gunn goes to lock up again but is met with a hard kick from Danielson to the thigh. Gunn moves away before receiving another kick from Danielson. Danielson connects with a hard elbow to the side of Gunn's head knocking him back towards the corner. Danielson quickly goes to the opposite corner and charges for a dropkick but Gunn somehow catches him and goes for a swinging side slam but Danielson slips out and stops on the back of Gunn's knee. Gunn limps forward before turning around into a pele kick from Danielson. Gunn backs up before being stuck with another hard elbow from Danielson. Danielson whips Gunn into the ropes and ducks for a back body drop but Gunn halts his run and goes for the Fame-Asser but Danielson quickly pulls away and connects with a Dreamcast. Gunn falls to the mat as Danielson quickly goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Finn Danielson Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, the Universal Champion, Finn Danielson! :"Game Over" plays as Finn Danielson is handed the Universal Championship and raises it in the air. Danielson ascends the second rope celebrating when "Black Bird" plays bringing Cole Thomas out from behind the curtain. Cole Thomas walks down the ramp as Danielson drops down from the turnbuckle and stares down Thomas. Thomas walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring before going straight for Billy Gunn putting the boots to him. Danielson pulls Thomas off Gunn before the two go nose to nose. Thomas bends down grabbing the Universal Championship before pressing it into Danielson's chest telling him this isn't his business and to leave. Danielson refuses to move telling Thomas to leave. Thomas turns his head and chuckles before connecting with a Roadhouse Kick taking Danielson down. Thomas turns his attention back to Gunn as he pulls himself up in the corner. Thomas launches onto Gunn pounding on him once again. Thomas pulls Gunn out of the corner and connects with a Roadhouse Kick taking him down. Thomas climbs out of the ring and grabs a steel chair before closing him and sliding it into the ring. Thomas slides into the ring and opens the chair before sliding Gunn's leg into the opening. Thomas yells at him about costing him the European Championship at Xtreme Night of Chaos and Anastasia not wanting a cripple. Thomas climbs to the second rope and hops off connecting with an elbow drop onto the chair causing Gunn to scream out in pain clutching his knee. SKCW Medical comes running into the ring checking on Gunn as Thomas smirks and climbs out of the ring before heading up the ramp: James Ruffa: After a hard fought victory, Finn Danielson gets assaulted by Cole Thomas all because he is a stand up guy and did the right thing by telling Cole to leave the ring. Meghan Holliday: Cole Thomas has hurt Billy Gunn and claims that it was his fault he is not the European Champion right now. James Ruffa: Not only that but Cole has an unhealthy obsession with Genocide's Anastasia Lafayette. Meghan Holliday: If Cole doesn't take his mind off her, he is going to accomplish anything here on Implosion. James Ruffa: Yeah I agree. Cole is now the number one contender for the European Championship and he should be focusing on Allen DeVine for what could be his final opportunity. Meghan Holliday: He better take this opportunity seriously because it may never come again. :The cameras move to the backstage area where Finn Danielson is walking holding his head before bumping into Implosion General Manager James E. Dangerously: Finn Danielson: I want him! James E. Dangerously: Who? Finn Danielson: Cole Thomas! James E. Dangerously: I can't commission that tonight. Finn Danielson: Then I want him next week. He disrespected not only me and a legend in Billy Gunn but disrespected Professional Wrestling as a whole. James E. Dangerously: I was just about to suspend him for his actions against Billy Gunn. But I was informed that Cole Thomas has been released from his Implosion contract effective immediately. Finn Danielson: I completely agree. He disrespected the legacy of SKCW and with him gone, we can continue to enhance and grow the legacy of this great company. James E. Dangerously: Before you go though. I got a mysterious letter from I believe Genocide's Shaydawg informing me that Manifest Destiny should be in line for shot at your Universal Championship. Finn Danielson: That sounds fine to me. You want to book it for Affliction, I will be there. :Finn Danielson walks away carrying his Universal Championship. The cameras move to the Womens Locker Room showing Amberly stretching with the Womens European Championship sitting next to her. Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham come out of the shower area in their gear looking at Amberly: Rebecca Cunningham: You ready to represent The Sorority and keep that championship with us? Amberly: Of course. The Sorority is life and The Sorority is number one. The Womens' European Championship will be staying with us. Alice Creed: Where is Rina? I thought you said you would get her to join us. Amberly: I made the offer to her and I haven't seen her since. :A cell phone is heard ringing as The Sorority looks to Amberly's bag. Amberly quickly opens her bag and notices it is Rina Kirilos and quickly ignores the call: Alice Creed: Who is calling you now? Amberly: Oh just my mum. She was just calling because of my dad's recent hip surgery. Lets go. :Amberly throws on her jacket and grabs the Womens' European Championship heading out of the locker room followed shortly by Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham. The cameras move to promotional footage for SKCW Psychotic Games and Sin City Showdown: |