03/02/17; Phoenix, Arizona
:"Crack Addict" plays as a opening SKCW Highlight Video Airs: :Pyro Goes off to open up Implosion as the cameras focus on the announce team: James Ruffa: Hello and welcome back to Implosion live from the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix Arizona! Tonight we will have some high octane contests on the card. Accompanying me on this ride will be my broadcast partner, Meghan Holliday. Meghan, how do you feel about tonight's Implosion on tap? Meghan Holliday: James, tonight's event is shaping up to be a solid card. We have the Womens European Champion Sophia Pope teaming alongside with the European Champion Allen DeVine against a contender for the Womens European Championship Taylor Archor and Universal Champion Finn Danielson. We will see Rina Kirilos taking on the big head of The Sorority Alice Creed alongside the rest of the group. Stanley Ryan Tiger comes to the Arizona Veteran Memorial Coliseum with an undisclosed partner to take on Double Penetration in the main event. Tonight could be one for the ages. James Ruffa: Will Rina be able to handle taking on Alice Creed with the entire Sorority at ringside? Meghan Holliday: Well. Alice Creed is the one to worry about since she is the one that is her opponent. But with Rebecca Cunningham at ringside there could be a problem for her. Amberly on the other hand, she is being tested tonight. Last week she was presented with the ultimatum, The Sorority or Rina Kirilos. We may get our answer tonight. James Ruffa: We just might. Who could possibly be SRT's partner this evening? With his career being mostly on the dark side and making very few friends, it could very well be possible he will be walking out to a handicap fight. Meghan Holliday: If last week was of any indication, our lead Road Agent and brother of SRT, Lee J. Tiger is the likely person but with the recent Dangerously Commentaries before the relaunch of Implosion, LJT said he is content on being a road agent. James Ruffa: He, however, did say that if he had the chance to team with his brother that he would take it. So there is a slim possibility that he could be coming out of his semi retirement. But lets get to the ring for our first contest. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Whatever" plays as Andrew Palmer walks out from behind the curtain with Harlee Lambert closely behind to the booing crowd: James Ruffa: Here comes the future Number one contender for the European Championship going into Affliction. Meghan Holliday: Don't forget about his sultry manager and girlfriend tagging along beside him. Harlee Lambert could have a very valid argument that she is the main reason behind his success. :Andrew Palmer climbs into the ring while Harlee Lambert stands outside the ring in his corner as "Monster's Loose" plays bringing Ron Smith out to the booing crowd: James Ruffa: For being a big monster, Ron Smith hasn't been very successful in his endeavors to dominate here on Implosion. Meghan Holliday: Ron Smith is a hit or miss kind of competitor. He can be dominate when he wants to be and it depends on the competitor. :Ron Smith climbs into the ring as Referee Adien Andrews calls for the bell: Andrew Palmer w/ Harlee Lambert versus Ron Smith Palmer and Smith look at each other from across the ring before walking to the center of the ring sizing each other up. Palmer and Smith lock up in the center of the ring when "Broken Dreams" plays causing the competitors to break the hold and look up at the titan tron. The titan tron reads "Lobo has arrived" before Lobo hops over the barricade and slides into the ring before clubbing both Smith and Palmer in the back of the head with a massive chain. Referee Aiden Andrews immediately calls for the bell.
Winner: No Contest :Lobo stands over his fallen victims before raising the chain into the air to the sea of boos. Lobo picks Smith up and connects with a military press slam into a falling ddt called the C.O.D. Lobo picks up and wraps the massive chain around Palmer's neck before lifting him in a hangman's sleeper called the Sweet Lullaby. Referee Aiden Andrews attempts to break Palmer free from Lobo but Lobo isn't having any of it. More referees come down to attempt loosen the hold but Lobo yells at them to back off. Lee J. Tiger and Chad Chaos come out from behind the curtain and make it to the top of the ramp before "Under A Killing Moon" hits much to the crowd's pleasure. LJT and Chaos stop at the top of the ramp as Stanley Ryan Tiger walks out from behind the curtain and pushes past them. SRT gets to onto the ring apron as Lobo releases the hold dropping the lifeless Palmer on the mat. The referees quickly remove Palmer from the ring and hand him off to the paramedics as SRT steps over the top rope and stands in the ring. Lobo smiles and gestures for SRT to come at him. LJT and Chaos quickly get into the ring and stand between the two before Lobo puts his hands up smirking before climbing out of the ring and heading back out through the crowd with security closely in tow: James Ruffa: All hell has broken loose tonight with the arrival of Lobo to Implosion. He interrupted our opening contest and proceeded to attack Andrew Palmer and Ron Smith with a large chain. Meghan Holliday: When you want to make an impact, that is one of the most forceful ways. James Ruffa: I don't know how smart that was, I am sure our General Manager took notice and he certainly got the attention of the men's locker room leader. Meghan Holliday: And if Lobo hasn't been keeping attention to SKCW over the past twelve years, he will realize that is not someone he wants to get the attention of. James Ruffa: That is a fact. And from the looks of things moments ago, he is not in a good mood. :The cameras move to the office of James E. Dangerously as he sits behind his desk looking at the camera: James E. Dangerously: As you all know, just a few moments ago, one of my hottest new talents decided to take it upon himself to come through the crowd and interrupt one of my matches tonight. Interrupted a match is one thing but attacking my talent with a large chain and proceeding to choke one is crossing the line. There is a time and a place for violence and attacking unsuspecting talent is not going to be happening on Implosion. I have contacted Nera Malek and Elliot Slater of Aftershock arranging a trade off. Much like the deal with Seth Ryan and Austin Miles, Nera Malek will owe me a talent down the line. So let this be a warning to the rest of the Implosion roster, if you got a problem you will come to me and there will be no outside the ring shenanigans or else you will end up like Lobo. Now as for the biggest signing to Implosion in quite some time, Ace Hart, he has yet to make his presence known in the arena. I am happy to make the signing of Ace Hart and I will be looking forward to seeing what he has planned for Implosion. :The cameras move to another area backstage where Crystal Fairweather is standing with Erika May: Crystal Fairweather: Hello. I am Crystal Fairweather and I am standing here with Erika May. Erika, recently your best friend Rose Dashwood decided to jump ships to Genocide leaving you here on Implosion. How are you feeling? Were you aware of her wanting to leave? Erika May: Was I aware of Rose wanting to leave Implosion? Yes I was. She has been unhappy here on Implosion since she got onto the brand. She was expecting to come off of the Diva Search and instantly be thrown into the Knockouts Championship title hunt but was overly pissed once she found out that our General Manager requested that she continue her training. That is where we met. I personally don't agree with her attitude about that. I know I am not ready to be thrown into the spotlight but I am improving and I am happy about that. Now how do I feel about her going to Genocide? Honestly...I am glad she is gone. Sure it was nice to have a friend on the brand but with her constantly bitching about being treated "wrong" it got annoying plus she didn't take our match seriously and got upset that I actually took the match seriously and beat her. She told me to let her win so she could get out of training but if she isn't going to actually fight, will get hurt. I love her. She is my friend but if she doesn't change her attitude, then she will be just another Diva Search flunky. Crystal Fairweather: Wait a minute. You just said she is your friend but want he to change her quirky southern belle good girl attitude? Erika May: That is only how she is perceived on camera. Like I said she doesn't take anything seriously and expects everything for nothing. She can be a good girl but her attitude is less than stellar. Now if you will excuse me, I have some training get back to. So thank you for the time. It was nice to speak with you. :Erika May walks away leaving Crystal Fairweather standing there as a dark haired woman slowly creeps in the back of the frame before Crystal turns to see the woman causing the woman to quickly move along: Crystal Fairweather: Well. That was interesting and strange. :The cameras moves to the other side of the arena where Johnny Huffman is standing alongside the European Champion Allen DeVine: Johny Huffman: Thank you Crystal. I am Johnny Huffman and I get the pleasure of speaking with the European Champion Allen DeVine. Allen DeVine: Where is Crystal? I prefer to talk to Crystal. Johnny Huffman: I'm sorry Allen but... Allen DeVine: It is DeVine or Mister DeVine to you. Johnny Huffman: ...Mister DeVine...I was assigned to interview you. First of all, last time on Implosion, Taylor Archor has seemed to have a bit of an attitude change. Abandoning her fearful demeanor to attacking Sophia Pope and demanding a championship match. What are your thoughts on this change? Allen DeVine: Taylor finally figured out that good girls aren't going to get what they want. She wants the Womens European Championship back so she went and made her wants known. She got the taste of gold and she wants another fix. And before you address it, yes she caught me off guard when she kissed me but could you blame her? I am the definition of sex appeal and success. Johnny Huffman: You faced Cole Thomas for the European Championship at Xtreme Night of Chaos and on the next edition of Implosion, he snapped during his chance to face you again. He recently was traded over to Overdrive! by our General Manager because of the blatant disrespect of his actions. How do you feel about his departure from Implosion? Allen DeVine: Cole Thomas was a pain in my ass. He always bitched and moaned and bitched and bitched and bitched just to get into the European Championship title hunt. I made an open challenge for this European Championship and that little twerp decided to answer the call. He won by count out because he wasn't worth my time so I left the match. Our uneducated General Manager saw that as a cowardly act and kept booking title defenses against him. What a loser Cole Thomas is. He loses a match and he bitches about being held down. No Cole Thomas; you are just a moronic little twit that can't fight or wrestle. I am glad he is gone and sent to Overdrive!. I can actually further my career and set my sights on the Universal Championship. Johnny Huffman: Andrew Palmer is currently slated to face you at Affliction, do you have anything to say about your former leader? Allen DeVine: Former Leader? Andrew Palmer used me in Right to Censorship to be a name. I was the best performer to come out of that stable other than Taylor Archor of course. Palmer is just a wannabe wrestler and will soon find out just how great I really am. :The cameras move back to the commentators' table: James Ruffa: Our General Manager has put his foot down and stated that if you are going into business for yourself attacking people you will be suspended or traded off. So far he has suspended Zoe Badstreet and my broadcast partner Sammy Polo then traded off Lobo, Cole Thomas, and Rose Dashwood. Meghan Holliday: He is taking care of business and making sure that his brand is under control. When you attack and injure people, then you deserve to be suspended, fired, or moved somewhere else. I have respect for the athletes but not the attitudes. James Ruffa: Yeah I know what you are saying. Billy Gunn got pulled off the roster due to his injuries and new comer Hayley Quinzel being put in the hos... :The dark haired woman from earlier hops over the barricade and stands next to Meghan Holliday smiling down at her. Meghan leans into James Ruffa's direction in fear. The woman places the spare headset on before sticking her hand out to Meghan then to James: Woman: Hi! I'm HayDawg! It is a pleasure to meet you both! :Meghan Holliday and James Ruffa shake her hand questionably: James Ruffa: Aren't you...Hayley Quinzel? Meghan Holliday: Yeah! You look a lot like her. "HayDawg": Oh no. I'm HayDawg. Im new here but I will say that I really admire the Womens Champion ShayDawg. I'd love to have her as my puddin'. James Ruffa: You look a lot like Hayley Quinzel. Meghan Holliday: She sure does. She must have an identity crisis because of Zoe Badstreet's attack. "HayDawg": HEY! I am sitting right here! Mister V and ShayDawg wouldn't appreciate your harsh words. I won't tolerate this disrespect. :"HayDawg" throws off the headset before taking an inflatable mallet out from behind her slamming it against the heads of Meghan Holliday and James Ruffa. "HayDawg" hopped the barricade again and disappears through the crowd: James Ruffa: Ow! What the heck was that all about but that was interesting. Meghan Holiday: Most certainly. She looks a lot like Hayley Quinzel and I think you are right. I think she was wanting Genocide and some how got the idea that she IS or close to being like ShayDawg. James Ruffa: It is very worry some. Lets get to our next contest. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Watch Me Move" plays leading Rina Kirilos out to the erupting crowd of cheers: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Vancouver British Columbia Canada. Rina Kirilos! :Rina Kirilos climbs into the ring and begins to stretch anticipating the upcoming confrontation. "Stars In The Night" plays leading Alice Creed to come out from behind the curtain to the waves of boos and the rest of The Sorority walking closely behind: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. Being accompanied by Rebecca Cunningham and Amberly of The Sorority. Representing The Sorority. Alice Creed! :Alice Creed climbs into the ring as Rebecca Cunningham and Amberly walk along the ringside area. Referee Andrea Andrews makes sure Amberly and Rebecca are out of the ring before calling for the bell: Rina Kirilos versus Alice Creed w/Rebecca Cunningham and Amberly Kirilos looks to the ringside area seeing Cunningham and Amberly walking around the ring. Kirilos makes her way to the center of the ring where she is met by Creed. Creed looks down at the dwarfed Kirilos and smiles before raising her arm up to do a test of strength knowing Kirilos won't be able to reach. Kirilos doesn't look amused by Creed's bullying tendencies. Creed lowers her arm to taunt Kirilos but Kirilos grabs her arm and quick spider monkeys her way up Creed's side and loses in an armbar on Creed. Creed tries to hold Kirilos up but is forced by gravity to bend down giving Kirilos more leverage. Creed attempts to break Kirilos' grip but is unable to do so. Creed begins to scream in pain as Referee Andrea Andrews checks to see if Creed gives up but Creed says no. Creed musters all the strength she has lifting Kirilos up before slamming her to the mat forcing Kirilos to release the armbar. Creed hold her arm in pain looking down at Kirilos with anger in her eyes. Creed picks Kirilos up and aggressively drags her to the corner beginning to ram her head into the top turnbuckle. Creed tosses Kirilos into the corner and begins to stomp the hell out of Kirilos. Referee Andrea Andrews gets between Kirilos and Creed pushing Creed back as Cunningham takes the chance to choke Kirilos on the bottom rope. Referee Andrea Andrews turns around moments after Cunningham lets go of Kirilos walking away. Referee Andrea Andrews questions Cunningham as Creed grabs Kirilos and tosses her across the ring. Creed walks over to Kirilos and attempts to pick her up but met with a kick to the side of the head. Creed holds her head and drops to a knee giving Kirilos the chance to get up quickly connecting with the Shinning Wizard. Kirilos quickly goes for a cover. Referee Andrea Andrews gets into position. 1 ... Amberly walks over and places Creed's foot on the ropes ... 2 ... Referee Andrea Andrews notices Creed's foot on the rope calling for the end of the count. Kirilos gets up and looks to Amberly with disappointment as Amberly looks up to her with the same disappointed look. Kirilos turns around and goes to pick up Creed but is met with an uppercut. Kirilos stumbles back as Creed gets back to her feet. Kirilos goes to grab Creed but Creed connects with an elbow to Kirilos before turning her around and connecting with the Final Getaway. Creed rolls Kirilos over and makes the cover. Referee Andrea Andrews gets into position. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Alice Creed Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, Alice Creed! :"Stars in the Night" plays as Alice Creed pulls her arm away from Andrea Andrews shortly before Rebecca Cunningham and Amberly enter the ring. Alice and Rebecca pick Rina Kirilos off the mat holding her in front of Amberly. Alice demands that Amberly attack her. Amberly looks reluctant looking out at the crowd. Alice yells at her to attack Rina or be kicked out of The Sorority. Amberly grabs Rina and connects with the Kiss & Run before looking down at her. Alice and Rebecca laugh at Rina before grabbing Amberly's arms pulling her out of the ring. Amberly looks at the fallen Rina as she backs up the ramp: :The cameras moves backstage to the womens locker room showing Sophia Pope and Willow Pope standing in front of bag listening to the shower in the background. Sophia opens the bag and proceeds to dig through it laughing at its contents. The showers shut off before Sophia smiles and places the bag over her shoulder as Taylor Archor is seen walking into the locker room with a towel wrapped around her slender frame. Taylor looks to Sophia holding the bag in anger: Taylor Archor: What are you doing with my bag?! Sophia Pope: Oh this is your's? I wasn't sure. But since you say it's your's....then I guess I will be taking it. :Taylor Archor lunges forward slightly before Sophia Pope puts her hand up stopping Taylor: Sophia Pope: I wouldn't do that Taylor. After all, you are just standing there in a towel. We wouldn't want to have your virginal body shown to everyone do we? Taylor Archor: Ugh! What do you want Sophia? Sophia Pope: Last week you decided you wanted to attack me in the parking lot demanding a shot at my Womens' European Championship?! Well I want a special stipulation added to the match. I want you in a Strip Your Opponent Naked match. Taylor Archor: NO! I don't participate in Naughty Diva or Vixen division matches. You very well know that. Sophia Pope: You are afraid of showing off that flat body of your's. You know people don't want to see that. Not even Allen DeVine wants to see that. That is why he comes to me at night for a real woman and a superior sexual experience. Taylor Archor: Enough about Allen! You leave him out of this and give me back my bag. Sophia Pope: Perfect! You got yourself your title match at Affliction. It will be you and me. One on one for my Womens' European Championshipin a Love Him or Leave Him match. You win, I'll walk away from Allen without another word. But if I win, I get Allen DeVine all to myself. Well I may share him with my sister but that is it. Taylor Archor: Fine by me. Now...Give me my bag. Sophia Pope: Nah. I think I am just going to take it with me. Toodles! :Sophia Pope blows a kiss to Taylor Archor before turning and walking away. The cameras follow Sophia out the door before a scream is heard and Willow Pope walks out the door with a towel in hand. Willow flings it over her shoulder as the Pope Sisters walk off laughing: :The cameras move across the arena showing Universal Champion Finn Danielson standing and texting when Noelle comes running up to him before looking down with a very surprised look on her face covering her mouth with her hand: Noelle: Oh my god Finn! That thing is huge. And so...beautiful. Finn Danielson: Yeah. I get that from everyone. Noelle: May I...touch it? :Finn Danielson ooks over his shoulders before looking back to Noelle: Finn Danielson: Well I guess you can. Just don't let anyone know I let you do this. I may get a different reputation with the boys. :Noelle crouches down as the camera moves with her shoulder her rubbing her hand on the Universal Championship. Noelle stands back up looking at Finn Danielson: Noelle: I just love the feeling of that belt on my hands. Finn Danielson: I know it is great isn't it? You should get yourself one of these. Noelle: How about I get your number and we can have that tea party after the show? Finn Danielson: Sounds like a date. :Noelle takes Finn Danielson's phone and punches in her number before turning to leave but first looks back at him: Noelle: And maybe you can show me how to make such great abs like you have. :Noelle winks coyly at Finn Danielson before walking off: :The cameras move to the ring when "Roar" plays leading Knockouts Champion Eva Marie Armetta to come out to the booing crowd with the Knockouts Championship around her waist. Eva Marie walks down the ramp keeping her distance from the crowd yelling at her. Eva Marie walks up the steel steps holding her robe open to make sure there isn't any malfunctions. Eva Marie walks down the ring apron before stepping through the ropes over the middle rope. Eva Marie walks towards the adjacent set of ropes to retrieve a microphone: Eva Marie Armetta: I am only out here tonight because of our moronic General Manager decided to not book me for the show. I am the damn Queen of Implosion and all of you know it. I am the best thing this brand has going. The Universal Champion is just a fluke. The European Champion is a douche. The Womens European Championship is not even worth acknowledging. There is no competition for me. I've beaten Winterborn! I've beaten Kirilos on multiple occasions! I've beaten Jackson! I've beaten DLT...TWICE! I've beaten Shaw! The Sorority is afraid of me. Badstreet can't hold a candle to my success. Pope and Archor are too busy worried about the worthless Womens European Championship and getting laid for attention. And for Quinzel and May...They couldn't get out of a damn wet paper bag to save their lives. There is no one on this roster worth my time. I should go on a SKCW brand tour facing the Womens Champion, Womens World Champion, Divas Champion, and even the Goddess Champion. I am being held down on this brand. I demand competition! :"Electric Love" plays bringing Noelle out to the erupting crowd. Noelle walks to the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand: Noelle: Hey everyone! Was I missed? Hehe I missed all of you as well. It has been awhile since I've been out here in front of all of you and I have truly missed it. But anyways. I am not out here to pander to all of your lovely people. I am out here to talk to you Miss Queen of Implosion. First of all, I find Erika May to be a very lovely and talented competitor here on Implosion. One of the top Diva Search contestants from last year. But with that said, I couldn't help but hear you say that there is no competition for you here on Implosion with no one being worth your time. Well I am officially here on Implosion and it seems that you don't have an opponent for Affliction. So how about it honey? The Baby Girl of a Baby Boy versus the Queen of Implosion for the Knockouts Championship at Affliction! I'll see you there." :"Electric Love" plays as Noelle turns back around and heads through the curtain: :The cameras move to the commentators' table: James Ruffa: It looks like Noelle has set her sights on Eva Marie Armetta and her Knockouts Championship especially for Affliction. Meghan Holliday: Noelle hops from the Womens European Championship to the Knockouts Championship after taking a sabbatical from the wrestling scene. But it also looks likes she is getting chummy with our Universal Champion Finn Danielson. James Ruffa: She rubbed his belt and ave him her number. What is wrong with that? She is being friendly. Meghan Holliday: At least Noelle and Finn are on good relations while the heat between Sophia and Taylor is only intensifying. James Ruffa: Yeah. It looks like at Affliction, Taylor and Sophia will face off once again for the Womens European Championship but this time the affection of Allen DeVine is on the line. Meghan Holliday: And hopefully this will be the final encounter between the two. This rivalry has been heating up and I think it will boil over at Affliction and be the end of it completely. James Ruffa: And speaking of boiling over, lets get to tonight's main event and find out if Stanley Ryan Tiger has been able to find a partner. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Gluttony" plays bringing Double Penetration out from behind the curtain to the booing crowd with Bailee Sky close behind: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Bailee Sky. From Boston Massachusetts. Weighing in at three hundred and sixty pounds. Bret and Bryden Maddox...Double Penetration! :Double Penentration climb into the ring as Bailee Sky walks around the ringside area. "Under A Killing Moon" plays bringing Stanley Ryan Tiger out to the erupting crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And their opponents. Introducing first. From San Antonio Texas. Weighing in at three hundred and twenty-six pounds. He is the International Nightmare. Stanley Ryan Tiger! :Stanley Ryan Tiger climbs into the ring as he walks to his corner waiting for his partner to arrive. The crowd grows impatient for the mystery person as Stanley looks to be disappointed and alone when "Kaz" plays making Stanley smile. Frankie Kazarian makes his way out from the curtain the to cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his partner. From Anaheim California. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. Frankie Kazarian! :Frankie Kazarian climbs into the ring and stands in the corner with Stanley Ryan Tiger: Double Penetration w/Bailee Sky versus Stanley Ryan Tiger & Frankie Kazarian Bryden climbs out of the ring leaving Bret to represent their team as Kazarian elects Tiger to start the match. Tiger and Bret meet in the center of the ring before locking up in the center of the ring. Tiger uses his height and weight advantage pushing Bret down onto the mat. Bret looks up at Tiger before getting up and walking back to Tiger raising his arm for a test of strength. Tiger laughs before grabbing Bret's hand. Bret goes for another with the other hand and Tiger attempts to do the same but gets a punch to his ribs from Bret. Tiger drops his arm but Bret doesn't let go of Tiger's hand and pulls him in for a short arm clothesline taking him down. Bret picks Tiger up and connects with another clothesline. Bret picks Tiger up and connects with a stiff clothesline. Bret picks Tiger up and tosses him into the corner before tagging in Bryden. Bryden pulls Tiger out of the corner before he and Bret pick him up and slam him onto the mat with a double flapjack. Bret climbs out of the ring as Bryden goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... Tiger kicks out! Bryden picks up Tiger up and attempts a body slam but Tiger wiggles out and pushes Bryden forward. Bryden turns around gets a big boot from Tiger. Tiger stumbles back into the corner regaining his composure. Bryden puts a hand on his jaws shaking his head trying to shake the cob webs loose. Tiger walks out of the corner and grabs Bryden before tossing him violently into the corner. Tiger charges in and comes in with a thunderous clothesline. Bryden stumbles out of the corner before being grabbed by Tiger and slammed to the mat with a sidewalk slam. Tiger goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... Bryden kicks out! Tiger grabs Bryden's head and connects with a couple sharps elbows. Tiger gets up and lifts Bryden to his feet. Tiger whips Bryden into the corner going for another clothesline. Bret tags himself back in pulling Bryden out of the corner causing Tiger to crash into the corner. Bret climbs the turnbuckles and launches off before connecting with a middle dropkick taking Tiger off his feet. Bret picks Tiger up and connects with a huge spinebuster. Bret goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... Tiger kicks out! Bret picks Tiger up but it hit with an uppercut. Bret stumbles back as Tiger connects with a big boot before going for the tag. Kazarian reaches out as Tiger goes for the tag but Kazarian pulls his arm back and drops down from the ring apron. Tiger looks confused at Kazarian as Kazarian walks around the ring and up the ramp. Tiger keeps his attention towards Kazarian as Bret gets off the mat and Bryden climbs into the ring. Tiger turns around into a Thunder Valley variate slamming him to the mat. Bret makes the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winners: Double Penetration Leslie DiPietro: Your winners, Bret and Bryden Maddox....Double Penetration! :"Gluttony" plays as Double Penetration have their arms raised in victory by Bailee Sky. Double Penetration exit the ring and head up the ramp as Stanley Ryan Tiger begins to pull himself up with the ropes feeling the aftermath of Frankie Kazarian walking out of him. "Hail To The King" plays as Ace Hart walks out to the top of the ramp with a microphone in hand to the booing crowd:
Ace Hart: So this is Implosion. This brand is an absolute joke. Everyone on this brand are quite frankly pathetic; especially the General Manager around here. Everyone here should be damn grateful I am making myself known here and not on the far superior Overdrive!. I could be competing for the Legends Championship against the likes of Triple H but I am standing right here staring down at the supposive "savior" of Implosion being crippled by two men. A man that put his faith into a partner that walked out of him. He comes out at the beginning and gets in the face of a nobody. If he was a real man, he would have been on the front lines in combat but he just stood back and allowed his brother hold him back. You know what SRT, You are a damn coward! I am not afraid of you and I know I could and will beat you down. At Affliction, I will be walking out with the Universal Championship. Whether any of you pathetic pieces of trash fans like it or not. Finn Danielson, your days as champion are numbered. :"Hail To The King" plays as Ace Hart walks through the curtain with the fans booing and Stanley Ryan Tiger looking up in anger. Implosion slowly fades out: |