03/16/17; Bakersfield, California
:"Crack Addict" plays as a opening SKCW Highlight Video Airs: :Pyro Goes off to open up Implosion as the cameras focus on the announce team: James Ruffa: Hello and welcome to a special edition of Implosion from the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield California! I am once again sitting here with Meghan Holliday and tonight we are going to be getting some questions answered from last week hopefully.
Meghan Holliday: Last week there was some intense action and some things were said that put this brand on notice. James Ruffa: We saw the much anticipated debut of Indy Legend Ace Hart at the conclusion of the show calling out the brand especially Universal Champion Finn Danielson and Stanley Ryan Tiger. Meghan Holliday: Some people would call him crazy for calling out SRT but others don't see the threat in SRT. Ace Hart even mentioned taking the Universal Championship at Affliction but our General Manager specifically said that Ace Hart will be no where near the title. We'll see what will transpire at the Pay-Per-View. James Ruffa: Tonight we will be seeing Stanley Ryan Tiger's second challenge against Bailee Sky's Double Penetration. His first partner was his old WHW Tag Team Championship and Conspiracy partner Frankie Kazarian but he walked out without seeing a moment of the action. It is documented history that Kazarian is not friendly with SRT. So why did he come to Implosion to team with him? Meghan Holliday: Isn't it obvious? Kazaian did it to get back at SRT for becoming the star of The Conspiracy. Kazarian wanted to be and thought he deserved to be the star. So he makes "amends" with SRT to lure him in and hurt him. Now the real answer is, who will be the next person to step up? I am assuming it will be someone he can really trust. James Ruffa: The only person that we can think of that would fit that case is, his own flesh and blood, Lee J. Tiger. Meghan Holliday: But he has already stated he doesn't wrestle unless it is for the Royal Rumble. James Ruffa: We can only anticipate who could be showing up. Lets go to the ring for our first contest. :The cameras moved to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the Womens European Championship! :"Army of Me" plays bringing Kasey Winterborn out to the erupting crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. The challenger. From Chicago Illinois. Kasey Winterborn! :Kasey Winterborn climbs into the ring as "#1 Crush" plays bringing Sophia Pope out from behind the curtain with the Womens European Championship around her waist and Willow Pope closely in two to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. The champion. Being accompanied by Willow Pope. From London England. She is the Womens European Champion. Sophia Pope! :Sophia Pope climbs into the ring handing the Womens European Championship to Referee Andrea Andrews. The bell is sounded to start the contest: SKCW Womens European Championship ::||:: Kasey Winterborn versus Sophia Pope w/Willow Pope D Winner: Kasey Winterborn via Disqualification. Sophia Pope; Still Champion Leslie DiPietro: Your winner via disqualification, Kasey Winterborn! But the championship can not change hands by disqualification, so still Womens European Champion, Sophia Pope! :"Army of Me" plays as Kasey Winterborn gets her arm raised by Referee Andrea Andrews and Taylor Archor walks backwards up the ramp smiling: James Ruffa: The heat between Taylor Archor and Sophia Pope is igniting to red hot temperatures. Taylor Archor just cost Sophia Pope the match but not the championship. Meghan Holliday: Of course! Taylor knows that she can get under Sophia's skin by having her lose but keep the championship so their scheduled contest will go down. People say blondes are stupid but that is pretty witty on her end. James Ruffa: Taylor will need to sleep with one eye open and always look over her shoulder. Sophia will be waiting and looking for revenge. Meghan Holliday: Most certainly but that is how everyone in professional wrestling usually is. When you have a confrontation, you are destined for some sleepless nights. :The cameras move to the backstage area just outside the office of Implosion General Manager James E. Dangerously when Ace Hart comes into view and barges into the office: James E. Dangerously: Oh! Mister Hart. What can I... Ace Hart: Can it! You are going to decline your mega star a shot at the Universal Championship because of a technicality? James E. Dangerously: I am not granting your Universal Championship request because I already have a suitable challenger for Affliction. But I have given you a shot at earning a shot... Ace Hart: Did you just say the Mega Heel has to EARN a title match? Are you kidding?! I am the biggest star you have on this brand. I should be in the Universal Championship match. Not who ever you have scheduled. But I will be THE bigger man and I will accept your apology. James E. Dangerously: I never apologized nor do I have a reason to do so. You will be at Affliction and you will have a match. It will not be for the Universal Championship but if you win your match, you will get a shot at the championship. Ace Hart: This will be a mistake. I will win my match and I will be walking out with the Universal Championship. :Ace Hart turns and storms out of James E. Dangerously's office: :The cameras moved to outside the Womens Locker Room when Noelle walks out with her phone in hand. Noelle walks down the hall texting with a smile on her face. Noelle gets to her destination and looks up to see the arena gym and Universal Champion Finn Danielson standing outside the door: Finn Danielson: So I heard you got yourself a shot at the Knockouts Championship at Afflicition. Noelle: Yes I do. Soon enough, we'll have matching belts and matching abs. Finn Danielson: That could be true and very possible. Noelle: So. Why did you have me meet you here rather than say...a cafe or something? Finn Danielson: Well you said you wanted to have matching abs and matching belts. Noelle: Yes I did. Finn Danielson: So there is no better time than the present to make those dreams come true. Come on. Lets get you ready for your first match back to action. Noelle: Are you going to be working with me? Finn Danielson: Of course! I am not going to just stand there. Noelle: Sold! I'm in. :Finn Danielson holds the door open as Noelle walks through before looking back at the camera and mouthing "Oh my god!": :The cameras shift further down the hall where Hayley Quinzel looks to be happy and perky as she was when she first arrived on Implosion. She suddenly stops grimacing in pain holding her head leaning against wall. Bliss comes over and checks on her before Hayley grabs her and slams her into the wall. Hayley Quinzel giggles before skipping off: :The cameras go back to the commentators' table at ringside: James Ruffa: Ace Hart doesn't seem too happy about not getting an Universal Championship match at Affliction but did promise to walk out with the championship regardless of the championship match. Meghan Holliday: Our General Manager is continuing to prove he will not be bullied into people demanding anything. Ace Hart may be a big name outside of the SKCW Umbrella but here he is new just like anyone else. James Ruffa: And just moments ago, Implosion new comer Hayley Quinzel seems to got a migraine then attack Bliss before smirking and skipping off. Along with that "HayDawg" stuff from last week, something is really questionable about her. Meghan Holliday: Zoe Badstreet beat her pretty badly at Xtreme Night of Chaos with that chair. It put her into a coma and it has obviously change her personality. For the better or worse has yet to be seen. James Ruffa: We will see in just a few moments when Hayley Quinzel goes one on one with Ashley Shaw. :The cameras transition up to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The follwing contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Beg For It" plays bringing Ashley Shaw out to the erupting crowd with Keely Oliver in close tow: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Kansas City Missouri. Being accompanied by Keely Oliver. Ashley Shaw! :Ashley Shaw climbs into the ring and heads to her corner with Keely Oliver following at ringside. "Hello Kitty" plays bringing Hayley Quinzel out to the mixed crowd dressed in a long red coat and her face painted: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Winningpeg Manitoba Canada. Hayley Quinzel! :Hayley Quinzel quickly gets into the ring and snatches the microphone from Leslie DiPietro: Hayley Quinzel: I am not to be announced as Hayley Quinzel anymore! My name is HayDawg and I will be forevermore. :Referee Amanda Burns looks to both competitors before calling for the bell: Ashley Shaw w/ Keely Oliver versus "HayDawg" D Winner: "HayDawg" Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, "HayDawg" :"Hello Kitty" plays as HayDawg has her arm raised in victory before ripping her arm away and yelling at Referee Amanda Burns for touching her. HayDawg exits the ring and heads up the ramp: James Ruffa: HayDawg seems to be the alter ego of Hayley Quinzel when she gets a migraine. It seems to be a massive side effort from the medical induced coma from her injuries at Xtreme Night of Chaos. Meghan Holliday: And it has unleashed a vicious streak in her only rivaled by someone HayDawg seems to be looking up to, ShayDawg. James Ruffa: I am sure that is what happened to her. She must have been listening to a telecast of Genocide in the hospital and heard ShaywDawg talking. She must think she is a reincarnated ShayDawg. Meghan Holliday: ShayDawg is a vicious individual. We can only imagine what can be done with her spirit in a younger body. That could be a very bad thing for not only our General Manager but Implosion as a whole. :The cameras shift their attention to inside the arena gym where Noelle is in the ring breathing heavily with Finn Danielson across from her: Finn Danielson: You are doing a lot better than I suspected. Noelle: What are you talking about? Were you doubting me? Finn Danielson: Not at all. I knew you had the heart to be here; you were Womens European Champion after all. But however, you have been out of the ring for quite some time. Ring rust does surface after just a little time off. Noelle: Well I am glad you aren't doubting my abilities. Is this why we are in the ring? Finn Danielson: We are in the ring because I want to see exactly first hand how much you still got in you. Noelle: Alright. Just don't hurt me. :Finn Danielson grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it off before tossing it to the side. Noelle's eyes widen as she bites her lower lips: Noelle: Oh Well then. I guess I am getting more than I expected. :Noelle and Finn Danielson lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Noelle can't help but smile as her hand lays on Finn's shoulder: : |