08/10/17; Orlando, Florida
:"Crack Addict" plays as a opening SKCW Highlight Video Airs: :Pyro Goes off to open up Implosion as the cameras focus on the announce team: James Ruffa: Hello and welcome to Implosion right here at the Universal Orlando Resort in sunny Orlando Florida! I am sitting here with Meghan Holliday and Sammy Polo. After the success of KillShot, General Manager Dangerously has decided to keep Meghan here on the announce team from here on out. Welcome to the announce team Meghan.
Meghan Holliday: Thank you so much! I am very honored to be here every week and calling the action with the both of you. Sammy Polo: What ever you do, just stay out of my way and don't interrupt me. You did well before the Royal Rumble but now you must bring your a plus game. Meghan Holliday: Believe me, I can handle myself on the headset. Tonight we will be seeing a claimed reboot of the product. James Ruffa: That is what our General Manager said. And we will see what he is talking about. Sammy Polo: No better way to start a new era with a rightful dominant individuals holding onto the Universal and Knockouts Championships. Meghan Holliday: But on KillShot you swore up and down that our current Universal Champion is a pathetic piece of trash. Sammy Polo: And he asserted his dominance and became the man he used to be. And Eva Marie Armetta has always been the best woman in Implosion history. :"Under a Killing Moon" hits as the crowd erupts with mixed reactions towards the new Universal Champion: James Ruffa: And speaking of the new Universal Champion, Stanley Ryan Tiger is coming to the ring for some reason. Meghan Holliday: There is a lot of questions for him to be answered. Sammy Polo: He is the Universal Champion! He doesn't have to answer to anyone. :Stanley Ryan Tiger emerges from behind the curtain in a leather jacket and jeans with the Universal Championship over his shoulder and sunglasses on his face to the mixed reactions before heading down the ramp. SRT walks around the ringside area before getting a microphone and climbing into the ring. SRT adjusts the Universal Championship on his shoulder before bringing the microphone to his mouth: Stanley Ryan Tiger: What do we have here? We have one of the most controversial superstars in the history of SKCW standing here with a live microphone and a whole lot of time to kill. Now I can do what the higher up want and just talk about being Finn Danielson at the Royal Rumble and what I am about to do to whoever steps up to me. Blah blah blah. But when am I known to listen to them? James E. Dangerously brought me to Implosion because he could see what travesty it was to see me being wasted with terrible booking. You see, for all of you that don't know who I am, My name is Stanley Ryan Tiger. I am seven time World Champion here within the perimeters of this company. Record setting five time North American Champion. First ever Xtreme Champion. Only person to be inducted into the Hall of Shame, Hall of Fame, and Hall of Legends. But before all that, I was just a five year veteran on the independent circuit. Competing for lower end companies before signing with the Blood Bath franchise. In May two thousand five, I came here to much anticipation and hype. I came in and started a program with Randy Orton on Smackdown!. Soon after I entered the European Division and won the title before moving to WCW and becoming their Hardcore Champion while being the enforcer for The Conspiracy. I moved over to RAW and floundered before going back to Smackdown! and becoming a Tag Team Champion. Sent to WHW and took the Tag Team Championships before going to ECW where I was used as a low talent hack. Company shut down and re-birthed months later. Came in and took the Xtreme Championship. Battled for the North American Championship before taking going on a two year sabbatical. Came back and showed dominance before being where I am today. THAT is the story that the Hills want everyone to know and promote. But I am here to tell you the raw truth of my career here in SKCW. Lets start off during the time of my signing to SKCW, KSCWE at the time. In April of two thousand-five, I got a phone call from Stevie Hill himself wanting to set up a meeting with me after Jerome Morris expressed his interest in having me come over from Blood Bath. Now lets dive deeper into that. Stevie Hill watched Blood Bath and even attended the live shows in the Northeast towns. Stevie wanted some of Blood Bath's top talents. People like Darryn Dark, Brian Blaze, Jennifer Conners, Kaylee Adams, Akasha Reid, David Xavier Christensen, Jessica Christensen, Charlene Taylor, and myself. He eventually signed some of them but not all of them. You see, Stevie had a hatred for what Blood Bath had accomplished. People were talking about Blood Bath. People had Blood Bath on their tongues. Whether it was the original Blood Bath or Blood Bath Two or Three or Forever...People were paying attention to the Blood Bath product rather than KSCWE. So. Stevie struck a deal with Jerome Morris. Since Jerome was floundering in Blood Bath and had a bitter taste in his mouth from the lack of success, Jerome was promised unlimited success in KSCWE as long as he could bring a top star from Blood Bath to KSCWE. That top star was me. When I signed on the dotted line, I was promised success like I never imagined. What did Stevie do?! Stevie, unbeknownst to me, wanted a top star from Blood Bath not to compete but to destroy. Stevie wanted to prove to everyone that he could take a shit wrestler from Blood Bath and make them a star and that Blood Bath's elite were shit. So I got signed with the intention to job me out. I came in :The arena goes silent as Stanley Ryan Tiger smacks the top of the microphone getting irritated before throwing the microphone down climbing out of the ring heading up the ramp. The cameras return to the ringside area to the announce table: James Ruffa: It seems our Universal Champion has a chip on his shoulder regarding the minority owner Stevie Hill. Sammy Polo: You think?! What gave you that idea? Obviously Stevie has scorned our Champion for the last time I guess. Meghan Holliday: If what SRT is saying is true, he has a legit excuse to be sour. James Ruffa: We may never know because no one from the corporate ever shows up on Implosion and our General Manager cut the feed to SRT's mic. Sammy Polo: I highly doubt it was our General Manager that cut the feed. Meghan Holliday: With the accusations being thrown out, it could very well be the minority owner. James Ruffa: As the speculation thickens, lets go to our first contest of the evening. :The cameras move to Leslie DiPietro in the ring: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Gluttony" plays bringing Bailee Sky with Bret and Bryden Maddox following close behind to the crowd's deafening boos: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Bailee Sky. Weighing in at a combined weight of three hundred and sixty pounds. Bret and Bryden Maddox. Double Penetration! :Double Penetration climbs into the ring with Bailee Sky at ringside: :"The Monster's Loose" plays bringing Ron Smith out to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And their opponents. From Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. Weighing in at three hundred and thirty pounds. Ron Smith! :Ron Smith climbs into the ring and stands in the corner waiting for his partner: :"The Lion Sleeps Tonight" plays bringing Bryan Ryan Lion out to the silent crowd with a replica of the Universal Championship over his shoulder: Leslie DiPietro: And his partner. From San Antonio Texas. Weighing in at three hundred and thirty pounds. Bryan Ryan Lion! :Bryan Ryan Lion climbs into the ring and stands in the corner before handing Referee Aiden Andrews the Universal Championship replica belt. Referee Aiden Andrews takes the replica and drops it at ringside before calling for the bell: Bret and Bryden Maddox w/Bailee Sky versus Ron Smith and Bryan Ryan Lion Double Penetration immediately charge in and attack Smith and BRL. Referee Aiden Andrews tries to regain control as Double Penetration toss the big men around. Double Penetration toss Smith and BRL into the corners before plowing them over. Double Penetration lift up the two into powerbombs before colliding them together and slamming them onto the mat. Double Penetration cover their opponents. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winners: Bret and Bryden Maddox Leslie DiPietro: Your winners, Bret and Bryden Maddox, Double Peneration! :"Gluttony" plays as Bailee Sky climbs into the ring and raises the arms of Double Penetration before heading out of the ring: James Ruffa: Double Penetration made short work of the make shift team of Ron Smith and Bryan Ryan Lion. Sammy Polo: Lion spent the entire match acting as if he is the Universal Champion. Which ultimately cost him the match. Meghan Holliday: Ron Smith was not pleased with Lion's antics. In fact, it seems that Smith was actually ready to walk out of the match but decided not to. Sammy Polo: Smith is a tool. A dumb bafoon just like Lion. The only true monster on this brand is our Universal Champion. James Ruffa: I am sure the rest of the roster would disagree. :The cameras move to the General Manager's office where James E. Dangerously just hung up the phone when Stanley Ryan Tiger bursts through the oor angerly: Stanley Ryan Tiger: What the hell was that shit earlier?! James E. Dangerously: I don't have a single idea what you are referring to. Stanley Ryan Tiger: You know EXACTLY what I am talking about! You cut my fucking mic! You have grown soft since the last time I worked with you. James E. Dangerously: Let to me you ungrateful neanderthal! I didn't cut your god damn mic! I could careless what the hell you do in that ring as long as you bring in ratings. You are one of the most controversial stars in SKCW. You doing shit that could be offensive comes with the territory. You want a live mic? I am not going to stop you. Stanley Ryan Tiger: You better not! You and the rest of the world want to hear what I have to say. :Stanley Ryan Tiger exits the room as the cameras move to the Womens Locker Room where Taylor Archor is getting ready when The Sorority walks into the room: Alice Creed: Well well well. Look who we have here. It looks like we have a poor innocent little brat all alone. :Taylor Archor looks up at the three girls unamused: Taylor Archor: What do you three want? Rebecca Cunningham: You got a match with our raven haired lovely later tonight. And we just wanted to make sure you aren't going to chicken out. :Taylor Archor shifted her glance towards Amberly: Taylor Archor: You honestly think I'm not going to show up tonight? :Amberly subtly shakes her head no before Taylor Archor looks back to Alice Creed: Taylor Archor: There you go. Now you can leave. I will be there tonight. Now if you will excuse me... :Taylor Archor stands up and pushes past The Sorority: Taylor Archor: I got a match to get ready for. :The Sorority turns towards Taylor Archor as she walks out. Alice Creed motions for them to follow suit. Rina Kirilos walks out of the shower area and grabs Amberly's wrist as soon as Rebecca and Alice close the door. Amberly quickly turns around and gets wide eyed seeing Rina standing there. Amberly looks to get paniced before Rina smiled and quickly grabbed Amberly's face and kissing her before going back into the shower area. Alice and Rebecca open the locker room door looking at Amberly: Alice Creed: You coming... Rebecca Cunningham: or are you going to flick the bean on her clothes? :Amberly quickly snaps out of it turns to the locker room and proceeds to head out of the room: :The cameras move back to the ringside area to the announce table: James Ruffa: Looks like our General Manager isn't the one that cut our Universal Championship mic feed earlier. Sammy Polo: He could be lying to save his ass from getting killed. Meghan Holliday: Stanley isn't that stupid. I am sure he wouldn't harm the General Manager; no matter how pissed he may get. James Ruffa: It also seems that the relationship between Rina Kirilos and Amberly has really became confusing. Meghan Holliday: You can say that again. Amberly has been trying to protect Rina from The Sorority and now Rina seems to show her appreciation. Sammy Polo: It seems that Rina may have taken the "protecting" into a different direction. James Ruffa: I'm sure we'll find out in do time I am sure. Lets get back to the action with this big triple threat match. :The cameras move to Leslie DiPietro in the ring: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Beg For It" plays bringing out Ashley Shaw alongside Keeley Oliver to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Keeley Oliver. From Kansas City Missouri. Ashley Shaw! :Ashley Shaw climbs into the ring and walks to her designated corner: :"Warrior" plays bringing out Kasey Winterborn to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Chicago Illinois. Kasey Winterborn! :Kasey Winterborn climbs into the ring and walks to her designated corner: :"#1 Crush" plays bringing out Sophia Pope alongside Willow Pope to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And their opponent. Being accompanied by Willow Pope. From London England. The SKCW Womens European Champion. Sophia Pope! :Sophia Pope climbs into the ring before handing Allison Silver the SKCW Womens European Championship and going into an empty corner. Allison Silver calls for the bell: Ashley Shaw w/Keeley Oliver versus Kasey Winterborn versus Sophia Pope w/Willow Pope Shaw, Pope, and Winterborn look at each other from across the ring before Shaw and Winterborn turn towards Pope. Winterborn and Shaw begin to head towards as Pope slides out of the ring with her hands up before motioning for them to fight each other. Shaw and Winterborn look to each other before shaking hands before locking up in a collar and elbow tie up. Winterborn and Shaw begin to jock for position as Pope slides into the ring and attacks both women. Pope knocks Winterborn down before taking down Shaw. Pope goes over to Winterborn as she is getting up and kicks her in the ribs to keep her down. Pope picks Shaw up and connects with a stiff uppercut knocking her down. Pope sets up Shaw for the Union Jack when "Blank Space" plays causing Pope to toss Shaw aside. Archor walks to the top of the ramp as Pope calls for Archor to come closer. Winterborn walks up behind Pope and tosses her onto the mat off the middle rope causing Pope's head to bounce off the mat. Winterborn grabs Pope's legs and locks in Lockdown. Pope reaches for the ropes but can't get enough strength to get her finger tips on the ropes. Pope is forced to tap out! Winner: Kasey Winterborn Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, Kasey Winterborn! :"Warrior" plays as Allison Silver raises Kasey Winterborn's arm in victory. Kasey ascends the second rope celebrating with erupting crowd: James Ruffa: Kasey Winterborn has made the SKCW Womens European Champion tap out! Meghan Holliday: With the distraction from Taylor Archor. Sammy Polo: Taylor Archor is just jealous of the attention Sophia Pope has been getting since she has come to Implosion and took the SKCW Womens European Championship. Meghan Holliday: I don't believe Taylor Archor is jealous. Archor just wants the SKCW Womens European Championship back or even a shot at the SKCW Knockouts Championship. Sammy Polo: Oh please! Taylor has been wanting to be Sophia since forever. Jealous is bubbling over with this one. :The cameras move to the backstage area where Crystal Fairweather is standing with Bryan Ryan Lion with his Universal Championship replica over his shoulder: Crystal Fairweather: Crystal Fairweather standing here with Bryan Ryan Lion. Bryan Ryan Lion: Excuse me! I am the Universal Champion! Don't you see the championship over my shoulder?! Crystal Fairweather: Sure you are. What did you want? Bryan Ryan Lion: The Universal Champion should be front and center of every show. This is why this brand is in the shape that it is! Disrespect for the rightful champion! Crystal Fairweather: Fine! I'll bite. How do you feel about your lose to Double Penetration? Bryan Ryan Lion: The champion got a crappy partner. I will take down Double Penetration next week. Because I am the greatest in all of the world. :Bryan Ryan Lion looks off screen as Stanley Ryan Tiger walks into scene and takes off his sunglasses: Bryan Ryan Lion: I am tired of this disrespect! :Bryan Ryan Lion walks off as Crystal Fairweather turns her attention to Stanley Ryan Tiger moments before he gestures for the microphone. Crystal hands it over before walking off: Stanley Ryan Tiger: Jerome Morris was that shit wrestler that was pushed to the moon while I was that Blood Bath Elite that Stevie decided to torment. I came in and faced Randy Orton for the services of Stephanie McMahon for a week. Randy Orton got himself disqualified because he couldn't handle being in the ring with someone more superior than him. Now he will say he got himself disqualified for a itle shot but that is bullshit. Now here comes the real killer when it comes down to Stevie. He absolutely hates that I have been able to come in and make a big splash; not only with the locker room and fans but with the women. I joined The Heartbreakerz with Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty. I started dating a lovely woman named Shannon Michaels, the daughter of Shawn. Now many of you would know her better as Overdrive!'s ring announcer Miss Shannon. Now Stevie...Stevie didn't like that I was able to woo the Smackdown! ring announcer. So he sent her away breaking off the relationship. Then I began raise in the ranks and even taking the European Championship before yet again...being disciplined for having a love life. As soon as I started seeing Skylar Thomas, Stevie had Hulk Hogan take the European Championship from me before sending Skylar and I to WCW and telling us to not see each other anymore. I started being managed by Holly Matthews with her Conspiracy stable. I dominated the Hardcore Championship scene before WCW was closed and replaced with RAW. I went down to WHW for two weeks before coming to RAW and proved exactly what Stevie had in line for me. I showed up on RAW and was shown that RAW is like the Overdrive! of today; over run with over washed up talent that need to step aside for the new blood. I called out Billy Gunn, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, and Triple H on this garbage. What did I get out of this? Stevie booked Triple H versus me...lumberjack match. I didn't get a move in edge wise because Stevie ordered the RAW roster to jump me as soon as the bell sounded. Triple H hit his Pedigree then pinned me before the entre RAW roster tossed me into a dumpster firing me. I went back to Smackdown! where I was met by Tapanga Britt. Oh did Stevie not like that at all. Stevie fired Tapanga and sent me through the shitter for months. I met Debra on Smackdown! and Stevie took it upon himself to run not only my but her career through the shitter. Sending us down to ECW to decay as KSCWE died out. Stevie truly showed how he treats his real tal :Stanley Ryan Tiger continues to talk but nothing is audible. Stanley aggressively smacks the top of the microphone before tossing it aside. Stanley points to the camera am mouths what looks to be an aggressive threat before storming off: :The cameras move to the parking garage where Sophia and Willow Pope are seen heading towards a car with their bags in tow: Sophia Pope: I can't believe that bitch decided to interfere in MY match. Who the hell does she think she is?! Willow Pope: She thinks since she was able to attack you that ONE time that she can do what she wants. Sophia Pope: She was lucky that one time and she got hurt. And that bitch will get hurt again. Willow Pope: She is just jealous that you are the Womens European Champion and have Allen DeVine wrapped around your finger. Sophia Pope: Allen DeVine.... I'll be right back sis. :Sophia Pope tosses her bag into the car and heads back towards the arena: :The cameras move back to the ringside area to the announce table: James Ruffa: It seems Stanley is still having his mics cut. And with our General Manager saying he isn't doing it. Sammy Polo: Who else could it be? Our General Manager is the only one able to do it and he lied to keep his body unharmed. Meghan Holliday: As farfetched as it may seem, it could very well be Stevie Hill himself doing it. Sammy Polo: It is well known that Stevie and Scott Hill don't pay any mind to the fourth and smaller brands. hey just tell the General Manager who can and connot be World Champions because of it "reflecting" on this company negatively. Meghan Holliday: The production crew could have sent word to Stevie about what Stanley is doing and Stevie Hill has been sending word to cut the mics. Sammy Polo: I doubt it would be Stevie Hill but anything can happen in SKCW. James Ruffa: It also looks like Sophia is feeling wronged. But instead of having problems with management it is with fellow competitor and long time rival, Taylor Archor. Sammy Polo: She has all right to be. Taylor Archor came down to the ringside area and cost Sophia Pope the match. Meghan Holliday: I can't rightfully defend Taylor but I can say that Sophia has been attacking her in and out of the ring. Sammy Polo: Sophia was just proving how much of an act Taylor's goody goody attitude is. She is a horny little ring rat. Meghan Holliday: Oh my god Sammy! How dare you speak like that about a former Womens European Champion?! Sammy Polo: I stand by what I said. James Ruffa: While we sort out what just happen, lets go to the ring for a huge heavyweight clash. :The cameras move to Leslie DiPietro in the ring: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Hail to the King" playing bringing Ace Hart out to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From San Antonio Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty-five pounds. Ace Hart! :Ace Hart struts down the ramp and climbs into the ring: :"Broken Out In Love" plays bringing Father Vandenburg and Manifest Destiny closely behind to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. Being accompanied by Father Vandenburg. From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at three hundred and fifty pounds. Manifest Destiny! :Manifest Destiny climbs into the ring with Father Vandenburg on the ring apron. Referee Billy Sanders checks the competitors before calling for the bell: Ace Hart versus Manifest Destiny w/Father Vandenburg As Destiny has his back to Hart listening to Vandenburg, Hart charges in and clubs Destiny in the back of the head. Hart whips Destiny into the ropes and connects with a big boot taking him down. Hart quickly locks Destiny into a Sharpshooter as Destiny is stuck in the center of the ring. Destiny has no choice but to tap out. Winner: Ace Hart Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, Ace Hart! :"Hail to the King" plays as Referee Billy Sanders goes to raise Ace Hart's arm but Ace threatens to hit Referee Billy Sanders. Ace holds his arm up before struting around the ring and up the ramp: James Ruffa: Ace Hart shows that the hype he came in with was correct. Sammy Polo: Of course it was! He is one of the top men on this brand and he will be battling for the Universal Championship in the near future. Meghan Holliday: With how Stanley is acting, it may be sooner than later. But I do agree, if he can impress our General Manager. Sammy Polo: If Ace doesn't get a title shot in the near future, then we know that our General Manager is holding his down. Meghan Holliday: I am sure that the former champion, Finn Danielson, gets the first shot. Sammy Polo: Danielson is a punk that got his ass handed to him at the Rumble. So he is long gone. Meghan Holliday: Finn Danielson has been in this industry for over a decade; I am sure he will be back and better than ever. :The cameras move to the backstage area where Johnny Huffman is standing outside the Women's Locker Room: Johnny Huffman: Johnny Huffman standing here outside the Women's Locker Room waiting on our very dominant Knockouts Champion. :Moments later, Eva Marie Armetta walks out of the Women's Locker Room with the Knockouts Championship around her waist: Johnny Huffman: Miss Armetta! After your successful title defense against Hayley Quinzel at the Royal Rumble, what is next for you? Eva Marie Armetta: Hayley Quinzel tried to cheat your way into taking my championship away from me but she failed. That bitch is still owed an ass kicking for spraying that disgusting mist on my gorgeous face. I want new competition. Someone like Ashley Shaw, Erika May, or even the Womens European Champion Sophia Pope. Not those old never has been like Debra Lynn Tiger. Johnny Huffman: How do you feel about Zoe Badstreet and Kennedy Jackson going to Genocide and Overdrive! respectively while you are still here? Eva Marie Armetta: Good riddance to them! They weren't competition to me what so ever. They needed to leave Implosion just to actually have a chance at being a champion. I am the best thing to ever come to Implosion. How do I feel about being here? I love it! I am the big fish in the small pond. I face the same people over and over again but it proves I am the very best. If someone wants to come to Implosion and challenge me, then I am up for the challenge. Give me the Women's World or Womens or Divas Champion. I will beat them all. Johnny Huffman: What do you think of the recent actions of Stanley Ryan Tiger over the night? Eva Marie Armetta: What do I care?! Are you asking because him and my brother don't get along? Tiger is a tool but if what he claiming is true, then I find his actions just. Now. If you are done wasting my time, I go important errands to run. :Eva Marie Armetta walks off leaving Johnny Huffman outside the Women's Locker Room door: :The cameras move further down the hall landing on Debra Lynn Tiger walking with Erika May: Debra Lynn Tiger: Your progression here is going quite well. I am sure you will be ready to compete on your own in the very near future. Erika May: Oh thank you so much Miss Tiger! It means a lot to be hearing that come from a seasoned veteran like yourself. Debra Lynn Tiger: The other trainee was really holding you back but I am glad you have really taken this seriously even with The Sorority messing with you and attacking you in the past. Erika May: Rebecca of all people knows what it is like to be in this company after being in the Diva Search competition. Debra Lynn Tiger: She is under Alice's influence. So she isn't like she used to be. I don't know what Alice has done to her but it has changed her. Erika May: It seems that this is linked to you. Debra Lynn Tiger: What are you getting at? Erika May: Well lets see. Rebecca used to be a friend of your's and is now on the side of evil. The same with Alice. And Amberly... we all know how you and Anastasia are. Debra Lynn Tiger: You better watch where you are going with this. Erika May: I am not accusing you of anything. But are jumping to conclusions and being defensive. I appreciate your help tonight. I am going to go it alone for the rest of the night. :Erika May pats Debra Lynn Tiger's shoulder before walking off leaving Debra standing in bewilderment: |