07/30/15; Orlando, Florida
:"Crack Addict" plays as Implosion returns from commercial break: :The cameras focus on the announce team: James Ruffa: Welcome back to Implosion on the SKCW Network. In case you are just tuning in, Chris Kleen has advanced to the main event of Showdown of Dreams with a chance at becoming the International Champion and Marisa Turner has advanced to Showdown of Dreams for the Divas Championship. Sammy Polo: With only two matches so far on the books, we has seen some great action and we will be going back to the ring right now for another International Championship qualifying contest. :The cameras move to the ring to see Leslie DiPietro waiting to do the introductions: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and the winner will fill the second spot in the main event of Showdown of Dreams for the International Championship. :"Adrenaline" plays as the crowd boos when Allen DeVine walks out from behind the curtain: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Spartanburg South Carolina. Weighing in at two hundred and seventeen pounds. He is the Show Off. Allen DeVine! James Ruffa: The former SKCW Champion is looking to get a shot at the International Championship at Showdown of Dreams. So far Chris Kleen has advanced, will The Show Off be the second? Sammy Polo: I wouldn't count out his opponent quite yet. He hasn't had the opportunity that he is getting tonight. We could see a whole new person. :Allen DeVine leaps over the top rope and into the ring as "Canadian National Anthem" plays and the crowd erupts in cheers when Notorious Hitman walks out from the curtain: Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty pounds. Notorious Hitman! James Ruffa: Notorious Hitman looks to cause another upset tonight and get passed The Show Off. I don't know if that could happen. Sammy Polo: I am sure it could and tonight we will find out. Notorious Hitman has never been put into this situation before. So tonight, we will see if he has what it takes to be the best. :Notorious Hitman climbs into the ring as the bell is sounded: Allen DeVine versus Notorious Hitman Hitman goes for the sportsmanship opening handshake as DeVine looks to return the gesture but pulls his hand back and slides it through his hair much to the crowds disapproval before kicking Hitman in the gut. DeVine quickly laces Hitman up and connects with a snap suplex but holds onto the hold. DeVine swivels his hips and picks Hitman up again and lifts up Hitman into a stalling vertical suplex. DeVine does a couple squats before falling back to complete the suplex but continues holding on. DeVine swivels his hips again and picks Hitman up. DeVine lifts Hitman up again and it looks to be another stalling suplex but DeVine quickly drops down with a brainbuster releasing his grip. DeVine hops up and taunts the crowd with thunderous boos. DeVine picks up the groggy Hitman and locks in the Perfect Lock. Hitman looks to be out. The referee goes to call for the bell but DeVine releases the hold. DeVine yells out that he isn't done and picks up Hitman before pointing to the camera saying "This is for you Thunder Boy" then positioning Hitman for The Ravishing Effect. DeVine connects and goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3!
Winner: Allen DeVine Leslie DiPietro: Your winner. The Show Off, Allen DeVine! :"Adrenaline" plays again as Allen DeVine poses for the crowd and motions that he will be the next champion: James Ruffa: The Show Off has overcome Notorious Hitman and proved his dominance. Sammy Polo: He even gone out of his way to call out the former SKCW Impact Champion, Bryan Williams, not only during his match but during an appearance before tonight. I don't know what he has against him. James Ruffa: Maybe we will find out soon because we have Johnny Huffman in the back with Bryan Williams. Lets go to him. :Backstage Area: :The cameras move to the backstage area where Johnny Huffman is standing with Bryan Williams: Johnny Huffman: I am standing here with former SKCW Impact Champion, Bryan Williams, who has finally after a nine year absence. What brought you back to SKCW after all these years? Bryan Williams: After spending six years on the independent scene, I decided to seek other ventures taking a three year hiatus. After deciding to come back to pro wrestling, I got a phone call from my agent telling me to call James E. Dangerously at SKCW Headquarters. I thought it was a joke at first. I laughed it off and just went about my business. A couple days later I got a call from my agent again asking if I contacted SKCW yet. I was speechless that SKCW actually was contacting me. I called James E. Dangerously and here I am. Johnny Huffman: Over the last week we have been hearing from The Show Off Allen DeVine basically discrediting you. Telling people that your credibility is nothing at all. Is there any kind of history between you two? Bryan Williams: I have never met the guy in my life. I have no clue where his information is coming from but I am beginning to believe that he is talking all this shit about me because he is threatened by me. He is threatened that I am going to take his so called "spot". So to respond to him. If you want to step into the ring with me, I am right here. Johnny Huffman: Back to you at ringside. :The cameras move back to the ringside area: James Ruffa: It looks like Bryan Williams has thrown down the gauntlet and challenged Allen DeVine to a match. Now we just got to see if DeVine will accept the challenge. Sammy Polo: Allen DeVine doesn't back down from a fight and I am sure we will be hearing from him in a short time. But first, lets get back to the ring for the much anticipated Toxic Pool Party. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is waiting to do introductions: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and the only way to win is to throw your opponent into the pool. :"My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark(Light Em Up)" plays as the fans boo at the appearance of Harlee Lambert heading for the ramp: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Paris France. Harlee Lambert! James Ruffa: This will be Harlee's official first match. Period. Lets hope it will be a successful encounter. Sammy Polo: It is not hard. You throw your opponent into the pool to win. It is a strength game. Not a wrestling game. :Harlee Lambert climbs into the ring as "Snow White Queen" plays to a chorus of boos for Rebecca Cunningham making her way to the ring: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Atlanta Georgia. Rebecca Cunningham! James Ruffa: Rebecca is not a competitor either. Both women came from the Diva Search. Rebecca went into announcing while Harlee went into managing. I don't think either one of them has the advantage. Sammy Polo: This match was booked as a filler and to excite the male audience to kick off a new season of Implosion. I am certainly looking forward to the match. :Rebecca Cunningham climbs into the ring as the bell sounds: Harlee Lambert versus Rebecca Cunningham - Toxic Pool Party Lambert and Cunningham stand across the ring from each other. Neither woman has had an official match and both women started their careers in the Diva Search. As Lambert and Cunningham circle the ring looking for an opportunity to strike, the fans turn against the match booing the competitors. Lambert and Cunningham lock up in a sloppy collar and elbow tie up as the fans boo even louder for the match. Lambert and Cunningham break off the hold before looking around the booing crowd. Lambert and Cunningham shrug before locking up in another collar and elbow tie up but this time a more solid one. Cunningham quickly drops down and sends Lambert crashing over her with an arm drag. Lambert and Cunningham roll back to their feet staring each other down. Lambert comes at Cunningham but it taken down with another arm drag. Cunningham holds on to the arm and cinches in a kneeling arm bar. Lambert yells out in pain as Cunningham tightens the arm bar. Cunningham lets go of the arm bar and stands up before putting a boot to Lambert's side. Cunningham laughs before wiping her hands on her pants before climbing out of the ring much to the fans' dismay. Cunningham says to herself "I don't need this" as she heads up the ramp. Lambert rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp after Cunningham. Cunningham reaches the top of the ramp and turns around to be nailed by a shot from Lambert. Cunningham is rocked by the shot. Lambert and Cunningham begin to exchange blows heading down the ramp before Lambert kicks Cunningham in the gut then pushes her off the ramp. Lambert hops down and picks up Cunningham. Cunningham tosses Lambert's arms off her and begins to fight back as them begin to head for the pool. Lambert backs Cunningham to the pool and looks to push her in but Cunningham fights her off. Lambert kicks Cunningham in the gut and reaches into her cleavage for the brass knuckles Palmer uses but Cunningham swats them out of her hand and looks for the Atlanta DDT. Lambert pulls away and hits the Irresistible on Cunningham. Cunningham falls back into the pool getting covered in the green substance.
Winner: Harlee Lambert Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, Harlee Lambert! James Ruffa: These women started off the match with a terrible showing but they shocked the world by actually knowing how to brawl and wrestle for the most part. Sammy Polo: It is a shame they were in wrestling gear unlike the traditional bikini pool parties we are known to see. But I have got to wonder just what that green slime is. James Ruffa: I have no notes about it. So I hope it is not as toxic as the name suggests. Sammy Polo: I agree. Neither woman are liked very well but neither one deserves to be tossed into toxic waste. :Divas Locker Room: :Amberly is getting ready to leave Universal Studios when Noelle jumps into the frame behind Amberly: Amberly: Can I help you? Noelle: Of course. I am Noelle. I signed here last week. Amberly: I am Amberly. It is a pleasure to meet you but I got... Noelle: I know who you are. You have a sister that shouldn't be talked about. But most importantly. I heard you are looking for a new Bestie. I saw earlier that Marisa and Alice weren't very good besties for you. Rina dropped the ball as a bestie. Amberly: And what makes you think that you would be a better bestie? Noelle: I am just like you. Just blonde and taller. I am sure we would be the best of besties. Amberly: You got one shot kid. We can be besties. But you better not be like Rina. Noelle: Oh no. I am far from Rina. I'll let you go. We'll be seeing each other soon enough. :Noelle jumps for glee having a new bestie before hugging Amberly and running off. Amberly watches Noelle leave shaking her head before leaving the locker room: :Backstage Area: :Alice Creed is seen standing with Rebecca Cunningham: Alice Creed: I can't believe that I lost to that...nobody! Rebecca Cunningham: It was a fluke my Snow White Queen. You will be at the top in not time. In fact, I know it will be soon enough. Alice Creed: Tonight. My nemesis is getting the same chance I did. And I will make sure of that it slips through her fingers too. If I can't have it, she sure as hell isn't going to get it. :Alice Creed smiles before walking away leaving Rebecca trailing behind: :The cameras move back to the ringside area: James Ruffa: It looks like Noelle finally met Amberly tonight. Sammy Polo: And it looks like they became quick besties as well. I am not too sure about the outcome of this. James Ruffa: Alice Creed looks to cost someone their match tonight. And I wonder who that could be. Sammy Polo: We all know who it is. I just hope she does too. James Ruffa: Lets get to the ring with the final qualifying match to see who will be going to Showdown of Dreams for the International Championship. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing waiting to do the introductions: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the final qualifier for the main event of Showdown of Dreams for the International Championship. :"Broken Out in Love" plays as Father Vandenburg walks out from behind the curtain with Manifest Destiny in tow to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Father Vandenburg. From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at three hundred and fifty pounds. Manifest Destiny! James Ruffa: This duo is beyond terrifying. The last time we saw them, they threw a man in a burning dumpster. Sammy Polo: And tonight we got a a man with his brother looking to take down the monster. :Manifest Destiny climbs into the ring as "A Guy Walks Into A Bar" plays leading Seth Grey through the curtain with his brother in tow: Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. Being accompanied by Roman Grey. From New York City. Weighing in at two hundred and seventeen pounds. Seth Grey! James Ruffa: Seth Grey has a big fight ahead of him. Even with his brother, I know this will be a hard fight. Sammy Polo: Tonight we will find out the final participant for the International Championship. :Seth Grey climbs into the ring as the bell sounds: Manifest Destiny w/Father Vandenburg versus Seth Grey w/Roman Grey Grey charges towards Destiny for the first attack and connects with a forearm shot to the head. Destiny shrugs it off and tosses Grey across the ring. Grey hits the mat and rolls into the corner. Grey gets up and gets into a collar and elbow tie up with Destiny but Destiny pushes Grey back into the ropes and grabs Grey as he is charging back connecting with a Doom's Day. Destiny goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3!
Winner: Manifest Destiny Leslie DiPietro: Your winner, Manifest Destiny! :"Broken Out in Love" plays again as the fans are stunned by the speed of the match. Manifest Destiny and Father Vandenburg leave the ring: James Ruffa: Manifest Destiny made short work of Seth Grey. Sammy Polo: Mere seconds into the match, Manifest Destiny dropped Seth Grey and showed the most dominance out of everyone so far. James Ruffa: The main event has been finalized. Allen DeVine versus Chris Kleen versus Manifest Destiny for the International Championship at Showdown of Dreams. Good luck to all the competitors. Sammy Polo: Lets go to a quick commercial break and when we come back, we will be finding out the next woman to qualify for the Divas Championship. :The cameras to commercial break: |