11/01/15; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
:"Right Here, Right Now" plays as the cameras return to the arena spanning the audience: :The cameras move to the announce table: James Ruffa: Chris Kleen is not at all worried about Allen DeVine or Manifest Destiny tonight. Sammy Polo: We haven't heard from Manifest Destiny or Father Vandenburg yet. Manifest Destiny and Father Vandenburg hide in the shadows and only show up when he opportunity is right. I have a feeling tonight that we will be hearing from them and hearing what they have planned for the Implosion roster. James Ruffa: Manifest Destiny is sure a force to be reckoned with but he does get distracted by Father Vandenburg often which leads to his loses. He has captured the WHW World Heavyweight Championship once before but tonight is going to be a bigger feat to accomplish. But enough about our main event for the time being. Sammy Polo: That's right! We still have the Divas Championship, Womens European Championship, finding out the number one contender for the International Championship, and the grueling final chapter of Debra Lynn Tiger and Alice Creed. James Ruffa: And up next we have the Womens European Championship being decided between Kennedy Jackson, Noelle, and Temptra. This is going to show that some of the top divas in this company are right here in Implosion. Sammy Polo: Kennedy Jackson was in the running for the Divas Championship and has already stated that she is not interested in being Womens European Champion but wanting Zoe Badstreet for the Divas Championship. James Ruffa: Noelle has been on a role since coming to Implosion and is looking to take the championship and catapult herself into the upper tier of the divas division. While Temptra is looking to add a championship to her lengthy career. Sammy Polo: Lets go to the ring with Leslie DiPietro for the match that is about to begin. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a triple threat match for the Womens' European Championship! :"Radioactive" plays as Kennedy Jackson walks out to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Boise Idaho. Kennedy Jackson! James Ruffa: Kennedy Jackson is ready for this match but it not here for the championship but more here for bragging rights. Kennedy wants not only the Divas Championship but wants to prove Zoe Badstreet is not the best on Implosion. Sammy Polo: Kennedy Jackson has a lot to prove. In the qualifying match for the Divas Championship match, Zoe and Kennedy fought tooth and nail for the opportunity but Zoe came out on top. :Kennedy Jackson climbs into the ring as "Electric Love" plays bringing Noelle out to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Long Island New York. Noelle! James Ruffa: Noelle has been making a scene here on Implosion since coming into SKCW. Whether she is in a heated deal with Allen DeVine and Harry The Hitman or her little "besties" relationship with Ambely. Sammy Polo: There is not a lot of people are really liking her success lately. Some think she is getting into this position because of her looks. Or she is doing something with upper management. :Noelle climbs into the ring as "This Is Why Im Hot" plays bringing Temptra out to the mixed crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And their opponent. From Long Beach California. Temptra! James Ruffa: Temptra has been with the company for eight years now and hasn't accomplished anything to remember her for. Tonight is going to be her opportunity to change all that and make a real name for herself. Sammy Polo: She is starting to become irrelevant to the fans and the upper management. So I would really hope she will take this time and opportunity and make it worth while. :Temptra climbs into the ring as the bell sounds: 
Jackson, Noelle, and Temptra walk to the center of the ring as the Womens' European Championship is shown to them before handed off. Jackson begins the assault by attacking both Noelle and Temptra. Jackson shows her dominance in her assault. Jackson tosses Temptra across the ring and takes Noelle down with an arm drag and proceeded into an arm bar. Noelle reaches out for the ropes but Jackson doesn't budge. Noelle attempts to roll over to her side to relieve some of the pressure and to give her leverage for getting back up but Jackson notices this and pulls Noelle in closer. Temptra climbs back into the ring and connects with a double ax handle to the back of Jackson's neck forcing her to lose her grip on Noelle. Temptra begins to put the boots to Jackson as she gets back up. Jackson grabs Temptra and tosses her across the ring again. Jackson begins to walk towards Temptra before grabbing her and tossing her into a corner and repeatedly connects with hard chops to the chest. Noelle gets back to her feet and shakes out her arm before walking over to Jackson and turns her around. Noelle slaps Jackson before backing off and out of the ring. Jackson puts her hands to her face before sliding out of the ring in pursuit of Noelle. Jackson chases Noelle around the ring before Noelle connects with a dropkick to the knee sending Jackson face first into the steel steps. Noelle quickly gets back into the ring and looks down at Jackson holding her face. Noelle grabs the top rope and prepares herself before launching herself over as Jackson stands up. Noelle takes Jackson down with a plancha before getting up and rolling back into the ring. Noelle lifts Temptra back up in the corner before licking her hand and connecting with a hard slap to the chest. Temptra holds her chest in pain. Noelle backs up allowing Temptra to stumble out of the corner before Noelle grabs Temptra attempting the Body Electric but Jackson slides into the ring and pulls Noelle out of the way. Jackson grabs Temptra and hits the Say Goodbye. Jackson gets up and grabs Noelle attempting the Unhinged but Noelle twists out and hits Jackson the Cracked Crystals knocking her out of the ring before looking over Temptra beginning to get up off the mat. Noelle walks up to Temptra and connects with the Cracked Crystals. Noelle quickly makes the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Noelle; New Womens European Champion Leslie DiPietro: Your winner and the NEW Womens European Champion, Noelle! :"Electric Love" plays again as Noelle is handed the Womens' European Championship as she is in tears: James Ruffa: Noelle has achieved one of her dreams and has won the Womens' European Championship in a grueling match and becomes, for right now, THE diva of Implosion. Sammy Polo: Kennedy Jackson looked to have taken the championship but one small opportunity from Noelle cost her the title. :Noelle holds the title up with tears in her eyes as "Blank Space" plays and Noelle quickly turns to the stage watching Taylor Archor heading down the ramp: James Ruffa: What is Taylor Archor doing out here ruining Noelle's moment? Sammy Polo: Taylor said earlier tonight that Noelle will see her again tonight. And there she is. :Taylor Archor climbs into the ring applauding Noelle. Taylor walks up to Noelle and raises her arm in victory before telling her that the championship will be her's soon enough. Taylor climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp leaving Noelle in a confused state: James Ruffa: Taylor Archor came out here and she did the right thing and showed good sportsmanship by raising Noelle's arm in victory. It could have gotten a lot worse. Sammy Polo: She should have attacked Noelle like we all thought she was going to. You don't show dominance or intimidation by showing class. She missed her opportunity to be remembered. James Ruffa: What are you talking about?! Taylor came out here and could have very well attacked Noelle but showed the class to formally express her desire to challenge her. Sammy Polo: Like I said, the only way to get ahead is with violence. Taylor should have attacked Noelle and beaten her down. It is the only way to prove you mean business. :The cameras begin to crackle and static comes over the air waves as Father Vandenburg is seen in a dark room with Manifest Destiny behind him: Father Vandenburg: Hello boys and girls! Creatures of the night. My creature Manifest Destiny will be coming out of the shadows and will be walking into the next Implosion with the International Championship around his waist. My creature will not be stopped. Harry The Hitman was lucky to walk away as the victor. He will not go unpunished for his crimes. My creature will go out there and he will dismantle the so called Show Off and that wanna be Lone Wolf. The International Championship will be coming into my custody and that is where it is going to stay for the foreseeable future. No one on this roster is bigger, badder, or meaner than my creature. Tonight will be the day of reckoning for all off Implosion and SKCW. Enjoy your wholesome lives while you can. The darkness and the Faces of Fear will soon consume you all. :Father Vandenburg starts to laugh as the cameras begin to be consumed with static again: :The cameras go to the Divas Locker Room where Amberly is seen packing up her stuff to leave the arena when Noelle comes bursting in with the Womens European Championship in hand: Noelle: OH MY GOD BESTIE! I WON IT! Amberly: Oh umm congrats Noelle. I am glad to hear you won. Noelle: Don't be so modest. You won the number one contendership for the Divas Championship. That means you are the first person to compete for a shot at the champion at the next big event. Amberly: You got that right. Noelle: That means soon the Bestie Bombshells will have all of the gold. Amberly: Oh yeah umm sure I guess. Noelle: Where are you going in such a hurry? Amberly: The next event. Better get out sooner than later. Noelle: Oh no Bestie! You need to stay here and come celebrate with me and Harry. After all, soon he will be the number one contender for the International Championship and all three of us will be having gold. Amberly: No I really better be going. It is a nice offer though. Noelle: Nonsense! You are staying here and celebrating with us. :Noelle begins to unpack Amberly's bag as Amberly doesn't look too pleased but just goes with it: :The cameras move to James E. Dangerously's Office as Lee J. Tiger is seen talking with the General Manager: Lee J. Tiger: She may have been cleared to generally compete but what the Trainer told me is really concerning me about her competing. James E. Dangerously: If she is willing to compete and she is cleared, then she will be facing Alice Creed tonight. Lee J. Tiger: I will keeping a close eye on the match though. I don't find it right for her to be in the ring. James E. Dangerously: If you interrupt the match or cause it end prematurely, then I will make sure you are off Implosion and out of SKCW completely. You understand me? Lee J. Tiger: Yes sir. James E. Dangerously: Good! Now get out of my office and go do your job. :Lee J. Tiger exits the office: :The cameras go to the backstage area where Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert are talking: Harlee Lambert: Ce soir, vous allez devenir l'aspirant numéro un pour le Championnat international et de prendre ce que veux être motard droite hors de l'implosion. Et de prendre cette petite chatte blonde avec elle. Andrew Palmer: You are damn right! It is my time to shine and show this company that I am the best European born competitor. Harlee Lambert: Et le meilleur putain de l'un regardant pourrais-je ajouter. Andrew Palmer: You are so right. :Ron Smith walks into the scene with the European Championship over his shoulder: Ron Smith: You? The best Europe has to offer?! Ha! I am from Canada and I represent Europe better than you ever did. And I just won the European Championship. Harlee Lambert: Évidemment, vous n'êtes pas au courant de ce qui suit que ma belle client et ami a. Il est le meilleur d'exportation que non seulement l'Angleterre, mais l'Europe a dans son ensemble. Il pouvait vous battre en un rien de temps et de prendre ce petit championnat de votre épaule et de mieux représenter le continent glorieuse de l'Europe. Ron Smith: I don't understand what the hell you are even saying! No one does. Andrew Palmer: What she said was that I could beat you any time, any where, any stipulation. Ron Smith: Well then. I guess we will see if you can actually put those "superior" skills to work later tonight. I will be watching...chap. :Ron Smith smirks and walks away as Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert look on in disapproval: :The cameras move back to the announce table: James Ruffa: Coming up next is the number one contendership for the International Championship between Andrew Palmer and Harry The Hitman. Sammy Polo: Harry The Hitman is new to this company and he is being strapped to a rocket. It hasn't been lit yet but tonight could be the night it is lit. James Ruffa: Andrew Palmer has been a SKCW Champion filler at one time on Genocide almost winning the championship from Vega at the time. He is already at the level to be able to challenge for the International Championship. Sammy Polo: Harry The Hitman beat International Champion contender Manifest Destiny to get into tonight's match. So I am sure he will be ready for Palmer and Lambert's distractions. James Ruffa: Harlee Lambert will be a pivotal part in the outcome of the match. Harlee has helped Palmer win matches for many months now and we all know she will be out there with him tonight. Sammy Polo: I am sure Harry has enough smarts to know how to combat with that. Noelle could very well be in his corner to counteract Harlee's interference. James Ruffa: Lets get to the ring. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the number one contendership for the International Championship! :"My Songs Knows What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)" plays as Harlee Lambert walks out to the top of the ramp moments before "Whatever" plays as the fans boo for Andrew Palmer coming out: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Harlee Lambert. From Blackpool England. Weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds. Andrew Palmer! James Ruffa: Andrew Palmer looks prepared for tonight's contest with his lovely manager. Andrew Palmer has a real good shot at taking on the International Champion at the next event. If he can get through his opponent here tonight. Sammy Polo: Palmer has done wonders in SKCW becoming Global Champion as well as the HCW Hardcore Champion and being the last HCW Internet Champion. He has been in SKCW Championship Scrambles. Tonight, will he be able to over come the new comer to Main Event for the International Championship? :Andrew Palmer climbs into the ring with Harlee Lambert walking alongside the ring as "The Ghost of Tom Joad" plays bringing Harry The Hitman out to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. From Los Angelos California. Weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds. Harry The Hitman! James Ruffa: Harry The Hitman is setting his sights on advancing to a level in his career that he could have only imagined. He beat Manifest Destiny, who is a contender for the International Championship, and was rewarded with a shot to get a shot at the International Championshop. Sammy Polo: Plus he has been having problems with another International Championship contender, The Show Off Allen DeVine. So him advancing could very well bring him one step closer to a match we have all been wanting; Harry The Hitman versus Allen DeVine. :Harry The Hitman climbs into the ring as the bell sounds: 
Palmer and Hitman meet in the center of the ring. Htman and Palmer lock up in a collar and elbow tie up jocking for the upper hand. Palmer uses his upper body strength and pushes Hitman back. Hitman doesn't move much and stands his ground. Palmer and Hitman lock up once again. Hitman pushes Palmer back and Palmer doesn't move much and stands his ground. Palmer looks at Lambert as Hitman looks to the crowd before engaging in a slugfest. Neither man backing down and rolling with the punches until Palmer feels he is losing his footing and decides to kick Hitman in the knee getting the upper hand. Palmer hits Hitman with a flipper punch and backs Hitman into a corner. Palmer proceeds to ram his shoulder into Hitman's gut before slapping him across the face. Hitman holds his face before giving chase to Palmer. Palmer slides out of the ring and heads towards Lambert. Hitman stops at Lambert with Palmer using her as a humans shield. Hitman attempts to move Lambert a side when Palmer spits water in Hitman's face causing a momentary blindness just long enough for Palmer to ram Hitman's back into the steel steps. Palmer connects with a hard uppercut knocking Hitman back into the step. Palmer pulls Hitman back up and connects with another uppercut knocking him back. Palmer pulls Hitman up again but this time Hitman shoves Palmer back and stomps on his knee causing him to bash his face on the ring apron. Hitman charges in and rams Palmer back first into the ring post. Hitman rolls into the ring as Palmer is being checked on by Lambert. Hitman leans in a corner to regain his composure as Palmer gets back to his feet and rolls into the ring at the eight count. Hitman walks over to Palmer and begins to put the boots to him as he attempts to get up. Hitman pulls Palmer up and suplexs him. Hitman ascends to the top rope and leaps off attempting The Bounty Collector but Palmer rolls out of the way. Lambert pulls the brass knuckles from her ample cleavage and has them in hand on the apron. Hitman looks over and notices this as he pulls himself to his feet. Hitman walks up to Lambert taking the brass knuckles away from her giving Palmer enough time to grab his pair out of his trunks. Palmer slips his on and readies for the Pleasant Dreams. Hitman turns around as Palmer swings but Hitman ducks and hits the One Hit Wonder. The crowd erupts as Hitman picks Palmer up and connects with the Dirty Harry. Hitman covers for the attempt at victory. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Harry The Hitman; New Number One Contender Leslie DiPietro: Your winner and the Number One Contender for the International Championship, Harry The Hitman! :"The Ghost of Tom Joad" plays as Harry The Hitman holds his arm up in victory: James Ruffa: Harry and Palmer fought tooth and nail for the shot at the International Championship but Harry was the one to rise from the rubble and will be getting his title shot. Sammy Polo: Lambert missed her opportunity to help Palmer and Harry capitalized on it. I am sure there will be some long discussions between Palmer and Lambert about this. James Ruffa: Palmer and Lambert have been paired together for a long time so I doubt there will be any changes. And congrats to Harry The Hitman on winning the tonight and advancing his career. Sammy Polo: Now we just got to find out who will be the champion and if Harry can overcome the champion. :The cameras move to the backstage area where Eva Marie Armetta is standing with Johnny Huffman: Johnny Huffman: I am standing with Divas Championship hopeful Eva Marie Armetta. Eva, how are you feel... Eva Marie Armetta: Eyes up here buddy! Be professional for once. Johnny Huffman: Okay...How are you feeling going into the Divas Championship match? Eva Marie Armetta: How do you think I feel Johnny Boy?! I am the best damn diva on this roster. I should have been in the Divas Championship match on the first show. Not competing for a shot for the title tonight. Johnny Huffman: What about the physically dominating Zoe Badstreet? Eva Marie Armetta: HA! She is just a bag of hot air. She is all hype. I have never seen someone believe their own hype so much. So overrated that it is just so annoying. Johnny Huffman: I am sure you might be eating those words later tonight. Marisa Turner is also looking to throw off the dominance of Zoe Badstreet. Eva Marie Armetta: Marisa Turner! Ha! She is just as worthless as the rest of this roster. Tonight I will become Divas Champion and I will show the world that I am the turn ruler of the Armettas! :Eva Marie Armetta walks away from the cameras. The cameras move to the Divas Locker Room with Crystal Fairweather: Crystal Fairweather: Crystal Fairweather here standing by with one of the newest women to come to Implosion, Serena Andrews. Serena, how does it feel to come to not only Implosion but SKCW as a whole? Serena Andrews: It feels amazing. It is one thing to come to a company and showing up on a weekly telecast but it is a whole other thing to come into a company and the first time people see you is on a pay per view. I feel really special. Crystal Fairweather: With tonight being your first night, how are you enjoying the night? Serena Andrews: It has been incredible to say the least Crystal. The opening contest between Amberly and Taylor Archor was incredible. Not to mention the Womens European Championship match not that long ago. I can't wait for the Divas Championship match later tonight. Crystal Fairweather: It seems that you have passed over the Texas Death Match up next. Serena Andrews: No. I really am looking forward to the match but I can't be confident about the outcome. Both women look to absolutely hate each other and I can safely say that someone will be sent to the hospital. Crystal Fairweather: I agree with you on that. I want to thank you for your insight into tonight and we hope to see you competing in the near future. Serena Andrews: Thank you. :The cameras move to just outside the trainer's room to see Lee J. Tiger talking to a doctor: Lee J. Tiger: You really need to call off this match. She is in no condition to be competing. Doctor: She physically is able to compete for a few more weeks. But General Manager, James E. Dangerously, has made it clear that the match will go forward as planned. Lee J. Tiger: Did you explain to him about Debra's condition? Doctor: He didn't want to hear anything. He booked the match and he wants it to go forward as planned. I advise you just leave it alone or you talk to Debra and backing out. Lee J. Tiger: She doesn't want to hear it either. Doctor: Then I would just let it go. Please Mister Tiger, just back away from the situation and leave it be. :The cameras back up to see Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham around the corner smiling before heading in the opposite direction: :The cameras move back to the announce table: James Ruffa: It looks like tonight is shaping up to be one hell of a night. Sammy Polo: Eva Marie Armetta is ready for Divas Championship match and new comer Serena Andrews is looking good and ready to get into an Implosion ring. James Ruffa: And one of our Road Agents and Debra's ex or estranged brother-in-law, Lee J. Tiger, is trying to get the Texas Death Match cancelled due to a "condition" that Debra has. Sammy Polo: Obviously if the doctor isn't trying to cancel the match then it is not that bad of a "condition" then. Besides, why is Lee trying to look out for her? Is there something going on between the two? James Ruffa: No you idiot! She is the mother of his nephew. I am pretty sure he is looking out for family. No matter how estranged or confusing it is. Sammy Polo: Lets go to the ring and get this Texas Death Match started. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing: Leslie DiPietro: The following scheduled for one fall and will be a Texas Death Match! The rules are as followed: There will be no disqualifications, no count outs, no submissions, and no time limit. The only way to win is to get a pin fall and your opponent not being able to respond to a ten count. :The crowd erupts in anticipation for the match moments before "Stars in the Night" plays bringing Alice Creed out with Rebecca Cunningham closely behind to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Rebecca Cunningham. From Houston Texas. Alice Creed! James Ruffa: I am sure Alice is happy about Debra having this "condition" that is making one of our Road Agents panic backstage. Sammy Polo: Alice Creed looks to be in possibly the best physical condition of her life. Tonight will be the final contest between these two. :Alice Creed climbs into the ring as Rebecca Cunningham stands at ringside when "Short Term Memory" plays bringing Debra Lynn Tiger out to the crowd cheering: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Tallahassee Florida. Debra Lynn Tiger! James Ruffa: Debra Lynn Tiger looks to be physically fit for tonight. I have no clue what Lee is worried about. Sammy Polo: Tonight will be a fight. Not a wrestling match but a down and dirty fight. This personal conflict will be coming to a head tonight and I do not doubt that there will be blood. :Debra Lynn Tiger climbs into the ring as the referee is about to call for the bell when "Hustlin'" plays over the PA system much to everyone's surprise: James Ruffa: What is Lee J. Tiger doing coming out here?! He was warned by our General Manager that if he is seen at ringside he would be fired. Sammy Polo: Maybe he doesn't care for this job anymore and this is his last act of defiance. :Lee J. Tiger walks down the ramp and standing at ringside arguing with Debra about competing: James Ruffa: Lee is at a last ditch effort to get Debra to pull out of the match. Sammy Polo: And our General Manager will not be happy about this. In fact, I am just getting word that Lee J. Tiger has had his Road Agent contract suspended. :The referee looks to Rebecca Cunningham then to Lee J. Tiger before pointing to both of them and signaling that they have been thrown out and barred from ringside much to Rebecca and Alice's disapproval: James Ruffa: Rebecca and Lee have been told they are gone from ringside. Sammy Polo: Alice and Rebecca are not happy about this but Debra sure looks happy. :Rebecca and Lee head up the ramp as the referee calls for the bell to start the match: 
DLT bolts towards Creed but Creed slides out of the ring and heads for the barricade. DLT slides out of the ring in hot pursuit. Creed hopes over the barricade and ducks down as DLT gets to the barricade to hop over and is rammed in the stomach by a chair courtesy of Creed. DLT leans over holding her stomach as Creed smiles and tosses the chair over the barricade. Creed raises DLT up and stomps on DLT's stomach causing more pain. DLT begins to head up through the crowd as Creed followed suite. Creed strikes DLT as they head up the stairs through the crowd. They reached the top of the stairs before DLT was finally able to mount an offense. Creed strikes DLT across the chest knowing DLT is more worried about the pain in her stomach. Creed looked for another slap across DLT's chest but she was able to fight the pain long enough to stop Creed and slap Creed across the chest. DLT continues to mount an offense backing Creed up to the top of the stairs. Creed attempts to get her momentum back but DLT was able to stomp on Creed's knee causing her to lose her balance and stumble down the stairs. The crowd erupts in cheers but in shock as well watching Creed crash down the stairs. DLT leans over holding her stomach before making her way down the stairs. DLT picks Creed up at the bottom of the stairs and rams her back into the barricade. DLT backs up and waits for Creed to get back up before charging in and clotheslining her over it. DLT climbs over the barricade and looks at Creed laying on the mats. DLT picks Creed up and chops her across the chest causing her to fall onto the barricade. DLT grabs Creed and whips her into the steel steps causing them to move and come off the stands. DLT walks over to Creed and goes to pick her up but Creed strikes DLT in the stomach causing DLT to stumble back in serious pain. Creed gets back to her feet, in pain, but heads towards DLT and shoves her into the barricade. DLT lays on the mats in pain clutching her stomach as Creed peels back the protective padding off the barricade before smiling down at DLT in pain. Creed picks DLT up and lifts her up in her arms before dropping her, stomach first, onto the steel of the barricade. DLT lays on the mat holding her stomach kicking in pain. Creed looks down and smiles as the fans boo even louder. Creed places a foot on DLT's face as the referee makes the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3! The referee begins to second count. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... DLT begins to move and get herself to her knees ... 8 ... Creed breaks the count by stomping on DLT's back. DLT collapses on the ground and crawls towards the steps. Creed follows behind berating her and slapping her across the back of the head. DLT places her hands on the steel steps and begins to pull herself up before throwing her leg back kicking Creed in the knee. DLT stands up and turns to Creed before connecting with an elbow to Creed's skull. DLT begins to back Creed up before using all her strength to throw Creed into and over the steel steps. DLT hits the mat and holds her stomach again as a small trickle of blood is seen sliding down her leg. DLT begins to get up off the mats as the doctor comes over to her to check on her but she pushes him off and climbs back into the ring. Creed holds her knee while she gets up and climbs back into the ring. Creed and DLT met in the center of the ring again before engaging in a slug out. Neither woman is showing a sign of letting up. Creed goes for a knee to DLT's stomach but DLT catches the knee and quickly connects with a dragon whip taking Creed down to the mat. DLT keeps a hold on Creed's leg and stomps on Creed's quad causing more pain to Creed. DLT picks Creed up off the mat and stomps Creed's knee before pulling Creed in to set up the Tygress Effect. A mystery woman in a hoodie hopes over the barricade with a kendo stick in hand. She slides into the ring and connects with a hard shot to DLT's stomach causing her to fall to the mat in pain and the blood flows more rapidly down her leg. The woman helps Creed up and brings her over to the fallen DLT. The woman helps Creed pick DLT up and get her into position for Creed's Grande Escape. Creed slams DLT to the mat as the woman climbs to the top rope and hits a rounding moonsault onto DLT's already bruised stomach. Creed goes for a cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Creed and the woman stand in the corner as the referee makes the count as the doctor looks on in horror. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10! Winner: Alice Creed Leslie DiPietro: And your winner, Alice Creed! :"Stars In The Night" plays as the mystery woman raises Alice Creed's arm to the crowds shock and deafening boos and the paramedics rushing down the ramp to check on Debra Lynn Tiger: James Ruffa: OH MY GOD! Debra is bleeding down her leg and holding her stomach! Sammy Polo: Could this be the....wait! Was Debra pregnant?! Did Alice just cause Debra to have a miscarriage?! :The paramedics get DLT onto a gurney and quickly get her up the ramp as the fans are in shock and DLT is holding her stomach in pain. The commentary as well as the other public communications go silent. After several minutes, the cameras move to the commentary booth: James Ruffa: We here at SKCW would like to apologize to anyone that has been offended or felt uncomfortable about what was just seen. Sammy Polo: It was a truly horrible and gut wrenching event of violence by Alice Creed and that mystery woman. We are sure there will be some repercussions for the parties involved. James Ruffa: Again we do apologize for the sights seen. :The cameras shoot to the back where Lee J. Tiger is seen watching Debra Lynn Tiger being loaded into the ambulance. General Manager, James E. Dangerously, walks up behind Lee: James E. Dangerously: I am sorry I didn't heed your warnings and concerns. Lee J. Tiger: You have decided to keep a pregnant woman in a brutal match just to keep ratings?! How dare you?! James E. Dangerously: Look! I was not aware of her condition and I am calling off your suspension. Lee J. Tiger: You put Pope's sister-in-law in danger and you think Pope is worried about his job? In fact, Pope is pleased with his suspension. That just means Pope is back on the roster and Pope wants Alice Creed. James E. Dangerously: You know I can't do that. Lee J. Tiger: Then I will find someone that will. :Lee J. Tiger just pushes past the General Manager and through the parking lot: :The cameras moves to the Divas Locker Room where Marisa Turner is sitting and getting her wrestling gear on when Ashley Ricci walks in: Ashley Ricci: I figured you'd be ready by now. Marisa Turner: Just finishing up. It is amazing that you are back on the same brand with me. Ashley Ricci: There was nothing more for me on Genocide and I knew you could use all the company in the world over here on Implosion. Marisa Turner: You sure got that right. I am sure you will be sitting back here watching me win the Divas Championship later tonight. Ashley Ricci: Not a chance. I will be sitting in the front row to cheer you on and give you a celebratory hug. Marisa Turner: That sounds wonderful to me. Ashley Ricci: Well I better let you get ready. Marisa Turner: Nonsense! Stay here and let me enjoy your company. Ashley Ricci: Then I shall... :Ashley Ricci smiles and sits on the bench next to Marisa. The cameras go to footage of the Showdown of Dreams fan fest: