11/17/16; Rochester, New York
:"Black and Blue" plays as the cameras show the Implosion Pre-Show panel of Madison Koeppe and Meghan Holliday: Madison Koeppe: Hello and welcome to the Implosion Pre-Show. Last week we were here talking about the female roster and stated that we would give our analysis of the male roster. Meghan Holliday: Then we will talk about when happened last week on Implosion and continue on in that direction from here on out. Madison Koeppe: First up we have the current European Champion Allen DeVine. The superstar has been a former World Tag Team Champion and SKCW Champion. Last week we saw him issues an open challenge to anyone and it was answered by Cole Thomas. Allen DeVine then bailed as soon as Cole started to get an advantage. Meghan Holliday: Allen DeVine thought someone like Jack or Notorious Hitman or someone like Hayley Quinzel would be answering. But it seems that between leaving Genocide and coming to Implosion, Cole Thomas took his training seriously and just about dethroned the European Champion. Our General Manager has issued the statement that if Allen DeVine is to get counted out later tonight, Cole Thomas will become European Champion. Madison Koeppe: Then we come to Billy Gunn. This man has accomplished just about everything in KSCWE but hasn't accomplished becoming a Tag Team Champion. Never the less though, Billy Gunn is a legend in this company and would be a great asset to this roster. Meghan Holliday: I have been hearing rumblings of a tidal wave of animosity towards management for having Billy Gunn moved over here from Genocide all coming from Anastasia Lafayette. But honestly, I think it would be better for his career to be away from her and rebuilding himself to this legendary status. Madison Koeppe: The New Millennium of Professional Wrestling Finn Danielson has come here from Genocide with the hopes of finally breaking out of that ceiling created for him over there. Seeing his in ring skills on Genocide and outside in the iindies, Finn could very well break that ceiling and become the first Universal Champion. Meghan Holliday: I, personally, feel Finn is going to be leading the charge to bring Implosion up from the ashes to the very mystic and mythical phoenix status. Finn has become North American Champion within months of coming to SKCW and immediately showed Genocide that be belongs in the hunt for the SKCW Championship. Implosion is going to be seeing a beast reincarnated in the next few weeks. I can see it. Madison Koeppe: Not much is known about Manifest Destiny and his manager Father Vandenburg. All that is really known is they seem to show up when James E. Dangerously becomes General Manager of a brand and they don't take captives. Meghan Holliday: Are you saying that the destruction that is created by Manifest Destiny is orchestrated by our General Manager? Manifest Destiny is a former WHW World Heavyweight Champion and you are saying Father Vandenburg is just a puppet of our General Manager? I find that hard to believe. Madison Koeppe: I am not saying that at all. I am just saying those two mysterious people don't appear on a brand unless our General Manager is in charge. But lets move onto Ron Smith. Ron Smith is looking to either recapture the European Championship or is looking to jump nto the Universal Championship hunt. Meghan Holliday: With the closing statements by our General Manager last week, everyone is in the hunt for the Knockouts and Universal Championships. Ron Smith is indeed one of the biggest and meanest stars on this brand. He could very well be a front runner for the Universal Championship. Madison Koeppe: We got three monsters of men on this roster. Manifest Destiny, Ron Smith, and of course, the only man to wn the Money in the Bank twice Stanley Ryan Tiger. We all know he won't be happy about what went down at Beach Brawl. Meghan Holliday: Stanley might be a good guy now but after what happened at Beach Brawl and his over whelming silence...Stanley may just come to Implosion with a whole new attitude. An attitude that I am glad I am on the pre-show so I don't have to witness it first hand. Madison Koeppe: Last week was a very interesting show to say the least. The show started off with James Ruffa and Sammy Polo as always. Before they sent us to the ring for the first match of the night. Meghan Holliday: We saw new comer Hayley Quinzel, who I am not even sure if she is signed to a contract, take on Kennedy Jackson in what can be described as a brutal showing from Jackson. Hayley started the match off well with some strikes to Jackson but as soon as Jackson got some momentum, it was all over for Hayley. Madison Koeppe: Rookie mistake on Hayley's part but sometimes things like that happen. We got an interiew with Sophia Pope about her wanting to distance herself from Taylor Archor. Meghan Holliday: Allen DeVine issued an open challenge only to weasel out as soon as some offense was mounted by his challenger. Madison Koeppe: Alice Creed told Rebecca Cunningham that the Knockouts Championship is coming to her soon enough. Meghan Holliday: The rookie exhibition was interrupted by Rebecca Cunningham causing an eight women brawl. Madison Koeppe: Billy Gunn took Ron Smith down and proved to still have his in ring skills. Meghan Holliday: To close the show, we had our General Manager address the roster. He told everyone that they are under a careful watch to find out who will be contenders for the Knockouts and Universal Championships. Our General Manager even made the bold statement to the rest of the SKCW brands that if they want to fight, Implosion is prepared for a war. Madison Koeppe: I hope this week's program will be even more electric than it was last week. Meghan Holliday: I am hoping so to and for now, this is our time. Thank you all for tuning it and we will see all of you next week for the next Implosion pre-show. :"Black and Blue" plays again as the cameras transition out to the Implosion logo:
:"Crack Addict" plays as a opening SKCW Highlight Video Airs: :Pyro Goes off to open up Implosion as the cameras focus on the announce team: James Ruffa: Hello and Welcome to Thrusday Night Implosion! I am James Ruffa and sitting beside me is my broadcast partner Sammy Polo. Tonight we are the road towards crowning the first ever Universal Champion and a new Knockouts Champion. Two people lately that have become vocal on this journey are two of the women that came from Revolution, Eva Marie Armetta and Kennedy Jackson. Sammy Polo: They deserve to be vocal about their desire to be champion. They were both looked over by Revolution, Overdrive!, Genocide, and Aftershock and now they are here getting the opportunity they deserve. James Ruffa: We have a huge eight diva tag team match main event sparked from the rookie exhibition that was ruined before it even started by Rebecca Cunningham and Alice Creed. This will be the in ring debuts of Rose Dashwood and Erika May. I hope Taylor Archor and Debra Lynn Tiger got the opportunity to properly train or even work with them to get some kind of strategy in mind. Sammy Polo: Are you saying that they have a handicap? Sophia Pope and Alice Creed have their managers on their team. Granted they have competed in the ring before but they are still managers. James Ruffa: That is my point! Rose and Erika have never competed before. Taylor and Debra are at a disadvantage. Sammy Polo: Ha! You can make all the excuses for them you want. When they lose, there are no excuses. James Ruffa: Allen DeVine will formally defend his European Championship in a rematch against the man that nearly won it last week Cole Thomas. But this time, by our General Manager's orders, if Allen is to be counted out then Cole Thomas will be announced as the new European Champion. Sammy Polo: I don't know why our General Manager is dragging this out. Cole lost last week and he doesn't deserve a rematch. A lose is a lose. There is no "I wasn't ready" excuses. Allen should be moving along to another opponent wasting his time with the bottom feeders. James Ruffa: Allen took the coward's way out and walked out to get counted out. Allen showed he was afraid of Cole so our General Manager made the match. Plain and simple. Sammy Polo: More like Boresville and a aste of talent. James Ruffa: Lets go down to the ring with Leslie DiPietro for our first contest of the evening. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing readying for the opening introductions: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and will be settled under mixed tag team rules. The men will fight the men and the women will fight the women. :"Monster's Loose" plays as Ron Smith walks out to the booing crowd:
Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. Weighing in at three hundred and thirty pounds. Ron Smith! :Ron Smith climbs into the ring over the top rope as "Sounds of Madness" plays bringing Zoe Badstreet out to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his partner. From Reno Nevada. Zoe Badstreet! :Zoe Badstreet climbs into the ring and walks to the corner with Ron as "Lift Me Up" plays bringing Billy Gunn out to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And their opponents. From Austin Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty-eight pounds. The One and Only Billy Gunn! :Billy Gunn climbs into the ring and walks to his corner as "Army of Me" plays brings Kasey Winterborn out to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And his partner. From Chicago Illinois. Kasey Winterborn! :Kasey Winterborn climbs into the ring as Leslie DiPietro climbs out of the ring and the bell sounds: Ron Smith & Zoe Badstreet versus Billy Gunn & Kasey Winterborn Smith and Gunn start the match off as the legal competitors. Smith and Gunn lock up in a collar and elbow tie up before Gunn stomps on Smith's thigh breaking the hold and getting the upper hand. Gunn pulls Smith into a head lock and begins to cinch it in. Smith picks Gunn up ut Gunn flexes his biceps and Smith puts him down. Smith tries to push him off but Gunn is not allowing it. Smith finally picks Gunn up and just drops him to the mat with a belly to back suplex. Smith tags Zoe in. Kasey climbs into the ring and begins to slug it out with Badstreet, Kasey backs Zoe into the corner and whips her into the opposite corner before charging it with a clothesline. Zoe ducks and slams Kasey onto the mat. Zoe picks Kasey up and looks for the Nightmare but Gunn quickly tags Kasey's foot as she is lifted up. Gunn climbs in and clotheslines Smith down. Gunn picks up Smith and connects with the One and Only. Smith lifts Smith up before connecting with the Fame-Ass-Er. Gunn makes the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winners: Billy Gunn & Kasey Winterborn va Pinfall Leslie DiPietro: Your winners by way of pinfall, Billy Gunn and Kasey Winterborn! :"Lift Me Up" plays as Billy Gunn and Kasey Winterborn's arms are raised in victory: James Ruffa: Gunn and Winterborn come out with the victory tonight taking down the colossal Smith and Badstreet. Sammy Polo: Badstreet wasn't into the match. I get that. She is above the horrible booking by the General Manager. She deserves better than opening up the show. James Ruffa: The same case can be said for Gunn who is a former World Champion. Sammy Polo: When? Back in KSCWE? That was eight years ago. If he is still living off that, then he is more pathetic than I thought. James Ruffa: I want to see you say that to his face sometime. Sammy Polo: Most certainly. But he is scared of being shown up. James Ruffa: Whatever Sammy. :The cameras go to the Gym area where Erika May and Rose Dashwood are taping up their hands and walking around: Rose Dashwood: Aren't you nervous for tonight? I mean this is our first real match in front of a live crowd. Erika May: Yeah it is nerve racking but I am certain we will do just fine out there. Rose Dashwood: You might be because you been training for over a year. I just got into training a couple weeks ago. Erika May: You will be fine. We got a legend of this company and a former Diva Search contestant on our team. Rose Dashwood: That is true but they don't really want to lose tonight. And what if I am the one to lose tonight? Voice: So what? :The voice of Taylor Archor can be heard as she and Debra Lynn Tiger walk towards Rose and Erika: Debra Lynn Tiger: Yeah. So what if you lose tonight. It is just a learning experience. Taylor and I have had losing streaks that have lasted for months at a time. I am in both the Hall of Fame and Hall of Legends for what I have done in this company. Taylor Archor: I have won the Womens Xtreme and Womens Impact Championships as well as being the flag bearer for HCW as their Womens Champion. Debra Lynn Tiger: Loses happen but I am confident that you will put out your best effort out there. Win or lose. You achieved your dream of competing for SKCW. Rose Dashwood: Yeah. You are right. Tonight I will be able to cross out competing in SKCW. But I really don't want to embarrass you such high calibor talent like you two out there. Debra Lynn Tiger: Embarrass us?! Ha! Don't you recall I was married to Stanley Ryan Tiger at one point? :Taylor looks to Debra with a puzzled look: Taylor Archor: Aren't you STILL married to him and happier than ever? Erika May: Plus you have a child with him. :Rose giggles at Erika and Taylor calling out Debra's bluff: Erika May: Plus I think he is rather cute. :Everyone looks to Erika as she looks away and everyone laughs: Debra Lynn Tiger: Okay. That was a bad example but you know what I meant. We will go out there and we will do everything we can to beat those attention seeking wenches. :The four women continue to walk through the gym talking as the cameras move to the Womens Locker Room where Rebecca Cunningham is sitting with Alice Creed: Rebecca Cunningham: Did you hear that Alice? Looks like little Miss Fake Tits is coming on to your man. Alice Creed: Ha ha ha! We both know that she can't compare to me. But again, I used Stanley to get into Debra's head. Not only to ruin their family for what he did to me years ago but to take what is precious to them. Alexander. Rebecca Cunningham: And tonight we rid ourselves of Debra and her new cronies. But can we trust our partners tonight? Alice Creed: They are the ones that came down and interfered in our business. So I am pretty sure they have a stake in winning tonight too. Voice: Well of course we do. :Sophia and Willow Pope walk into the locker room: Sophia Pope: We ran out there last week because we have unfinished business with little Miss Prissy Taylor Archor. Rebecca Cunningham: What is your deal with her anyways? Sophia Pope: Much like Alice's obsession with Debra, Taylor has something I want. Allen DeVine. Alice Creed: He does have a very defined body. Sophia Pope: And he wants me. So I take out Taylor and Allen is all mine. Alice Creed: Like Taylor even had a shot anyways. Rebecca Cunningham: Tonight we take out Miss Fake Tits, Missus Slutty Dog Face, Miss Fake Virgin, and who ever the hell that other one is. Sophia Pope: Yeah. Who the hell is she? Willow Pope: She was in the Diva Search this year and got kicked off because she tried to get pregnant by a cow or something. Alice Creed: Pfft! Wouldn't surprise me. :The cameras move back to the ringside area to the commentators: James Ruffa: Looks like our main event is shaping up to be a barn burner. Sammy Polo: What the hell is a barn burner? You say some of the stupidest crap I've ever heard. James Ruffa: All eight women are ready to put their hearts and souls out there to impress our General Manager and put them into the Knockouts Championship match. Sammy Polo: Obviously the team of Creed, Cunningham, and Popes will be in the Knockouts Championship match. They are obviously the top tier talent here on Implosion along with Kennedy Jackson and Zoe Badstreet. James Ruffa: We will see later tonight. But first lets go to the ring for our second contest. This match is looking to be something special. Sammy Polo: Eva Marie Armetta is only confident about three things. One, she deserves the Knockouts Championship. Two, she isn't being used as she should be. And Three, she is going to beat Rina Kirilos tonight. :The cameras go to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing for the introductions: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Roar" plays as Eva Marie Armetta walks out to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Daytona Beach Florida. Eva Marie Armetta! :Eva Marie Armetta climbs into the ring as "Watch Me Move" plays with Rina Kirilos walking out to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Vancouver British Columbia Canada. Rina Kirilos! :Rina Kirilos climbs into the ring as Leslie DiPietro climbs out of the ring and the bell sounds: Eva Marie Armetta versus Rina Kirilos Rina and Eva proceed to lock up in the center of the ring looking to see who is going to get the upper hand. Eva pushes Rina back before slapping her across the face. Rina stumbles back as Eva laughs at the little competitor. Rina gets mad and storms towards Eva taking her down to the mat. Rina gets into a rage and begins to swing at the grounded Eva for a few moments before Andrea Andrews lifts Rina off and pulls her way. Eva scoots over to the ropes and slips out of the ring. Rina looks at Eva outside the ring before running towards the ropes and diving through them. Rina takes to Eva like a missle taking her down and smacking her head into the barricade. Rina picks Eva up and rolls her into the ring. Rina slides in after Eva but is caught with a double ax handle knocking Rina back onto the mat from Eva. Eva begins to put the boots to Rina releasing some of her anger. Eva picks up Rina and throws her across the ring with a hair biel. Eva picks up Rina again and tosses her across the ring with a hair biel. Eva goes to pick Rina up agin but Rina connects with a well placed elbow to Eva's gut knocking her back and down to one knee. Rina goes for the Shinning Wizard but Eva ducks and quickly gets up and hits the Eve's Drop. Eva quickly makes the cover as referee Andrea Andrews. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Eva Marie Armetta va Pinfall Leslie DiPietro: And your winner by way of pinfall, Eva Marie Armetta! :"Roar" plays as Rina Kirilos rolls out of the ring and Eva Marie Armetta gets her arm raised in victory but quickly pulls her arm away before scolding Referee Andrea Andrews for touching her. Eva Marie Armetta exits the ring as the fans boo loudly: James Ruffa: Eva Marie Armetta came through with her statements and beat Rina tonight. Sammy Polo: Eva Marie is the next Knockouts Champion. I told you this. She is the best we got on Implosion. James Ruffa: We have twelve other women on this roster. We will see how it pans out for the Knockouts Championship. Sammy Polo: If James E. Dangerously is stupid enough to overlook Eva Marie, then he shouldn't be the General Manager of any brand. James Ruffa: After that performance. I am sure both of the tremendous talent will be rewarded accordingly. :The cameras move to the parking lot where Stanley Ryan Tiger is heading into the arena visibly angered by the events that unfolded at Beach Brawl. Stanley storms through the arena hallways what looks like in the direction of the General Manager's office when Johnny Huffman tries to stop him: Johnny Huffman: Stanley, Could I have a word with you? Stanley Ryan Tiger: It is not a good time Johnny. Johnny Huffman: Why weren't you here last week? Stanley Ryan Tiger: Johnny. I told you politely but this time I am not going to be nice. NOT A GOOD TIME! :Stanley tosses Johnny out of the way and heads into James E. Dangerously's office practically kicking the door open: Stanley Ryan Tiger: JAMES! What the hell are you going to do about Beach Brawl?! James E. Dangerously: I am not going to do a damn thing for multiple reasons. But most of all, there is nothing I can do. The Money in the Bank briefcase is an Overdrive!, Genocide, Aftershock exclusive deal. I have no authority or say in what happens with it. Stanley Ryan Tiger: So you are going to give me the Universal Championship in exchange. Correct? James E. Dangerously: You know damn well that I will not be just handing out championships nor the opportunities to compete for them. Even with your avast achievements, you are going to have to earn your spot just like everyone else. Stanley Ryan Tiger: Who ever you decide to have me face, isn't going to be happy about it. :Stanley storms out of the General Manager's office before heading down the hall in a rage. The cameras turn down the hall to see Debra Lynn Tiger standing in the hall taping her hands and stretching before looking towards the noise: Debra Lynn Tiger: Stanley must be here. :The cameras move to the parking lot where Ron Smith is standing with a very angry Zoe Badstreet: Zoe Badstreet: You are a damn giant in this sport. You are suppose to be a damn monster. How can you lose TWICE to a damn dinosaur?! You are pathetic! :Zoe reaches up and slaps Ron across the face: Zoe Badstreet: You could have ruined my shot at being Knockouts Champion again. And if that is true, I will make sure you are off this brand and out of SKCW. You are worthless! :Zoe opens the door to the car she is standing next to and climbs in before driving off leaving a pissed off Ron. The cameras move to the catering department where Kasey Winterborn is walking through getting something to snack on when Billy Gunn comes walking in: Billy Gunn: You put on a good performance out there earlier. I am really happy I was paired up with you tonight. Kasey Winterborn: Well thank you. You didn't do too bad out there yourself. It was a honor to work with a legend. Billy Gunn: Why don't I take you out for a celebration. Kasey Winterborn: I am okay here. We really didn't win anything big plus I am here on Implosion to focus on myself and my career. I am not looking for anything. Besides, what would your girlfriend think? Billy Gunn: You clearly were not here last week. Our General Manager put the roster on notice. Everyone is fighting for the Universal and Knockouts Championships respectfully. Top four contenders for each division get their shots at the next special event. But obviously it looks like you are not ready for that. :Billy Gunn walks off in a rage as Kasey looks on in amusement and laughs to herself: Kasey Winterborn: Typical men. Call them out on their girlfriends and they get mad. :The cameras watch Kasey grab a water bottle before moving back to the ringside area to the commentators: Sammy Polo: It looks like that the true colors of SRT are showing and I am loving it. James Ruffa: You also love to drive my car accidents hoping to see body bags. Sammy Polo: This is Implosion. This brand was built upon carnage and violence. Our General Manager and the powers to be have become soft and have toned down the violence. I am not happy about that. James Ruffa: You rather see people put their lives on the line every night with the possibility of injuries? That is just reckless. Sammy Polo: It would prove who is here to stay and who has the heart to compete in the ring. James Ruffa: You don't have to bleed or have broken bones to have the passion to be in this business. In fact, we are going to prove that right now. Leslie, take it away. :The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing in the ring: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Beg For It" plays as Ashley Shaw along with Keeley Oliver to the cheering crowd: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. Being accompanied by Keeley Oliver. From Kansas City Missouri. Ashley Shaw! :Ashley Shaw climbs into the ring and heads for her corner when "Radioactive" plays as Kennedy Jackson walks out to the booing crowd: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Boise Idaho. Kennedy Jackson! :Kennedy Jackson climbs into the ring as Leslie DiPietro climbs out of the ring before the bell sounds: Ashley Shaw w/ Keeley Oliver versus Kennedy Jackson Shaw and Jackson begin to square off in the center of the ring. Shaw reaches her hand up to do a test of strength and Jackson easily over powers her. Shaw attempts to cartwheel her way out of Jackson's grip but Jackson readjusts her grip and throws Shaw to the mat. Jackson bends down and picks Shaw up by the hair and tosses her across the ring with ease. Jackson drags Shaw to the corner and adjusts her on the bottom turnbuckle before charging in and ramming her hip into Shaw's face. Jackson pulls Shaw out of the corner and goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... Shaw kicks out! Jackson is furious and picks Shaw up. Jackson goes to hit Shaw with a forearm shot but Shaw ducks and hits Jackson in the knee causing her to stumble back and through the ropes to the ringside area. Shaw takes the few seconds to regain her composure as Jackson gets back to her feet on the floor. Shaw goes running and dives through the ropes but Jackson catches her and drops her on the barricade. Jackson picks Shaw up and rams her back into the ring apro before rolling her into the ring. Jackson slides into the ring and drags Shaw back over to the corner. Jackson picks Shaw up and seats her on the top turnbuckle. Jackson climbs onto the second ropes and looks to go for a fallaway salm but Shaw fights back and knocks Jackson's grip loose. Shaw pushes Jackson off the middle and quickly connects with Ambitious. Referee Allison Silver drops down and makes the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Ashley Shaw via pinfall Leslie DiPietro: Your winner by way of pinfall, Ashley Shaw! :"Beg For It" plays as Ashley Shaw gets her hand raised moments before Kennedy Jackson connects with a forearm shot to the back of Ashley's head taking her down. Kennedy puts the boots to Ashley as referee Allison Silver attempts to pull Kennedy off but is tossed aside. Kennedy picks Ashley up and drives her to the mat with the Unhinged: James Ruffa: That was uncalled for by Kennedy Jackson! Sammy Polo: Kennedy made a statement out there. Ashley got a fluke win and Kennedy is the true dominant competitor. She may have lost but she is the last woman standing tonight. James Ruffa: Kennedy is a terrible sport. Beating down a woman after a hard fought fight. Disrespectful. Sammy Polo: This sport isn't ballet James. There are winners and there are losers. Kennedy is a winner and Ashley is a loser! James Ruffa: We are going to go to break for some promotional videos and hopefully when we come back we will have some order. :The cameras move to break promoting Vendetta, Havoc, and Doomsday: |