Date Posted:08-09-2017 5:28 PMCopy HTML
| "stars in the night" by cfo$ | OUT OF CHARACTER.//
| lets have some fun |
| (c.) BLOODY MAKEOVER//ET 2014; Want one of your own? Click HERE.
| SKCW WrestleMania comes back to Pittsburgh for its fifteenth installment of the appraised event. The SKCW Competitors compete all year wanting a spot on the card. This year, there will be three events over two nights: WrestleMania Fifteen kick off show KillShot, WrestleMania Fifteen night one, and WrestleMania Fifteen night two. This year's WrestleMania will be the biggest yet. Every championship will be decided with members from all three brands competing for them. Alice Creed was one of the competitors competing in the fifteen minute Womens Xtreme Championship open. Along side Creed will be the other members of The Sorority: Amberly competing as well and Rebecca Cunningham at ringside.
Alice Creed walks into the SKCW Arena with all the confidence in the world going for a championship she has never held before. Creed's confidence is amplified by the fact that her Sorority sisters are going to be either in the match or at ringside. Creed enters the Womens Locker Room and drops off her bag before laughing while looking towards Taylor Archor's open locker space. Creed takes one of the Match Cards and flips it over to the blank back and writes some things on it before sticking it to a hook. Creed walks out of the room looks around the halls to see it relatively empty. Creed shrugs and heads down the hall towards the entrance way. Jennifer Miller approaches Alice Creed with a smile on her face looking to conduct a pre show interview.
\:/ Jennifer Miller \:/ Miss Creed! Could I get a quick word with you regarding your match tonight?
/:\ Alice Creed /:\ If you must. I have much more important things to do.
\:/ Jennifer Miller \:/ Tonight on the opening night of WrestleMania Fifteen, you will be competing in the fifteen minute Womens Xtreme Championship open. At ringside you will be having Rebecca Cunningham and also competing will be the other Sorority member Amberly, how do you feel about walking out with the championship?
/:\ Alice Creed /:\ It is a no brainer. It is a three versus all situation. The Sorority will stick together tonight and make sure that I walk out with the championship in hand. That dog faced cum dumpster Debra doesn't stand a chance. Sasha Rae is more worried about getting pregnant by multiple men. Raine is just there to make sure her slutty niece isn't being video taped drunk and nude. Kasey Winterborn is in the match because her brother is bitching about respect. Kry will be losing her championship to me in the first three minutes. And Amberly, well we all know she will lay down and make sure I am the champion at the end of everything.
\:/ Jennifer Miller \:/ Can you be one hundred percent certain that Amberly will not take the opportunity to become champion like she did on Implosion by pinning you to become Womens European Champion?
/:\ Alice Creed /:\ How dare you?! How dare you even bring that up or even accuse her of being so defiant to do that to me again?! The Sorority is above and beyond the best thing to come to Genocide and I will not stand here and allow you to talk such garbage about us.
Alice Creed storms off leaving Jennifer Miller standing with the microphone. |