Date Posted:01-11-2011 11:48 PMCopy HTML
Debra and Anastasia play rock paper scissors before Anastasia wins the ring to start off the match. Willow and Lucky laugh in their corner at the stupidity of their opponents. Lucky decides to start the match off and meets Anastasia in the center of the ring. Lucky raises her arm in the air calling for a test of strength taunting the less experienced Anastasia. Anastasia decides to take the bait and raises her arm up close to Lucky's. Lucky quickly capitalizes on the vulnerability of Anastasia and kicks her in the gut before tossing her to the mat by the hair. Lucky looks down at her fallen opponent and laughs at the stupidity as Anastasia looks up holding her head with a mad yet sad look. Anastasia picks herself up off the mat as Lucky rolls her eyes with a smirk of arrogance and walks up to Anastasia. Lucky begins to laugh again before slapping Anastasia across the face. Debra tries to get into the ring but Referee Amanda Burns stops Debra as Willow climbs into the ring and crouches down behind Anastasia. Lucky pushes Anastasia causing her to stumble backwards and trip over Willow. Willow slides out of the ring as Referee Amanda Burns turns around. Lucky picks Anastasia by her hair and wrenches her head back telling her that she is nothing. Anastasia lands a hard slap to the side of Lucky's face causing the hold to be released and Anastasia quickly moves towards Debra but Lucky catches her by the hair and pulls her back. Lucky wrenches Anastasia's head back and asks if she thinks the slap was funny. Lucky throws Anastasia to the mat before dragging her by the hair to Willow. Lucky tags out to Willow before climbing out of the ring and dropping down the the ringside area. Lucky hooks Anastasia's arms back as Willow holds her boot to Anastasia's throat blatantly choking her. Referee Amanda Burns begins the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... Debra climbs into the ring and runs into the corner grabbing Willow and pulling her from the corner by the hair taunting Lucky before connecting with a hard reverse ddt. Lucky lets go of Anastasia and gets into the ring. Debra and Lucky get into each other's face detesting each other's accomplishments. Referee Amanda Burns tries to separate the ladies before Lucky connects with a hard slap to Debra. Debra holds her face for a second before looking at her hand and tackling Lucky to the mat. Debra and Lucky begin to roll about the ring before rolling under the bottom rope to the mats at ringside. Lucky breaks free and gets up kicking Debra in the gut. Lucky backs up and measures Debra out before going for a harder kick to the gut but Debra quickly rolls out of the way and quickly grabs Lucky's leg tripping her before surprisingly locking a modified version of the Nightmare of Blackpool. Meanwhile, Anastasia slowly begin to regain their footing in the ring. Willow runs over and splashes Anastasia in the corner. Anastasia staggers out of the corner before Willow kicks Anastasia in the gut and pulls her in for the beginning of The Butterfly Effect. Anastasia quickly pulls out and connects with an european uppercut and attempts the Rolling Blackout but Willow quickly tosses Anastasia off. Anastasia surprisingly landed on her feet like she knew Willow would counter it. Anastasia quickly turns around into a kick from Willow. Willow pulls Anastasia in for a ddt but Anastasia quickly grabs Willows arm and rolls out of the ddt into the Dismemberment. Referee Amanda Burns turns around after hearing the screaming of Willow. Referee Amanda Burns calls for the bell as she sees Willow tapping out from the possibly pulled muscle in her arm.
You Can Run...
But You Can't Hide...
The Trap Has Sprung...
And The Tiger Is Going To Prey...
Upon Your Sinful Soul...