Month Day, 2019 edition of Download from The ZCW Headquarters in Edmonton Alberta Canada!
Download opens up to Rochelle Shields standing in front of a screen within ZCW Headquarters.
Rochelle Shields: Hello and welcome to the debut edition of Download. My name is Rochelle Shields and I will be your host. As you can tell from the set up, this not a typical wrestling show. Download is designed to get recaps of important and surprising events that take place during our Live Events. I will also be talking about the latest rumors and events that have been taking place over social media. So without any further delay, lets get on with the show.
Rochelle Shields smiles as the screen beside her clicks over to the Rush! logo.

Rochelle Shields: Just last week we were able to witness the very first Rush and it was an astounding success. Wrestlers and fans alike have been talking about what went down. If you missed it, I will give you a quick run down. Our Chairman, Paul Heyman, opened the show telling us that ZCW is about to take over the world. We saw the arrivals of Allen DeVine and William Ellis. We got to see the arrival of The Dangerous Family. We got to see Charisma Chase take down Taylor Archor to prove how dangerous the Dangerous Family can be. We got a glimpse into the turmoil brewing between The Roberts Twins on our General Manager. We witnessed the debut of Anna Rose. The Canadian Nightmare Adam Lane toppled David Thomas in a hard fought bout. Chelsea Reilly got word from our General Manager. Erik Drake dropped the ax and chopped William Ellis from active competition. Alison Creed bore witness to the shocking signing and debut of Jessikah Hall-Tiger. The Dangerous Family made their presence known by calling out the monsterous Stanley Ryan Tiger before being met by Lee J. Tiger. The Taylor Twins made their debut. Arnica Blaine-Nyman made a shocking debut in the main event. The show closed out with Zoe Mason making her arrival and the rest of the night's female winners staring each other down. A spectacular night for professional wrestling! And with that being said...
The monitor behind Rochelle Shields changes to an image entitled "Arrival"

Rochelle Shields: I got word earlier today about the next televised event from ZCW. Live on July fourteenth from the Northlands Coliseum right here in Edmonton Alberta Canada, ZCW will put on its first pay-per-view and it is appropriately named Arrival! This is exciting news coming from our Peyton Johnston and I am sure the talent will be absolutely thrilled. I asked Miss Johnston about the conclusion of Rush! and she has confirmed that the first official match set for Arrival will be Arnica Blaine-Nyman, Charisma Chase, Jessikah Hall-Tiger, and Zoe Mason competing in a fatal four way to determine the first ever ZCW Womens' Champion. Congratulations to all four women. I was also informed that because of the recent events on Twitter, Amber Bryant will be taking on Gina Marino at Arrival.
The monitor shows the logo for Twitter as Rochelle Shields continues.

Rochelle Shields: And speaking of Twitter, it has been the focal point of a lot of drama and personal conflicts as of late. Just recently The Lafao Twins have been targeting Morgan Taylor and Eve Guerrero. I tried to get a word with both men but I was told that everything will be revealed in time. Then we have the growing fear from Dominic Knight directed towards Brooke Taylor. I personally hoping Brooke will be okay when this is all said and done.
The monitor switches over to a screen saying "In Your House".

Rochelle Shields: With ZCW's next televised event being in July, ZCW has decided to hold live events through out Canada. We will be recapping some of the events that have happened over the course of the last week. Just a few days ago ZCW held a live event is Saskatchatoon, when during the event the live audience experienced a haunting event when the lights went out during the scheduled Chris Holderness/David Thomas match. While the lights were out, all the screens began to flicker with static before showing what looked to be like Dominic Knight standing over a sleeping Brooke Taylor. Needless to say, this is just the distraction needed for David Thomas to take the victory. The next day in Moose Jaw, after an astounding victory over Kingston Rourke and Wolf Knox, The Lafao Twins got on the mic and threatened to leak a video that Tai has regarding Eve Guerrero. Issac claimed that he had some damning evidence regarding Morgan Taylor as well but neither man cared to explain more. Last night, fittingly in North Battleford, a declaration of war was laid down by The Dangerous Family towards Stanley Ryan Tiger. The ring leader, James E. Dangerously, filmed the entire event and sent it to ZCW officials. There will be a graphic content warning as it can be hard for younger audiences to witness.
The monitor behind Rochelle Shields switches over to the video submitted by James E. Dangerously.
:The camera feed is shaky as it is behind filmed from a phone camera held by what looks like to be Selina Chase. The camera shows James E. Dangerously walking through the parking lot of the building towards ZCW Producer Lee J. Tiger:
James E. Dangerously: Hey Pope! So. It has been well over a week. Has your big bad brother decided to show up yet? Has he and that whore of a wife returned from "vacation" yet?
Lee J. Tiger: First of all. The Pope doesn't appreciate your blatant disrespect of Sister Debra. Secondly. Brother Stanley and Sister Debra are no scheduled to be here tonight. Their vacation last until our next televised event in July.
James E. Dangerously: Aww well that is too bad. I guess that means you are all alone...
:James E. Dangerously begins to smile and laugh as a large man comes barreling from behind a car taking Lee J. Tiger down. The large man picks up Tiger and launches him into the nearest car watching him fall to the ground in a heap. Tiger slowly begins to get up when the large man charges in and squashes Tiger between himself and the car. The large man backs up looking at the carnage breathing heavily as Dangerously crotches down to Tiger:
James E. Dangerously: You tell your brother that I will be waiting for him. Let him know that my beast Manifest Destiny will be looking for him. It is a real shame you had to be the martyr tonight but you are the easiest target.
:James E. Dangerously and the rest of the Dangerous Family walk away leaving Lee J. Tiger in a heap:
The monitor returns to the "In Your House" logo.
Rochelle Shields: I can say that Lee J. Tiger is alright and has been released from the local medical facility. I am getting word that this is the conclusion of the first Download but I will see you next week to recap the latest events in ZCW. Bye for now!
Rochelle Shields waves as the feed goes to black. |