Date Posted:05-02-2015 2:33 AMCopy HTML
Nightmare and Evveros start the match in the center of the ring. Referee Eddie Lopez explains the rules to both men. Men fight men and women fight women. If a man strikes a woman, then his team is disqualified. Both men agree to the rules and the bell is sounded. Nightmare and Evveros lock up in the center of the ring jocking for position. Nightmare gets the upper hand and pulls Evveros into a side headlock. Nightmare wrenches in the hold tighter as Evveros tries to get out of hold. Evveros attempts to whip Nightmare off but Nightmare just tightens the headlock more. Referee Eddie Lopez checks to see if it a choke and allows Nightmare to continue with the hold. Evveros drops down to one knee from the pain as Nightmare graciously lowers himself as well. Evveros musters up his remaining strength returning to his feet and lifting up Nightmare before connecting with a belly to back suplex. Nightmare releases the headlock in mid air before getting the mat. Evveros and Nightmare are slow to get back to their feet. Evveros is the first to his feet and begins to shake out the cob webs from the headlock before going over and putting the boots to Nightmare. Evveros picks Nightmare up and leans him against the ropes. Evveros begins to chop and slap at Nightmare's chest before connecting with hard shots to the head. Evveros goes to whip Nightmare to the adjacent ropes but Nightmare pulls back and throws Evveros over the top rope. Nightmare backs up with his hands up as Referee Eddie Lopez checks on Evveros through the ropes. Cadance checks on her brother as he regains his footing but Evveros wants nothing to do with her and pushes her away. Evveros slides into the ring and is met by Nightmare stomping away at him. Nightmare lifts Evveros to his feet and lays him over the middle rope. Nightmare runs back and bouncings off the ropes before jumping up and landing on Evveros' back causing Evveros to be choked by the rope. Evveros springs off the rope holding his throat before Nightmare lifts him to his feet and proceeds to lift him up and slam him to the mat with a body slam. Nightmare lifts Evveros back up but Evveros connects with a throat chop to Nightmare causing him to step back. Evveros continues his new assault with a kick to the gut of Nightmare proceeding with a DDT. Evveros gets on top of the fallen Nightmare and begins to connect with hard punches to the skull. Referee Eddie Lopez pulls Evveros off Nightmare allowing Nightmare to get back to his feet. Evveros and Nightmare begin to exchange blows before Nightmare gets the upper hand and slams Evveros with a hip toss backbreaker combination. Nightmare walks over to Slays and tags her in, which focus Evveros to tag in or be disqualified. Slays walks over to Evveros and taunts him to strike her. Evveros walks over and tags in Monaco to avoid disqualification as Referee Eddie Lopez makes it to the count of 4. Monaco and Slays begin to exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Slays is still upset about Monaco throwing herself at Nightmare as well as being naked around him. Slays allows her emotions to get the best of her as Monaco gets the upper hand and tosses Slays to the mat. Monaco proceeds to stomp on Slays as Cadance walks over to the adjacent corner to pull a pair of handcuffs and brass knuckles out of her cleavage. Cadance places them under the bottom turnbuckle and walks back to her brother as Nightmare calls the objects into question towards Referee Eddie Lopez. Monaco sees this and begins to argue with Cadance about almost costing her the match. Cadance gets onto the apron as the argument intensifies before Monaco pushes Cadance. Cadance rears back and slaps Monaco. Monaco stumbles back and is grabbed by Slays before being taken to the mat with a Slayed. Slays goes for the cover as Cadance tells Referee Eddie Lopez to pay attention. Referee Eddie Lopez turns around and makes the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3!
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