05/28/17; Houston, Texas
:The cameras show James Ruffa, Meghan Holliday, and Sammy Polo sitting at Ringside: James Ruffa: We are just moments away from our much anticipated Knockouts Championship match. Sammy Polo: The Queen of Implosion will be walking in with the Championship and will be walking out with it. There is no one that is ready to take the championship from her. Meghan Holliday: We have a lot of very talented women on the roster and they will be showcased at the Royal Rumble. But lets wait no further and go to the ring. Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and will be for the SKCW Knockouts Championship! "Roar" hits as the crowd boos as Eva Marie Armetta with the SKCW Knockouts Championship around her waist makes her way to the ring. Leslie DiPietro: Residing from Daytona Beach Florida. She is the reigning and defending SKCW Knockouts Champion. Eva Marie Armetta! Sammy Polo: Here comes The Queen of Implosion and tonight this is not going to change. James Ruffa: She has been dominate as champion but tonight she will be having one of her biggest challenges. Meghan Holliday: I much agree. "Hello Kitty" hits as the crowd cheers as Hayley Quinzel makes her way to the ring. Leslie DiPietro: Residing from Winningpeg Manitoba Canada. She is the challenger. Hayley Quinzel! Meghan Holliday: Hayley seems like a nice lady but something seems a bit off about her. James Ruffa: When you get hit in the head with a steel chair multiple times by a massive woman, I am sure you wouldn't be all there either. Sammy Polo: That just proves that she shouldn't even be competing tonight and our Queen will have an easy match. SKCW Knockout Championship: Eva Marie Armetta versus Hayley Quinzel Armetta and Quinzel circle each other in the ring. Armetta and Quinzel approach each other to lock up before Armetta stops Quinzel putting her hand in her face showing her arrogance. The crowd erupts in boos towards Armetta as she walks around the ring telling the crowd to shut up. Quinzel tilts her head looking Armetta walking around the ring before walking up to her and turning her around. Armetta immediately raises her hands telling Quinzel no before leaning through the ropes forcing Referee Rebecca Lunar to back Quinzel away from Armetta. Armetta leans back into the ring before Quinzel walks back up towards her. Quinzel goes to grab her but Armetta kicks her knee out from under her. Armetta laughs and proceeds to circle Quinzel slapping her face knocking her back down yelling that she is the Queen of Implosion. Armetta plants a kick to Quinzel's stomach causing her to roll over in pain. Armetta places her foot on the side of Quinzel's face demanding the pin be counted. 1 ... 2! Quinzel kicks out! Armetta bends down and picks up Quinzel before lacing her up and dropping her with a suplex. Armetta scraps the bottom of her boot across the face of Quinzel before yelling at the crowd for cheering someone like Quinzel. Armetta turns to Quinzel that is getting herself back up. Armetta runs over and attempts to kick Quinzel in the stomach but Quinzel rolls out of the way and gets to her feet. Quinzel quickly goes behind Armetta and slams her to the mat with a belly to back mat slam. Quinzel spins on Armetta's back getting in front of her. Armetta begins to ise moments before Quinzel slaps Armetta across the face returning the favor. Quinzel slides backwards out of the ring as Armetta gets furious and begins to crawl towards her. Quinzel stands at ringside laughing at the enraged Armetta. Armetta quickly gets out of the ring and begins to chase Quinzel. Quinzel quickly rolls into the ring and drops an elbow on Armetta as she enters. Quinzel picks Armetta up going for the Skyward Suplex but Armetta slips out and connects with a flashback. The crowd boos as Armetta rolls out of the ring grabbing a chair. Quinzel begins to get up as Armetta slides into the ring with the chair. Armetta immediately gets the chair taken away by Referee Rebecca Lunar. Armetta turns yelling at Referee Rebecca Lunar as Quinzel gets up. Armetta turns around with Rebecca Lunar's attention still on disposing of the chair as Quinzel uses the Mist of Transformation blinding Armetta. Armetta begins to rub on her eyes as Quinzel lifts Armetta up for The Red Wedding but some how Armetta gets enough ring awareness to counter into the Eve's Drop. Armetta goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3!
Winner: Eva Marie Armetta "Roar" hits as Eva Marie Armetta is handed the SKCW Knockouts Champion and is raised much to the crowd's dismay. Leslie DiPietro: Your winner and still SKCW Knockouts Champion, Eva Marie Armetta! James Ruffa: Eva Marie Armetta walks out of Kill Shot with the Knockouts Championship after a hard fought match. Sammy Polo: I told all of you that our Queen will reign supreme. Hayley should have been disqualified for that god awful mist to our Queen. Meghan Holliday: Eva Marie did her fair share of illegal tactics. So it is only fair. :Backstage: :Amberly walks down the hall as Rina Kirilos pops out from around the corner happy and cheery to see Amberly: Rina Kirilos: Amberly! Amberly: Oh hey Rina. Rina Kirilos: You getting excited for the Rumble later? Amberly: Oh yeah. I don't know what we will be getting out of it. Seeing it is a dual branded affair. Rina Kirilos: Well I got your back out there. Amberly: I am not sure that will be a good idea. Alice will be in the match too and Rebecca will be watching from the back. Rina Kirilos: I am not afraid of them. Amberly: You should be. But I'll tell you what. I won't come after you tonight. Promise. Rina Kirilos: Alright bestie! Love you! :Rina Kirilos hugs Amberly before looking around before patting her on the head: Amberly: Love you too bestie. Run along and get ready for the Rumble. :Amberly watches Rina Kirilos before continuing on down the hall. Alice Creed and Rebecca Cunningham walks out from around the opposite corner looking at Amberly walking down the hall: :Another Backstage Area: GM Office :James E. Dangerously stands around alone after the other brand General Manager's walked out when Crystal Fairweather walks in: Crystal Fairweather: Mister Dangerously, it has been over three months since Implosion has been seen on television or in any kind of format. Why is that? James E. Dangerously: Well Crystal, It is like this. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The longer we are gone, the more people want to see it. But also, the longer you are gone, the sooner people will forget. But seriously. I got the call from the higher ups offering this opportunity to take over Kill Shot again before the Royal Rumble. I jumped on the opportunity and agreed. Now speaking of the lack of tapings, there was an unclear date of the Rumble so I didn't want to book a taping and it interfere with tonight. But tonight is here and we are rocking. Crystal Fairweather: We have been hearing about an event called Affliction before tonight but with the recent releases of Noelle and Zoe Badstreet with Genocide rehiring Badstreet, Implosion has taken a hit. What is the word on Affliction? James E. Dangerously: I have decided to put off Affliction for the time being but I will be talking with the higher ups and discuss what will be going on moving forward. I know Implosion will be apart of WrestleMania some way or another and I don't want to book an event that will interfere. Crystal Fairweather: With Eva Marie successfully defending against Hayley Quinzel earlier tonight, who do you see being her next challenger? James E. Dangerously: Tonight is the Royal Rumble and we will be a part of the AfterShock portion of the show. If Implosion just so happens to win, then I will give them the option to get a shot at the AfterShock or Implosion top championships. Will Bruce Win follow through with that deal? I am not sure but that is what I am offering. But those shots will be at WrestleMania. Now, I will be watching the Rumbles and I will be keeping an eye out for Implosion talent. Even if you don't win, you may be getting an opportunity in short time. Crystal Fairweather: What are your plans for Implosion going forward? James E. Dangerously: After tonight, we are going to go through a reboot of sorts. Allen DeVine and Sophia Pope will remain their respective European Champions, Eva will keep the Knockouts, and either Finn or SRT will keep the Universal Championship. But we are going to go through a redesign and we are going to reinvent ourselves and put ourselves on the mat. Crystal Fairweather: :James E. Dangerously walks away leaving Crystal Fairweather alone: :Video Preview for Universal Championship: Finn Danielson versus Stanley Ryan Tiger: James Ruffa: And it is now time for the Main Event of the evening. We are going to see our inaugural Universal Champion Finn Danielson defend the championship against long time veteran and former six time World Champion Stanley Ryan Tiger. Meghan Holliday: Danielson looks to topple the giant while SRT looks to take the Universal Championship to become a seven time champion. Sammy Polo: Both of these men are pure trash. SRT used to be a dominate threat but now is just a mediocre joke trying to save damsels in distress or whatever he is trying to do. Meghan Holliday: He is being an upstanding guy for once in his career. Just because you are a pig does't mean SRT is a joke. Sammy Polo: He has his girlfriend wife thing to worry about. But he is going after all the little teeny bopper girls trying to seem cool. He got his ass kicked getting involved with Double Penetration. And tonight, he is going to fall short again. James Ruffa: Finn Danielson and Stanley Ryan Tiger look to show they are better man tonight. So lets qut stalling and get to the action. Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the SKCW Universal Championship! "Under A Killing Moon" hits as the Crowd Cheers as Stanley Ryan Tiger walks to the ring slapping hands with the fans. Leslie DiPietro: First the challenger. From San Antonio Texas. Weighing in at three hundred and twenty-six pounds. Stanley Ryan Tiger! James Ruffa: Here comes Stanley Ryan Tiger looking to win his first Universal Championship and his seventh World Championship reign. Sammy Polo: He will fail like he always does on the big stage. Meghan Holliday: SRT has a size able advantage over the champion and may use that to his advantage. Leslie DiPietro: And his opponent. "Game Over" hits as the Crowd Cheers as Finn Danielson walks to the ring with the SKCW Universal Championship around his waist. Leslie DiPietro: From Bray County Wicklow Ireland. Weighing in at two hundred pounds. He is the SKCW Universal Champion. Finn Danielson! James Ruffa: The champion shows no fear tonight as his biggest challenge stands before him. Sammy Polo: The Universal Championship is a joke. Some scrawny little twig like that as champion? Ha! Meghan Holliday: Danielson is a former North American Champion and looks to take down the giant to keep his reign in tact. SKCW Universal Championship: Finn Danielson versus Stanley Ryan Tiger Danielson and SRT meet in the center of the ring as Referee John James explains the rules to both men. Danielson looks at the towering figure before him before extending his hand for a good sportsmanship hand shake. SRT extends his hand and shakes Danielson's. SRT raises his hand for a test of strength knowing Danielson couldn't reach at all. SRT lowers his arm so Danielson could reach. Danielson reaches up and laces his fingers before being taken down by a vicious clothesline from SRT. SRT picks Danielson up and tosses him into the corner before connecting with hard back elbows to Danielson's head. SRT walks out of the corner before quickly turning around charging back into the corner connecting with a thunderous clothesline. SRT pulls Danielson out of the orner by the back of the head before tossing him to the mat. Referee John James checks on Danielson to see if he can continue before being tossed out of the way. SRT reaches down and picks up Danielson bringing him to his feet before wrapping his hand around his neck. SRT lifts Danielson up and slams him to the mat with a chokeslam. Referee John James looks to call for the bell but SRT grabs his shirt and threatens him. SRT picks Danielson back up and locks in the Tiger Trap shaking Danielson viciously. Referee John James calls for the bell. Winner: Stanley Ryan Tiger; New SKCW Universal Championship :"Under A Killing Moon" plays as Stanley Ryan Tiger is handed the Universal Championship much to the crowd's shock and the EMTs check on Finn Danielson. Leslie DiPietro: Your winner and NEW SKCW UNIVERSAL CHAMPION, Stanley Ryan Tiger! James Ruffa: SRT has officially achieved his first Universal Championship reign and in dominate fashion. Sammy Polo: He has finally shown his true nature and just brutalized the champion. Just what I wanted to see. Meghan Holliday: SRT shown a side he hasn't shown in a long time. It will be interesting to see what is next for him and the championship. :The arena goes silent as Stanley Ryan Tiger stands in the center of the ring with the SKCW Universal Championship in hand and a microphone in the other: Stanley Ryan Tiger: So I am some kind of joke to all of you?! Being considered a "shocking" superstar to win the Royal Rumble?! An unlikely World Champion?! Look at me! I am standing here with the SKCW Universal Championship in hand after completely dominating that worthless champion Finn Danielson! My name is STANLEY RYAN GOD DAMN TIGER! The MOST SUCCESSFUL Big Man in the HISTORY of SKCW! And I demand the respect that I deserve! :STanley Ryan Tiger tosses the microphone down as Kill Shot goes off the air: |