Date Posted:14-07-2018 5:20 AMCopy HTML
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| this will be a good time |
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Starrcade, the final stop before WrestleMania, crash lands in the heart of Montreal Ontario Canada. As tradition, Starrcade will be hosting Steel Xscape matches to determine who will be walking into WrestleMania as the Women's and SKCW Championships against the Royal Rumble Winners. The Steel Xscape is a barbaric structure designed to inflect the most damage to your opponents and determine the genuine champion. This year's competitors all have some kind of connection to one another whether it is obvious or not. Serena Acid defeated Anastasia Lafayette to become Women's Champion. Debra and Alice have had a very heated for a quite some time. Debra and Anastasia used to be tag team partners and bitter rivals. Anastasia has had some very choice words about Alice on several occasions. Debra and Serena are connected by two of their male encounters, Tom Armetta and Stanley Ryan Tiger. Alice and Serena both rose to fame after splitting from two SKCW competitors.
The Geocide fans fill the arena with a buzz to their presence. Members of the announce team are conducting interviews with the fans for promotional material as the competitors enter the arena through the back entrance. Many of the top stars are filmed entering the arena with very little fan interaction. The Sorority is spotted exiting an unmarked vehicle heading towards the back entrance as a unit. Alice Creed leads the group while Rebecca Cunningham trails.
The Sorority enters the arena with bags in tow and head for the Women's locker room with an aire of confidence. Alice Creed pushes open the door and heads in with Amberly and Rebecca Cunningham close behind. Alice Creed walks to an open area and tosses her bag onto the bench before taking off her shirt and walks to the shower area unhooking her bra. Rebecca Cunningham picks up Alice's shirt places it on Alice's bag before walking to the showers with Alice's ring gear.
Alice Creed exits the Women's locker room with the rest of The Sorority close behind as they head for the entrance way. The Sorority heads down the hall without a care in the world of who they could encounter or who they could possibly rub the wrong way. The Sorority walks past the sound technicians before standing behind the gorilla curtain.
"Stars in the Night" plays as The Sorority walk through the curtain and stand at the top of the ramp. The Sorority taunt the fans before heading down the ramp. Alice Creed extends her arms sending Rebecca Cunningham and Amberly on the opposite sides on the ring. The Sorority climb onto the ring apron before climbing into the ring. The Sorority climb the turnbuckles and pose for the booing crowd. The Sorority get off the turnbuckles before Rebecca Cunningham leans through the ropes and demands the microphone for Alice Creed. Alice Creed is handed the microphone.
alice CREED Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the experZUI experience is the pleasure of seeing the three most beautiful and dominating women on Genocide with your own eyes. Starrcade will make the Women's Championship look the most gorgeous it has ever looked in its entire inception when it is placed around the sexy slender waist of ME. Gone will be the days of dog face twats, the graffiti riddled cum dumpsters, and garbage fires holding the Women's Championship. I will bring class and overall beauty to the championship that no one else can even come close to matching. The other three competitors are just sorry excuses for flesh and bones. They bring shame to the women race and set an example of what plastic surgery will destroy more. One of these so called "women" is someone that makes my vomit just even mentioning. And that is that god awful dog faced twat Debra Lynn Tiger. That twat ruined something that was absolutely beautiful and took my child away from me. She is a home wrecker and should not be rewarded with anything but pure pain. I attempted to end her career and life but the bitch won't die! At Starrcade however, she will be put to rest once and for all. I see to it that she is dismantled and left hanging on that structure. Starrcade will be the last we see of that abomination. The Women's Champion is nothing more than a graffiti riddled cum dumpster. The Women's Champion isn't an invitation to sleep with former World Champions and who ever else comes along the way. The Women's Champion is supposed to be representing class and sophistication. But Serena Acid has absolutely no clue what any of that is. Serena Acid is nothing more than a heavily graffiti covered cum dumpster in the darkest alley of Montreal. She has to resort to sleeping around to keep herself in the spotlight instead of defending her championship like a real woman. And finally we have a garbage fire that can actually be saved. You see, Anastasia Lafayette, may not be the greatest wrestler alive. She may not be the greatest personality of all time. But she is one hell of a gorgeous competitor. She could do great things if only she aligned herself with the best of the best. She royally fucked herself over by teaming up with the dag faced twat. That nearly ruined her career. But if she became the fourth member of The Sorority, she would be at the tip of every man's tongue. She would be the envy of every woman, excluding myself of course, imaginable. She would be beating off men with both hands. Her career would only go up with The Sorority behind her. Besides, I could personally make sure her time with The Sorority is the best she ever had, if you catch my drift. So come on Anastasia, join me and your little sister in The Sorority. You would have all the friends you will ever need and will be the talk of the town. Make the right decision because at Strrcade, if you make the wrong one, you will be severely punished and I will make sure you come to The Sorority while I carry out the Women's Championship around my waist.
Alice Creed smiles wickedly before dropping the microphone as "Stars in the Night" plays. The Sorority poses one more time before exiting the ring heading up the ramp. The crowd is booing heavily after the comments made by their leader. |