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- Register:25-08-2012 5:03 PM
Date Posted:21-06-2015 7:26 PMCopy HTML
//ACCOLADES// | 2014 gold rush winner. skcw world tag team champion w/allen cassidy. skcw champion. |  | LOVERS//
| taylor archor. rina kirilos. debra lynn tiger. | HATERS//
| tom armetta. gemini. anastasia lafayette. |
| (c.) BLOODY MAKEOVER//ET 2014; Want one of your own? Click HERE. | mr. money in the bank...fact!;;
Money In The Bank. A concept that will drastically change the future of one individual. Having a contract to face whatever champion whenever they so please as long as it is within a physical calendar year. Nine men will walk into the Elimination Chamber hoping to get the briefcase but only one will be able to get it. Allen DeVine is one of those hopefuls. The last Elimination Chamber he competed in, he ran the match. Starting at number one and making it through to the end. He was not successful in winning the match and the SKCW Championship but he showed that he belonged in the title picture. And now with his move to Overdrive! and immediately being placed into the Money In The Bank Elimination Chamber match, he is going to run the chamber once again but this time walking out at the winner and with the briefcase. Allen DeVine knew just what that would do for his career and knew that is would be the beginning of a new era on Overdrive!. An era that would be simply DeVine.
Allen DeVine walked into the Cowboys Stadium with focus in his eyes. He recently got traded to Overdrive! and was thrown into the Money in the Bank Elimination Chamber match within hours of his trade. He was stoked to be in the match and right a wrong that happened over on Genocide. Allen DeVine knew that it would not be an easy task to overcome all the high profiled talent in the match but did know that he is the best in ring competitor in the match.
Allen DeVine walked into the locker room and placed his bags down before leaving the locker room. DeVine walked down the hall to the entrance way and waited by the gorilla curtain waiting for his time to address the crowd. "Adrenaline" plays as Allen DeVine bursts through the curtain to the booing crowd. DeVine stands at the top of the ramp and gyrates his butt for the camera. The crowd continues their boos as Allen DeVine heads down the ramp being as cock as ever. DeVine slides crowd the ring apron before climbing into the ring. DeVine climbs to the second rope and taunts the fans before hopping down. DeVine gets a microphone from Miss Shannon and begins to talk.

Allen DeVine Hello and welcome to The DeVine Experience live from the Cowboys Stadium in Dallas Texas the home of WrestleMania Thirteen! Tonight is the night that a new Money in the Bank winner will be crowned and that winner will be me! I am the best damn competitor on the full time roster. It doesn't matter if it is Overdrive!, Genocide, or the returning HCW. I can out wrestle, out perform, out class anyone of them. That is why my first hour with Overdrive!, General Manager Seth Ryan placed me in the Money in the Bank Elimination Chamber match representing Overdrive!. Why? Because he knows I am a former SKCW Champion. He knows I ran the Elimination Chamber and nearly won the SKCW Championship from that cheapskate Tom Armetta. But tonight, I will show that Overdrive! is the superior brand when I go into that chamber, run the hell out of it, and take that briefcase home with me.
The fans boo as Allen DeVine just laughs at the ovation of boos.
Allen DeVine Oh boo hoo! You all know what I am saying is true. Tom Armetta is a coward and shouldn't even be the SKCW Champion. And tonight I will prove to all of you ungrateful fans as well as the management teams that I am the new face of SKCW. Bo Flynn, Bobby Miles, Brian Juneau, Chris Kleen, Derek Bryan, Phoenix Winterborn, TJ Bryan, and Zackary Lavelle. I am better than all of them. I am better looking them all of them. I am better on the microphone than all of them. I am better in the ring than all of them. When this night is over they will find out that I am better with the ladies than them when Gemma Acid, Kasey Winterborn, Robyn Bryce, Amy Walker, and Trish Monroe come home with me.
The crowd boos even louder for the disrespectful comments made by Allen DeVine.
Allen DeVine Chris Kleen and Phoenix Winterborn have decided to put the old behind them and become friends. Oh how sweet of them. It is real touching. Chris Kleen being a former SKCW Champion. Phoenix Winterborn being a former SKCW Champion. It is a real shame that neither one of them will be able to step away from their drunken escapades long enough to come to the ring and become champion again. Phoenix Winterborn is only still here because his sister is doing something and his girlfriend is like some kind of goddess to you people. Chris Kleen comes and goes on a yearly basis. They are both lazy wastes of space in this company. Holding down people that should be taking this company by storm.
Allen DeVine is hit with a cup of soda.
Allen DeVine Alright you little bastards! Who in the hell threw that cup at me?! Come on in this ring right now!
Not a soul comes into the ring.
Allen DeVine Exactly what I thought! Bo Flynn is just some mentally challenged man child that thinks he belongs in this ring. Seriously. Make-A-Wish needs to stay the hell away from these requests. This man child is going to get hard and he is going to get hurt bad. Bobby Miles is in the same boat but this guy carries around a stick wanting people to stroke it. Obviously he has a compensation issue and uses that in place of his manhood. Brian Juneau needs to have a dude escort him around and talk for him as well as have his band of merry men come and attack people to get what he wants. And it looks like he is going to be locked up all alone. I know that is going to end up in a crying session along with a lawsuit for putting his "people" in cages.
The crowd erupts in deafening boos for the latest comment from Allen DeVine.
Allen DeVine You all know it is going to happen. Derek Bryan comes out here and talks a lot of game about how I am nothing more than dud and he is the true show off because he ran around showing his dick to anything and anyone that moved. I don't have to show my dick to the fans or to everyone to be the show off. I come out to this ring night after night and I do things in this ring that you wish you could do. I am not some mondaine robot that comes out here and spouts out about the same garbage over and over again. I am not walking in here trying to show up my brother or show up an ex fling. Zackary Lavelle, you have been World Heavyweight Champion before. You have won the Royal Rumble. You are the prince of Thy Kingdom but the fact is, you couldn't achieve anything without the assistance of your goon squad. Whether it be Wyrd or Thy Kingdom. Without them, you can't perform. That also goes for your little blue soliders that your girlfriend Trish has been giving you. The Money in the Bank briefcase is as good as mine. I am the best competitor on the active roster and tonight will prove just that.
Allen DeVine drops the microphone as "Adrenaline" plays and the crowd erupts in deafening boos. Allen DeVine climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp smiling still confident as can be. |