Date Posted:05-05-2016 2:53 PMCopy HTML
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| mentioned__ womens internet championship, rina kirilos, robyn bryce, anastasia lafayette occ__ lets have fun music__ "toxic valentine" by all time low tbc__ no one | | | Staples Center in Los Angeles California is electric with the arrival of the all woman brand called Revolution. The women that are tired of being held down finally have a place to thrive and show why they are some of the top stars in all of professional wrestling. Amberly walked into the building being prepared for the beginning of a new journey for her and her getting a chance to become the first Womens Internet Champion. A chance to further her career and move up the ranks of the roster. Amberly walks down the hall and walks over to the entrance way waiting for her time to shine. "Toxic Valentine" plays as Amberly walks out to the top of the ramp as London Lace introduces her.

London Lace. Please welcome. Residing from London England by way of Lafayette Louisiana. Amberly!
Amberly begins to sideways skip down the ramp as she unzips her jacket. Amberly climbs onto the ring apron and takes off her jacket. Amberly throws it to the floor as she rears back and screams. Amberly climbs into the ring and gets a microphone.
Amberly. Well hello Los Angeles! What a god awful place to be! I came to Revolution to prove my dominance over the world and prove that this is MY house but yet I am still shown disrespect. Hell, my big sister came back to SKCW and join Genocide only to be treated with respect. What the hell?! I love my big sister don't get me wrong but for christ sakes! Build the new not restructure the old. But I will say this, if my beautiful big sissy ever wants to come to Revolution or offer me a spot on Genocide, I'd love to tag with you and take those Womens' Tag Team Championships off those sickening tramps of Christina Monroe and Elektra. But to go back to tonight, I will be in a triple threat match to crown the Womens Internet Champion. My opponents have me a big saddened though. I mean I don't mind beating the living hell out of Robyn Bryce and becoming champion but my bestie Rina Kirilos?! I can't do that! She is so lovely and smart and nerdy. She is my best friend after all. No matter how many times we accidentally hurt each other, I still love her. So I will just beat up Robyn and hope Rina stays back and allows me to take the title. I have nothing against Rina. I don't wanna fight my bestie. No no no! But we have an understanding that there are no friends in the ring. So if push comes to shove, then I guess Rina is going to be tapping out to the ATO just like Robyn would be. But I do love you bestie! No hard feelings. I will be walking out of Revolution as the Womens Internet Champion and there is no one on Revolution or Genocide or Overdrive! or even AfterShock that will say otherwise. I am the best this brand has to over and I will prove that tonight. Eva and Zoe, have fun with the Knockouts Championship because I will be coming for both of you in the near future. That is, unless, my big sissy brings me over to Genocide and I take the Womens Internet Championship with me. Once I have the championship win tonight, there is no taking that title off of me.
Amberly drops the microphone and heads out of the ring as "Toxic Valentine" plays once again leading her up the ramp. |
The Vengeful Spirit