Date Posted:11-02-2018 9:12 PMCopy HTML
 | friends | current feud | acomplishments | amara delacrox? | xxxxxx | mlw: ?????? | others: women's champion. women's european champion. women' internet champion. |
| The Pepsi Center in Denver Colorado is the home base for the February 17th edition of MLW's Neophyte. After the previous week's action, there has been a lot of buzz about what could happen to top it. A few debuts will be made and some returning faces will be seen again. In the main event we will see a man fight a woman. Teacher versus student as they describe it. Jayson Rios debuting against a well established competitor in Eve Guerrero. Brandon Helmsley steps back into MLW ring against a member of the dominant Undisputed Alliance, Liam Christensen. Fred Finn looks to get onto the right track facing Ellia Perez. Alex Jones debuts against Cody Kennedy. But most importantly, best friends Caprice Ouellet and Meghan Jericho face off against two debuting and unlikely tag partners in Amara Delacrox and Amber Bryant.
Amber Bryant steps out of her rental car and takes a deep breath looking around the parking lot allowing the feeling of freedom rush over her. She has been competing for another company for her entire career so far and being over looked not only by but in favor of her older sister. Amber closes her eyes and takes a deep breath through her little nose before opening her eyes and breathing out looking at the scattering of fans. Amber smiles and goes to the trunk to grab her bag. Amber walks towards the arena doors as the fans look on not really knowing what to do. In the other company, she competed under her birth name but requested a new alias upon coming to MLW to get away from her sister's success. A couple fans recognize her but others don't have a clue. Amber waves to the fans regardless of their knowledge of her or not. Amber walks into the arena and looks around the halls. It has been a couple year since she has been in the Pepsi Center and it brings back old memories.
Amber walks down the hall and heads directly for the women's locker room. Amber steps through the door and notices a spot open. Amber walks right up to the spot and looks at the spot next to it seeing Amara Delacrox's bag sitting there. Amber smiles and places her bag down. Amber rifles through her bag and pulls out her new ring gear specifically made for her MLW career. Amber lays her gear out and smiles as her fingers run over it thinking about what she could accomplish. Amber turns back to her bag and pulls out a towel before walking towards the shower area.
Amber walks out of the women's locker room fully geared up and heads down the hall. Amber walks past a group of the women talent. Amber offers her hand to some of the talent before pulling her hand away laughing. Amber looks to her partner for the night and smiles before sticking up her pinkie. Amara laughs and taps her pinkie against Amber's before Amber continues down the hall. Amber walks up the steps and waits at the gorilla curtain getting herself mentally ready.
"Toxic Valentine" hits as Amber looks at the curtain counting down on her hand before walking through to the hot crowd. Amber walks the stage as the fans cheer and boo for her. Amber stops at the top of the ramp and begins to gallop down the ramp trying to hype up the crowd. Amber walks around the ring hyping the crowd as she grabs a microphone. Amber climbs onto the ring apron and throws her head back screaming before pointing to herself yelling about this being her house. Amber climbs into the ring and climbs to the second rope hyping the crowd more. Amber climbs down and brings the microphone up to her.
Amber Bryant: Well. Well. Well. So this is what Major League Wrestling is all about. Some of the bigger names in professional wrestling coming here to compete and build their careers. For all of you that don't know who I am; well that is a damn shame because I am someone to be remembered in this industry. My name is Amber Bryant. I came here to MLW by recommendation of a man you all hate with a passion, my former boss, Jame E. Dangerously. You see, when I was competing for the company that shall not be named, James E. Dangerously gave me opportunities to be Women's Champion as well as other opportunities to succeed while the other General Managers held me down in favor of my older less talented sister. All because she has bigger tits and easier to bed, she got all the opportunities. But I am not here to pledge my allegiance to his little Undisputed Alliance. That isn't my thing at all. I was in a female dominated stable and I was just held back by our "leader". But anyways. I am not here to dwell on what could or could not have happened in that other company. I am here to excel my career to the stratusphere that is most certain can get to. Am I aiming for Arnica Blaine and her Women's Championship? I sure as hell am but I will let Ruby Orton take her spot in line first. Just because I am just a nice girl. Tonight. I am focused on kicking the asses of two women I have been hearing nothing but bitching and moaning from. Oh whoa is me! No man wants to be with me. Oh my oh my! My fiance got fired for dealing drugs and he cheated on me. Oh hamster's nut sack! My husband and my fiance, because I really can't keep my pussy closed, got fired for doing drugs together in the women's bathroom in between blowing each other off through bathroom tissue. Oh me oh my! People keep calling me a slut because I had a husband and got engaged and still slept with my ex bf. Granted I deserve these names but I don't like people calling me them! Grr grr grr. No one respects me. I had a title reign longer than a person that isn't even in this company so my argument is moot. Blah blah blah! Girl! If you have so many complaints about this place, then just LEAVE! No one is keeping you here. If you are unhappy, close up your pussy that is big enough to be a purse, pack up your fire crotch girlfriend, take that fat bastard boy toy of your's, and go home. I will not be disappointed by you forfeiting and leaving this land of opportunities. Meghan Jericho. Caprice Ouellet. You two are beautiful young women. Don't get that twist but you two don't belong here. But I welcome you two to show up at Neophyte and prove both Amara Delacox and myself wrong. AND speaking of Amara...I have never seen you in the ring. I only have exchanged a couple compliments on twitter with you. So all I have to say to you is.... HEY GIRL! Tonight we are going to be walking out here and we are going to prove why we are going to dominate this match and why we are so F A B U L O U S.
Amber drops the microphone as "Toxic Valentine" plays once again. Amber climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp. The fans are unsympathetic about the comments Amber made moments ago booing her as she walks past them. Amber could careless about how the fans feel about her. All she cares about it proving she is the very best in the ring and the next Women's Champion. | The Winter Cherry Blossom | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
The Vengeful Spirit