11/10/16; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
:"Black and Blue" plays as the cameras open to a set with two women with headsets standing behind the desk: Madison Koeppe: Hello and welcome to the Implosion Pre-Show. My name is Madison Koeppe and standing beside me is Meghan Holliday. Meghan Holliday: This is a new format that our General Manager is trying to revolutionize the Implosion brand. Especially since we are starting off with a smaller roster. Madison Koeppe: With the extra time, James E. Dangerously hired us to evaluate the roster and the upcoming matches on a weekly basis. Meghan Holliday: And without any previous announcements, tonight's Pre-Show will be us talking about the roster. Madison Koeppe: Lets start with the female roster. First off we have the former Womens European Champion Alice Creed along with her cohort Rebecca Cunningham. Meghan Holliday: She had a great showing on KillShot almost getting the championship back. I am sure that her sights are on becoming Womens European Champion again. That is unless she decides to go for the bigger prize and try to win her first Knockouts Championship. Madison Koeppe: With Debra Lynn Tiger also on the roster, it might be a rough road ahead of her. I am hoping they can move along to bigger things without clashing again. Then we got former Womens Internet Champion and little sister of the Womens North Amercan Champion, Amberly. Will she be able to move out of her sister's shadow? Meghan Holliday: I honestly think she isn't even in her shadow to be honest. Anastasia is a more decorated champion yes but they have both taken different paths in this company and have won different championships. Madison Koeppe: Ashley Shaw is new to the scene and could really make a name for herself here on Implosion. Meghan Holiday: She was on the female exclusive brand Revolution with her girlfriend and manager Keely Oliver but didn't capture any gold or achieve anything noteworthy. This could, however, be her rebirth into something more memorable. Madison Koeppe: Erika May is a name that we haven't heard of intently since the twenty-fifteen Diva Search. She was a fan favorite then and occasionally makes comments on various happening in SKCW. She could really blossom into her own here. Meghan Holliday: You got that right. Erika May has only shown her athletic and training skill progress when she helped DLT win the Womens European Championship at WrestleMania. After that, all she has been doing is continuing her training and bantering back and forth against Rebecca Cunningham. Madison Koeppe: Eva Marie Armetta, the little sister of Tom, has been on a roll while she was on Revolution and I have a feeling that momentum will bring her to great success on Implosion. Meghan Holliday: Eva will be a champion before this time next year I can guarantee that. She has the skills and the attitude, she just has to pick her spot. Madison Koeppe: Kennedy Jackson was on Implosion over a year ago and then she was on fire to say with her career. Revolution, she began to slow down. Where is she headed now that Implosion is back? Meghan Holliday: Kennedy Jackson could very well be a future champion on Implosion. That is if she can find the same fire that she originally had a year ago. She has the mind and the technical skill to thrive but she just needs to find a spot and take it. Madison Koeppe: Rose Dashwood is fresh off the Diva Search this year and is currently training at the training facility with Erika May to get ready for the big time. Could we see them coming up as a tag team or do you think it would be a better chance for them to be solo? Meghan Holliday: Honestly. I think they should be working their tails off to progress in the fast lane. Their spots on the roster are guaranteed but their spots on the card are not. The longer they are out of the public eye, the more likely they are going to flop before they have a chance. Madison Koeppe: Sophia Pope is coming to Implosion with the Womens' European Championship around her waist and her sister Willow with her. Do you think that she is going be able to hold onto that championship for a long time and most importantly, is her issue with Taylor Archor holding her down? Meghan Holliday: Sophia Pope is coming into her own as of late, even with her sister in her corner. She could be a dominant champion going forward BUT with her fighting with Taylor over Allen DeVine for his "affection" is eally going to bring down the value of the Womens European Championship and her career. Taylor is a fast rising star since her time in the Diva Search but this issue between the two is going to hold them down in the future if it is not settled soon. Madison Koeppe: And finally we have the former Knockouts Champion Zoe Badstreet. She lost the title to CariDee Beckham but before that she was the Divas Champion on Implosion. Will she be able to recapture the top spot on the roster? Meghan Holliday: Absolutely! She is dominant and she doesn't care for people's well beings. The Knockouts Championship will be in future without a doubt. The real question is, who is going to be the one to challenge her for the Knockouts Championship? Madison Koeppe: Implosion has an impressive female roster and next week we will go into length about the male roster. Meghan Holliday: We could sit here and talk for hours but our time is up and now for Implosion. See you all next week! :The cameras fade and the signal converts to Implosion:
:"Crack Addict" plays as the opening video for Implosion airs: :Pyro Goes off to open up Implosion as the cameras focus on the announce team: James Ruffa: Hello and welcome to the revival of Implosion! I am James Ruffa and sitting beside me is my cohort Sammy Polo. Tonight is beginning of the new era of Implosion. As you may have noticed, we are going through a format experiment and hired on the fresh faces of Madison Koeppe and Meghan Holliday to preform analysis before the show on a weekly basis. Sammy Polo: For being their first day on the job, they did a wonderful job. Tonight we have a card of some of the new talent here in SKCW. We were give the green light to spotlight those that were being lost on the card or are experienced enough to help the lesser known stars take that next step in their careers. James Ruffa: I have been given word that our General Manager will be address the live audience later in the evening. Sammy Polo: When the boss wants to speak in front of the live crowd, you know something big is going to be done. James Ruffa: We can only speculate at this point. Right now, lets go to Leslie DiPietro in the ring for the introductions for our first contest. :The cameras shift over to Leslie DiPietro standing in the ring: Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. :"Crack Addict" plays as a previously unknown woman comes walking down the ramp: Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. Hayley Quinzel! James Ruffa: With the revival of Implosion, this new comer in Hayley Quinzel will get a shot at the big time spot light. Sammy Polo: I have never heard of her before so she must be someone that is fresh out of a wrestling school or is having her first match ever. James Ruffa: In any case, we will see what she has to over. :Hayley Quinzel climbs into the ring as "Radioactive" plays and the fans erupt in deafening boos: Leslie DiPietro: And her opponent. From Boise Idaho. Kennedy Jackson! James Ruffa: Kennedy Jackson looks to be putting herself forward in the rankings here. Sammy Polo: And with the new comer Hayley Quinzel as her opponent tonight, I dont doubt she will be able to do so. Hayley Quinzel versus Kennedy Jackson Quinzel stands in the corner looking a bt intimidated by Jackson before moving closer and striking with a forearm to the side of her head. Jackson moves back from the force of the shot. Quinzel continues the forearms backing Jackson into the ropes before whipping her into the adjacent set. Jackson comes chargin back and plows through Quinzel knocking her down. Jackson reaches down and lifts Quinzel up onto her feet before tossing her into corner. Jackson charges into the corner and crashes into Quinzel forcing her to crumble to the mat. Jackson pulls Quinzel up to her feet before pulling her to the center of the ring. Jackson connects with the Unhinged before making the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Winner: Kennedy Jackson via pin fall Leslie DiPietro: The winner by way of pin fall, Kennedy Jackson! :"Radioactive" plays again as Kennedy Jackson climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp: James Ruffa: Kennedy Jackson used her experience and dominated tonight. Sammy Polo: It wasn't hard for her. She was against a rookie at best. Hayley didn't stand a chance tonight. James Ruffa: Hayley sure has some work to be done and hopefully we will see her again at some point. But for now, we are going to be going to the backstage are where Crystal Fairweather is standing in the back with our Womens European Champion. :The cameras move to the backstage area where Crystal Fairweather is standing with Sophia Pope: Crystal Fairweather: Thank you James! I am Crystal Fairweather and I am standing here with the Womens' European Champion Sophia Pope. Sophia, thank you for taking the time. Sophia Pope: Yeah. Just don't waste my time.
Crystal Fairweather: First of all, congrats on becoming the Womens' European Champion at the KillShot before Beach Brawl and your draft over to Implosion upon its revival. With your issues with Taylor Archor over that last few months over Allen DeVine, are you concerned against facing her again?
Sophia Pope: Ha! Taylor Archor is no where near my caliber of competition. I should be facing people like Zoe Badstreet. Not little damsels in distress like Taylor Archor. I don't care for her. I just want to take Allen DeVine from her. We all know he wants me over her. Just look at his Twitter feed. He is all over me.
Crystal Fairweather: Allen DeVine doesn't seem to be showing her loyalty to either one of you. He only loyalty he ever shows is to himself. And with Taylor Archor still on the same brand as you, how do you claim you are going to be moving on to bigger things?
Sophia Pope: Taylor Archor is just a little pest that needs to learn that her little "virginity" bit is old and false. We all know she has been sleeping around with the jobbers and trying to open herself up to anyone with a name. It is pathetic and funny. If management says I need to expose her as a fraud like I have been, then I will.
Crystal Fairweather: Thank you for this time Sophia.
Sophia Pope: Yeah. Whatever.
Crystal Fairweather: Back to you James.
:The cameras move back to the ringside area with James Ruffa and Sammy Polo:
James Ruffa: Sophia is looking to separate herself from Taylor for the first time in the last few months.
Sammy Polo: With her and her sister Willow constantly throwing insults at her and Sophia wanting to eliminate Taylor from Allen's life, it will be a rough time for her.
James Ruffa: There are quite a few women here on Implosion wanting to impress our boss and push themselves into a significant role.
Sammy Polo: It takes more than just some idle threats and silver forked tongues to become something on this brand let alone in this company.
James Ruffa: And speaking of making an impact on this brand, lets go to Leslie DiPietro in the ring for our next contest.
:The cameras move to the ring where Leslie DiPietro is standing:
Leslie DiPietro: The following contest is scheduled...
:"Adrenaline" plays as Allen DeVine walks out from behind the curtain with the European Championship around his waist to the booing crowd:
Leslie DiPietro: Introducing first. From Spartanburg South Carolina. The European Champion. The Show Off. Allen DeVine!
:Allen DeVine climbs into the ring and taunts the crowd before taking the microphone from Leslie DiPietro:
Allen DeVine: You are excused toots. There is no need for you right now.
:Leslie DiPietro exits the ring as Allen DeVine continues on:
Allen DeVine: Let me be the one to properly introduce you to majesty that is SKCW presents Implosion starring The Show Off. The Show Stealer. The Girlfriend Bandit. Your European Champion. Allen DeVine! I am the best talent that James E. Dangerously and Implosion as a whole could have drafted. I am the greatest European Champion in SKCW history and there is no one that could detest that! I should be in the running for the newly christened Universal Championship. In fact, I should just be handed the championship because I am the best this rand has to offer. Forget Ron Smith. I beat him at Beach Brawl. Forget Billy Gunn. He is just a fossilized dinosaur turd. Forget the New Millennium of Professional Wrestling Finn Danielson. He is just a joke! Forget Manifest Destiny. He can't even walk down the hall without running into doors. In fact, I don't care who is scheduled to be in this up coming match. I am going to formally cancel it and I am going to issue an open challenge for anyone that thinks they can beat me tonight. Hell I'll even sweetened the deal and put the European Championship on the line. So come on and challenge me if you think you can take this European Championship from me.
:"Black Bird" plays as Cole Thomas walks out to the erupting cheering crowd and Leslie DiPietro stands up at ringside with a microphone in hand:
Leslie DiPietro: and his opponent. From Dallas Texas. Weighing in and one hundred and ninety-five pounds. Cole Thomas!
:Cole Thomas climbs into the ring as Billy Sanders gets the European Championship from Allen DeVine and presents it to the audience:
Cole Thomas versus Allen DeVine for the SKCW European Championship
DeVine laughs at Thomas for even thinkng he deserved a shot at the championship. Thomas doesn't appear to be amused with DeVine's blatant disrespect expressed. Thomas walks up to DeVine but is met with a slap as DeVine laughs again. Thomas moves back holding his face before charging towards DeVine when DeVine goes to the corner and leans through the ropes causing Referee Billy Sanders to step betweenthe two. Thomas is pissed as Sanders pushes Thomas back before DeVine leans back into the ring and connects with a hard punch to the side of Thomas' face. Thomas stumbles back when DeVine runs and clotheslines Thomas down. DeVine mounts Thomas and begins to unleash with punches to Thomas' skull. Sanders gets between the two and pulls DeVine off. Thomas begins to pull himself up by the ropes when DeVine goes towards Thomas but is hit with a hard elbow to the head knocking him back. Thomas gets up and continues with rock DeVine back with forearm shots to the head until they reaches the adjacent ropes. Thomas whips DeVine to the adjacent ropes. DeVine comes charging back and connects with a flying forearm shot to Thomas taking them both down. DeVine kips up and begns to pump up his adrenaline taunting the crowd above how weak Thomas is. DeVine waits for Thomas to get to his feet and attempts The Dashing Neckbreaker but Thomas pushes him off and attempts a Roundhouse Kick but DeVine drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring. Sanders begins the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... DeVine walks over to Leslie DiPietro and takes the European Championship. DeVine begins to storm around the ring telling everyone that he doesn't need this and Thomas isn't a worthy challenger. Sanders continues the count. 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10! Sanders calls for the bell.
Winner: Cole Thomas via Count Out Leslie DiPietro: Your winner by count out, Cole Thomas! But due to championships not changing hands by count out and still European Champion, Allen DeVine!
:"Black Bird" hits as DeVine disappears behind the curtain and Sanders raises Thomas' arm in victory. Thomas pulls his arm back calling for DeVine to come back and fight:
James Ruffa: It looks like Allen DeVine got himself a challenger but he wanted nothing to do with him.
Sammy Polo: Cole Thomas isn't an official challenger so Allen DeVine showed just how under qualified he really is.
James Ruffa: It was an open challenge. That means anyone is open to accept. Cole Thomas accepted and Allen DeVine pussed out.
Sammy Polo: Not even! Allen DeVine showed his veteran status and taught Cole Thomas a lesson in the champion's advantage.
James Ruffa: Cole Thomas will be having words with our General Manager about this. I am sure of it. But for now, Johnny Huffman is standing in the back with the recently dismissed Rose Dashwood from the Diva Search.
:The cameras moved to the backstage area just outside the gym doors where Johnny Huffman is standing:
Johnny Huffman: Thanks again James. Johnny Huffman here standing with the recently departed member of the twenty-sixteen Diva Search contest, Rose Dashwood. Miss Dashwood, How are you feeling since your departure from the Diva Search?
Rose Dashwood: Well. To be honest, I am abit disappointed that I am not still competing to be the winner but I am happy about the friends and support I received will I was there. It is incredible how much support the fans of SKCW give to people the barely now. I am truly blessed coming here to SKCW.
Johnny Huffman: There have been some rumors going around this company about people dating others and recent allegations of cheating. With Danny O'Connell reminding everyone that Superstars trying to date Diva Search contestants is not allowed. So your relationship with Cole Thomas has been deemed unacceptable. And recently there is a rumor going around that Cole Thomas has been overly attentive towards Anastasia Lafayette's life and has even been pursuing her. Do you have any comments about this?
Rose Dashwood: Well ummm. I admit that I understand our relationship was prohibited so I called it quits with him for the time being til my dismissal. I called him but he seemed a bit distracted. I admit it is a bit unusual that he has been defending her so heavily but I took it as just being as nice as he is but I never thought...
:Rose Dashwood looks to begin to tear up when Erika May opens the door to the gym stepping out and puts her hands on Rose's shoulders and begins to guide her into the gym before closing the door behind Rose and turning towards Johnny Huffman:
Erika May: We are not to speak to Rose about Cole. It is a very touchy subject for her and will decrease her progress in her transition into the ring. Anything but Cole. Got it?
:Johnny nods:
Erika May: Good.
:Erika May opens the door and walks into the gym escourting Rose through the gym:
Johnny Huffman: Well. Rose looks to be training hard with supposively last year's hopeful Erika May. This is Johnny Huffman signing off for now.
:The cameras move to the office of James E. Dangerously standing in front of his desk:
James E. Dangerously: Later tonight I will be calling upon my staff; From officials to active competitors to meet me at ringside for a Town Hall meeting so I can address the status of Implosion as well as the vacant Knockouts and Universal Championships. Thank you all for attending tonight's event and I hope to revive this brand and build it bigger than it ever was. Stay tuned for more high octane action.
:The cameras transition to commercial break: |