ROLE PLAY TITLE One Ticked Off Texan | FRIENDS No One | FOES CK Syndrome, Christopher Daniels, David Xavier Christensen, Jerome Morris, Brandon Davis, Chris Kleen, Scott Wright, Randy Orton, & Tom Armetta | GOLD&GLORY 3x SKCW Champion, 2x SKCW International Champion, 5x North American Champion, 2x Impact Champion, 2x Xtreme Champion; SCWE European Champion, 4x RAWcore Champion; Smackdown! Tag Team Champion w/Christopher Daniels; WCW Hardcore Champion; WHW Tag Team Champion w/Frankie Kazarian; Money in the Bank 2010; 2014 Genocide Royal Rumble Winner; 2015 Genocide Royal Rumble Winner; Hall of Fame August 2009; Hall of Legends March 2010 | OOC Let Burn This Circus Down |
The AT&T Center in San Antonio Texas is the home of tonight's Genocide taping. The hometown of the former SKCW Champion, Stanley Ryan Tiger. A man that accomplished the unbelievable for a second straight year. First he won the 2014 Royal Rumble then was the man to dethrone Tom Armetta as the SKCW Champion. Then won the 2015 Royal Rumble and was once again the man to dethrone Tom Armetta as SKCW Champion. The events of WrestleMania XIV has Stanley Ryan Tiger as one ticked off texan and that is most certainly not a good thing. Stanley Ryan Tiger is seen walking into the AT&T Center with his bags in hand. Stanley Ryan Tiger is far from pleased with the outcome of WrestleMania XIV. Not only did he fulfill his promise of beating Tom Armetta to become the SKCW Champion but was soon attacked by his biggest nemesis Jerome Morris leading to Ron Morris to cash in and become SKCW Champion. SRT is far from pleasant and tonight, he will be teaming with his WrestleMania opponent against two men stuck at the wrong place at the wrong time. Stanley Ryan Tiger is seen walking down the hall towards the entrance way by passing all of the backstage staff and not wanting to be bothered. SRT stands at the gorilla curtain and waits for his music to hit so he could go and speak to his fans."Under A Killing Moon" blares over the PA system as the some of the fans get to their feet cheering while others being to boo. 
Stanley Ryan Tiger stands at the top of the ramp and taunts the crowd. SRT walks down the ramp passing up the chances to interact with his fans before walking around the ring. SRT walks up the steel steps and walks to the center of the ring apron before stepping over the top rope. SRT walks to the ropes and taunts the fans again. SRT leans through the ropes and gets a microphone before leaning back into the ring. Stanley Ryan Tiger: San Antonio Texas! Your hometown boy is back and boy is he one ticked off Texan! The local crowd erupts in cheers as SRT continues. Stanley Ryan Tiger: For those of you that missed WrestleMania XIV, I beat Tom Armetta and I became SKCW Champion. The crowd erupted in cheers up until that rat bastard and slimy scum Jerome Morris attacked me from behind allowing Ron Morris to take the championship from me. Tonight I should be getting my hands on Ron Morris and breaking his pathetic little neck but I was advised by Austin Miles that I will be getting my rematch soon enough. So tonight I get to take my frustration on to poor excuses for men as well as two men in the wrong place at the wrong time. The crowd begin to cheer for SRT. Stanley Ryan Tiger: First off. Tom Armetta. We put on one hell of a match at WrestleMania and it is a true honor to fight beside you to rid Genocide of Tony Johnson and Brian Juneau. We have battled tooth and nail against each other in singles competition as well as tag teams. So tonight will be a cake walk for us. Now onto Brian Juneau. You recent came out here boasting about how you "ran" the Money in the Bank match at WrestleMania. Yet you didn't walk out with the contract. That is a real shame because I have been in that match before and I came out with the contract. So it really shows that you claim to be better than me but you can't do the things I can do. I have been Impact Champion. I have been North American Champion. I have been Xtreme Champion. I have been SKCW Champion. I have been International Champion. Have you accomplished any of that? Oh? You were North American Champion? Didn't you have a band of people to do your bidding at the time? Oh yes you did. That is so honorable of you. I have won all my championship on my own accord. As for you Tony Johnson, you lose the North American Championship so you hit a defenseless referee. I want to see you try that on me. Your little Knock Out punch will merely hit me in the chest and that just opens you up to be getting choked out with my Tiger Trap. So I would be careful of what you are wanting. You and Juneau want to be in the big leagues? Well tonight you are stepping in the ring with the biggest names in Genocide History and will soon be put down. SRT drops the microphone as "Under A Killing Room" plays once again to the fans cheering. SRT climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp slapping hands with the fans. --- Disclaimer: This role play layout was made by Davi aka Tranquil Insanity at SKCW Designs. It is for Nicks use ONLY as Stanley Ryan Tiger and should not be stolen!