Date Posted:07-06-2015 4:49 PMCopy HTML
 | WrestleMania XIII. One of the biggest nights in all of SKCW. The only events bigger being Psychotic Games and Curse of the Game. Tonight will be a challenge unlike any other. Tonight will be challenging all of the diva hopefuls in the obstacle course. One woman will be eliminated from the competition before but this will be no walk in the park. But tonight will the beginning of the rising of the divas in SKCW. The new class is coming and the new class is going to be taking over. The new class is going to be throwing a party like never before. SKCW. Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the Masquerade!
Erika May walks into the Cowboys Stadium with the rest of the Diva Search girls. Erika is bummed about her buddy, Ellie Buchanan, being eliminated the previous week. Erika seemed to be in a slump after the elimination but she wasn't going to let that get her down. Erika walks through the halls and makes her way to the interview area meeting up with Sarah Campbell. Sarah and Erika shake hands before Sarah stands beside Erika with her microphone in hand. Sarah looks to the camera before turning her attention to Erika as the camera is motioned to be rolling.
Sarah Campbell. Hello Ladies and Gentleman, Sarah Campbell standing here with SKCW Diva hopeful Erika May. Last week you escaped elimination and were able to compete in the jousting but were unsuccessful in advancing out of the first round. How is your morale doing?
Erika May. I will admit that I was bummed to not be able to advance past the first round of the jousting but I am blessed to be here and to have escaped the elimination. I am pretty saddened that my bestie Ellie Buchanan was eliminated but I am sure that will not be the last we see of her.
Sarah Campbell. Speaking of Ellie, you two started a nerdy girl movement within the Diva Search. You looking like Darcy Lewis from the Thor movies. Ellie looks like Daisy "Skye" Johnson from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. And Jenna Winters jumped on your band wagon showing interest in you two. Same with Zoe Mason and Cassia Havoc. How are you taking this new attention?
Erika May. It feels surreal to be honest. I thought I was just some taboo nerdy girl coming into the wrestling world. But once I got here, I bumped into Ellie and found out that I am not the only one interested in comics and being just a general nerd or little girl. I love various comics. I am a big movie watcher. I LOOOVE cupcakes. I can't turn them down.
Sarah Campbell. Tonight you will be going up in front of the Dallas crowd with the hopes of moving forward to the obstacle course. How are you feeling about your popularity? And if you think you will be able to make it through the elimination.
Erika May. I am hoping I don't get eliminated tonight at my first WrestleMania. I would hope to go out there, making it through the elimination, then blast through the obstacle course. I know I have some stiff competition but I am certain that I can make it through the course faster and better than the rest.
Sarah Campbell. Thank you Erika May for coming out here and giving me a few moments of your time.
Erika May. It was my pleasure Sarah. Come by after the show and we can get a cupcake or something.
Erika and Sarah hug before Erika turns back and heads to the Diva Search locker room. |
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