Date Posted:25-07-2015 11:32 PMCopy HTML
Tron here | Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for everyone. Harsh language, Violence, and Sexual Content could be present. I've warned you, so now the choice is yours...Read On or F**k Off!!!!! | | 
| RP Title: | the era of class is coming | Accomplishments: | hcw internet champion. hcw hardcore champion. skcw global champion. | Marital Status: | dating harlee lambert | OOC: | nothing but respect for my opponents | TBC: | not a soul |
| Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert walk through Universal Studios ready for their respective matches. Lambert is beyond worried about her match but Palmer has been working with her on her nervous and in-ring abilities. Palmer and Lambert walk past the make-up artists and towards the gorilla position. "My Songs Know What You Did in The Dark (Light Them Up)" plays as Lambert steps out from behind the curtain with the HCW Internet Championship over her shoulder. Lambert paces the stage with a microphone in hand. Lambert raises the microphone to speak. Harlee Lambert: S'il vous plaît accueillir. La prochaine Champion International et le meilleur putain de concurrent sur Implosion. De Blackpool Angleterre. Le propriétaire légitime de la Champion Internet HCW. Mon petit ami beau, Andrew Palmer! "Whatever" plays as Andrew Palmer walks through the curtain and meets Harlee Lambert on the stage. Palmer poses for the crowd and cameras before heading down the ramp as Lambert follows closely behind. Palmer stops at the bottom of the ramp and allows Lambert to proceed. Lambert walks up the steel steps and walks to the middle of the apron. Palmer follows closely behind and sits on the ropes allowing Lambert to enter first before entering himself. Palmer walks to the adjacent ropes and raises his arms taunting the crowd. Lambert walks up to Palmer and slides her hand down the chest of Palmer before handing him the microphone. Andrew Palmer: All I can hear about since the rebirth of Implosion is about my opponent Chris Kleen. All he could talk about is wanting to make history and become the first three time International Champion. Every year he talks about retiring if he is not World Champion by the end of the year and some how he bullies his way into getting the title shot. He just talked about retirement when given the time to talk about the match. Talking about having nothing more to prove in the ring and the only thing there is left to do is become the first three time International Champion. Well Chris, I am sorry but I am going to disappoint you and I am going to tie you in knots and make you plead for your safety. I will not only knock you out with Pleasant Dreams but I will make all your dreams become nightmares with the Nightmare of Blackpool. Be ready your little peasant. The true ruler of Implosion is here. Andrew Palmer drops the microphone as "Whatever" plays again leading Palmer and Lambert out of the ring. Palmer and Lambert head up the ramp and behind the curtain. |
(c.) cruel intentions at daf.