Date Posted:07-07-2020 3:28 PMCopy HTML
 | July 8th, 2020 edition of The Flare for Gold Live from The Northlands Coliseum in Edmonton Alberta Canada!
The Flare For Gold kicks off with "Gold" by Imagine Dragons playing alongside the pyrotechnics.
Tiger and Chase are shown the Miss Canada Championship before it is handed off and the bell is rang. Tiger and Chase begin to walk around the interior of the ring not allowing their backs to be exposed to the other. Tiger and Chase lock up in the center of the ring. Chase lands a cheap shot knee to Tiger's gut causing her to drop to a knee. Chase immediately goes for Drop Dead but Tiger rolls out of the way and attempts a school girl roll up. 1 ... Chase kicks out! Chase rolls out but is met with a hard knee to the head from Tiger. Tiger looks down laughing at Chase placing an L on her forehead while mouthing the word "loser". Tiger picks Chase up and is met with a gut punch from Chase. Chase gets back to her feet before backing Tiger up to the ropes and whips her into the opposite set. Tiger comes charging back and knocks Chase down with a shoulder block. Tiger turns and runs to the ropes. Chase rolls over on her back as Tiger hops over her. Chase gets back to her feet and attempting to leap frog Tiger but Tiger stops to catch her before slamming her down with a powerbomb. Tiger attempts the pin. 1 ... 2 ... Chase kicks out! Chase raises her shoulder up breaking the pin. Tiger picks Chase up and goes for a suplex but Chase laces a leg blocking the attempt. Chase punches Tiger in the side before following through and connecting with a suplex. Chase swivels her hips getting back to her feet and hitting another suplex. Chase swivels her hips once more getting to her feet and looks for a third suplex. Tiger blocks the attempt and takes Chase down with a falling arm breaker. Tiger quickly rolls to her stomach locking in an arm bar. Chase screams out from her arm bending in a fashion it is not meant to. Tiger leans back onto her shoulders putting more pressure on the arm. Chase reaches out for the ropes but is a little far. Chase begins shifting her body trying to get her leg to the ropes. Chase moves a lttle closer and places her foot on the bottom rope causing the referee to call of the break of the hold. Tiger gets up and stomps on Chase's arm before picking her up. Tiger places Chase's arm behind her back before body slamming her to the mat. Chase groans out in pain clutching her shoulder. Tiger picks Chase up and takes her down locking in the Tygress Pounce. Tiger wrenches on the hold and Chase is about to tap when Dangerously gets onto the ring apron. The referee is distracted as Chase begins to tap out. Tiger gets frustrated and releases the hold before storming up to Dangerously. Tiger pulls the referee out of the way before getting up in Dangerously's face telling him to get the hell out of her. Tiger turns around to a blast to the gut from Chase. Chase runs to the ropes and charges back hitting the Drop Dead. Chase quickly goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Selina Chase secures the Miss Canada Championship!
Rourke and Matthews are shown the Canadian Heavyweight Championship before it is handed off and the bell is sounded. Matthews laughs before walking over to Rourke claiming it is going to be an easy victory. Matthews attempts to grab Rourke but Rourke moves out of the way and hits a chop block. Matthews staggers slightly but not much. Rourke circles Matthews again and connects with another chop block. Matthews staggers a little bit more. Rourke hits a rougher chop block taking Matthews down to one knee. Rourke attempts to grapple Matthews but is met with a hand around his throat. Matthews gets back up to his feet raising Rourke up in the air and slams him to the mat with a chokeslam. Matthews stumbles back placing a hand on his knee signaling some discomfort. Matthews attempts to shake out his knee before bending down to grab Rourke. As Matthews is lifting Rourke up, Rourke nails a shot to Matthews' hurt knee causing Matthews to let go. Rourke quickly gets behind Matthews and hits another chop block. Rourke takes Matthews down and begins to target the hurt knee even further. Rourke locks Matthews in a knee bar trying to cut off one leg to prevent the use of any power moves including his match enders. Matthews uses his size and gets to the ropes to break the hold. Rourke lets go of the knee bar and drops a knee onto Matthews' knee causing a groan of pain from Matthews. Rourke looks to lock in another knee bar but Matthews uses his power and thrusts Rourke off with his legs. Matthews rolls onto this good leg and tries to get back to his feet but can't put pressure on his other knee. Rourke gets back up and goes to attack Matthews' knee but is swatted away. Matthews grabs Rourke and attempts another chokeslam but can't lift him due to the pain in his knee. Rourke stomps Matthews' knee before hitting a running knee to his skull. Rourke attempts a pin. 1 ... 2 ... Matthews kicks out! Matthews presses Rourke clean off him breaking the pin. Rourke quickly pulls Matthews' legs towards the ring post. Rourke slides out of the ring and pulls Matthews around the ring post. Matthews tries to pull away but Rourke drives an elbow into the hurt knee before slamming it into the ring post. Matthews hollers out in pain as Rourke rams the knee into the ring post again. Rourke pulls the top of the steps out before placing Matthews' leg between the post and the steps and closing the gap. Rourke backs up before hitting a running dropkick to the steps tweaking Matthews' knee more. Rourke slides into the ring and begins to stomp on Matthews as the referee slides out of the ring to get Matthews' leg free. Matthews is freed from the steps and the referee gets back into the ring pushing Rourke back. Matthews pulls himself out of the corner and uses the ropes to get back to his feet. Matthews stumbles on his feet before Rourke comes behind Matthews hitting a corkscrew chop block. Rourke quickly get back to his feet and grabs Matthews hitting the Magic of the Bayou! Rourke goes for the pin. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Kingston Rourke secures the Canadian Heavyweight Championship!
Chase and Shaw are shown the Women's Championship before having it handed off and calling for the bell. Shaw and Chase begin to circle inside the ring not giving the other any kind of advantage. Chase and Shaw lurch forward and get into a test of strength. Chase uses her size advantage to over power Shaw. Chase starts to push Shaw towards the mat as Shaw tries her best to keep on her feet. Chase pins Shaw's shoulders to the mat. 1 ... 2... Shaw kicks out! Shaw lifts a shoulder up pushing herself up off the mat still entangled in the test of strength. Shaw gets back to her feet before stomping on on Chase's foot then kneed her in the gut. Shaw picks Chase up and slams Chase onto the mat with a northern lights suplex. Shaw holds Chase's shoulders down. 1 ... 2 ... Chase kicks out! Chase releases Shaw's hands and wraps her arms around Shaw's waist before bridging up. Chase rolls over and attempts to powerbomb Shaw but Shaw hits a hurricanrana sending Chase across the ring. Chase slides out of the ring and begins to get a pep talk from Dangerously. Shaw looks at Chase and flings her legs through the ropes knocking her back into the barricade. Shaw slides out of the ring and walks up to Chase. Chase connects with a hip thrust and tosses Shaw into the barricade. Chase grabs Shaw and rams her back into the barricade. Shaw screams out on impact. Chase pulls Shaw back and rams her into the barricade again. Chase throws Shaw's arms over the barricade and chops her across the chest. Chase chops Shaw across the chest again and follows her staggering away. Chase turns Shaw around and connects with another chop. Shaw rounds the steel steps with Chase in tow. Chase goes for another chop but Shaw is able to deflect it and connect with a chop of her own. Chase screams out in pain before Shaw grabs her and tosses her into the announce table at ringside. Shaw bounces Chase's head off the table before tossing her into the ring. Shaw slides into the ring and is met with a boot to the back from Chase. Chase bends down to pick up Shaw before tossing her into the ropes. Chase looks to be setting up for the Radio Edit but Shaw ducks down grabbing her legs before rolling her up. 1 ... 2 ... Chase kicks out! Chase rolls off her shoulders and quickly gets up to be met by a Goddess Punch. Shaw quickly pulls Chase closer to the corner before ascending to the top. Shaw launches off the top connecting with the Goddess Ending. Shaw goes for the cover. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Taylor Shaw secures the Women's Championship!
Knox and Tiger stand in the center of the ring as the referee displays the ZCW Championship to the live crowd. The referee hands the championship off before signaling for the bell to kick off the contest. Knox and Tiger stand across from each other showing no sign of standing down. Both men step forward talking trash to one another before throwing fists and starting the physicality. Knox and Tiger trade shot for shot. Right for right. Left for left. Headbutt for headbutt. Both men start throwing slugging short arm clothesline before Tiger throws a hip thrust knocking Knox off his game before backing him into the corner. Tiger starts throwing hip thrust and elbows keeping Knox in the corner. Tiger hits several consecutive clothesline trying to stun the big man before backing up and charging in with a vicious clothesline. Knox takes the blow and tosses Tiger into the corner hitting several clothesline of his own before charging in with a hard clothesline of his own. Tiger stumbles out of the corner as Knox connects with a short range Broken Arrow. Knox goes for the pin. 1 .... 2 ... Tiger kicks out! Tiger gets his shoulder up much to Knox's dismay. Knox picks Tiger up and connects with a vertical suplex asserting his power and technical abilities. Knox floats over and begins to punch at Tiger's head before the referee starts the five count. Knox gets up and picks Tiger before hitting a couple short arm clothesline to stagger the big man. Knox charges to the ropes and come running back for a shoulder block but Tiger just reflects it. Knox goes for another one but Tiger reflects it again. Knox goes for a third but this time Tiger thrusts out knocking Knox across the ring. Knox lays on the corner in shock before Tiger charges over into the corner. Knox quickly slips out of the ring as Tiger hits the corner. Tiger looks down at Knox outside the ring before climbing out himself. Knox connects with a elbow to the head before attempting to whip him into the barricade. Tiger resists and whips Knox in the opposite direction into the steel steps. Tiger walks over and slams Knox's head into the steel steps before picking him up and letting him free fall head first onto the steel steps. Tiger grabs Knox and rolls him into the ring. Tiger climbs into the ring after him and is met with thunderous punches from Knox. Knox grabs Tiger and gets a big belly to belly taking the big man down. Knox kips up and backs himself into the corner waiting for Tiger to get up. Tiger slowly gets up and Knox charges in for a Broken Arrow but Tiger side steps catching Knox much to Knox's shock before hitting a backbreaker then throwing him onto his shoulders and hitting the Tiger Strike. Tiger goes for the cover. 1 .... 2 ... Knox kicks out! Knock lifts his shoulder up. Tiger lifts Knox's head up and punches him in the head. Tiger whips Knox into the ropes and goes for a big boot but Knox slides under Tiger's leg and waits for him to spin around before going for the Broken Arrow. Tiger moves out of the way and grabs Knox hitting the Tiger Strike. Tiger goes for the pin. 1 ... 2 ... 3! Stanley Ryan Tiger secures the ZCW Championship! |