Date Posted:14-09-2016 3:46 AMCopy HTML

| Warning: This roleplay may contain material not suitable for everyone. Harsh language, Violence, and Sexual Content could be present. I've warned you, so now the choice is yours...Read On or F**k Off!!!!! | | 
| RP Title: | the never ending championship reign of supremacy | Accomplishments: | hcw hardcore champion. hcw internet champion. skcw global champion x2. | Marital Status: | dating the lovely and elegant harlee lambert | OOC: | no offense needed to be taken | TBC: | no one unless miss lambert desires to follow up |
| Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert walk into the Bryce Jordan Center in State College Pennsylvania with the SKCW Global Championship securely in their possession after the WrestleMania festivities. Palmer and Lambert walk through the hall with Lambert securely attacted to Palmer's arm with a loving and warmly smile upon her face. Tonight, the night after defending his Global Championship in a battle royal, Palmer will be defending his championship once again. Not against nineteen other this time but inside the sanctions of a triple threat rules. Rules that Lambert and Palmer are more than pleased with. There are no disqualifications meaning Pleasant Dreams is one hundred percent legal. Palmer and Lambert are walking towards the gorilla curtain when Johnny Blaire goes to stop them for an interview but they brush him off before waiting behind the curtain for their music. "Whatever" plays leading Palmer and Lambert to walk out to the booing crowd with the SKCW Global Championship in full display. Palmer spins Lambert on the top of the ramp before Lambert grabs Palmer's arm before heading down to the ring. Palmer stops at the bottom of the ramp allowing Lambert to continue on. Palmer follows Lambert up the steel steps before sitting on the ropes assisting Lambert into the ring. Palmer climbs into the ring and stands next to Lambert who has a microphone in hand. Harlee Lambert: S'il vous plaît accueillir. L'homme le plus beau et puissant dans tous SKCW. Il est le jour quatre-vingt trois de son interminable et le plus grand règne Championnat Globalb de tous les temps. Il est le parle couramment cinq langues et le sauveur de tous ceux qui se vautrent dans l'écume du péché. Il est mon petit ami incroyable et amant, le courant et régnant et défendre Champion mondial, Andrew Palmer! Harlee Lambert hands the microphone over to Andrew Palmer before kissing his cheek and grabbing a hold of his arm pulling it close. Andrew Palmer: I couldn't have said it better myself Miss Lambert. Day eighty-three of my never ending Global Championship reign. I destroyed the competition on KillShot just before WrestleMania Fourteen on the second day of the event. Nineteen men got thrown over the top rope and I was the soul survivor. The rightful and only deserving winner. I threw everyone out one by one. And this lovely lady here stood by and watched it all unfold. And tonight, much to the General Managers' approval, I will be defending this prestigious championship against two unworthy opponents in Chris Copeland and The Raven. What made them worthy of this opportunity? Nothing! Exactly. I already beat them both on KillShot before WrestleMania and now I have to face them again? For no reason? It looks to me like the General Managers of Overdrive! are looking to take this Global Championship off of me as soon as I got it. Throwing nineteen men at me then throwing another three. I will walk out of here with this championship still around my waist. I will walk into day eighty-four and beyond. There is no one that can or will stop me from achieving the never ending championship reign. Chris Copeland. The Raven. You are walking into a lost cause. This will be held under triple threat rules. There will be no disqualifications. There will only be pin falls or submissions allowed to end this match. Both of you will be experiencing Pleasant Dreams. And tonight you will all witness the dawning of day eighty-four of my never ending Global Championship reign. Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert exit the ring as "Whatever" plays once again. Palmer and Lambert head up the ramp and to the backstage area. |
(c.) cruel intentions at daf.
You Can Run...
But You Can't Hide...
The Trap Has Sprung...
And The Tiger Is Going To Prey...
Upon Your Sinful Soul...