Date Posted:24-02-2011 6:38 PMCopy HTML

| ROLE PLAY TITLE the pope is pimpin' NEXT MATCH versus brody win versus brian juneau versusbryan marx @ breakout for number one contendership at the hcw championship ACOMPLISHMENTS global champion [07/18/10 - 08/15/10] OUT OF CHARACTER good luck everyone |
| Lee J. Tiger walks into the HCW Arena in Cleveland Ohio with his crest embelmed glasses, black surgical mask, and black trench coat covering him. Lee J. Tiger heads to the men's locker room and drops off his bags before heading towards the prearranged interview area. Lee makes it to the interview area finding EJ Dark waiting patiently for him. EJ and Lee shake hands before getting into position for the interview to be conducted. The camera man lowers the camera from his shoulder and counts down for EJ before lifting the camera back to his shoulder and gesturing for EJ to begin.
EJ Dark: Pope, last week you lost in the tournament but this week you get to face off with three others to become the number one contender. How do you get prepared for this match up?
The Pope: The Pope is ready for everything jack. The Pope knows what he has to do to be victorious tonight unlike that neanderthal of a brother. You see, The Pope has his opponents scouted. The Pope knows what they are going to do before they even know. Why? Because The Pope knows them. The Pope has faced them before. The Pope knows their game plans and their moves. The Pope is ready to capitolize and become bigger than ever before. The Pope is ready for showtime baby!
EJ Dark: Pope, you are looking better than ever. What is next for you?
The Pope: The Pope is ready for the HCW Championship. All The Pope has to do is win tonight and take out either Edge or The Rocket. The Pope has faced both men and The Pope is ready to take what is destined to be his, the HCW Championship. The Pope has fought tooth and nail to be here tonight and The Pope is not going to let his congegation down. The Pope is ready! EJ, this interview is over. Because The Pope ... IS ...
The crowd yells out "PIMPIN" as Lee J. Tiger looks to the camera then back to EJ Dark.
The Pope: Pimpin'!
Lee J. Tiger walks away from the screen as the crowd erupts louder.
...for nick by tranquil insanity at skcw designs... |