ROLE PLAY TITLE The Rematch That No One Wanted | FRIENDS No One | FOES CK Syndrome, Christopher Daniels, David Xavier Christensen, Jerome Morris, Brandon Davis, Chris Kleen, Scott Wright, Randy Orton, & Tom Armetta | GOLD&GLORY 3x SKCW Champion, 2x SKCW International Champion, 5x North American Champion, 2x Impact Champion, 2x Xtreme Champion; SCWE European Champion, 4x RAWcore Champion; Smackdown! Tag Team Champion w/Christopher Daniels; WCW Hardcore Champion; WHW Tag Team Champion w/Frankie Kazarian; Money in the Bank 2010; 2014 Genocide Royal Rumble Winner; 2015 Genocide Royal Rumble Winner; Hall of Fame August 2009; Hall of Legends March 2010 | OOC Tom, lets tear this place down. |
Cowboys Stadium. Dallas Texas. Two Hundred and Seventy Miles north of San Antonio, the home town of the challenger for the SKCW Championship and winner of the 2014 as well as 2015 Genocide Royal Rumble Stanley Ryan Tiger. At Sin City Showdown, Stanley Ryan Tiger was thrown into Dumpster to signify the loss in the first ever Dumpster Match. Moments later, Alice Creed set the dumpster ablaze theoretically killing SRT. It wasn't until the Royal Rumble that SRT was seen again and what a triumphant return than to win the Genocide Royal Rumble for the second straight year. Now SRT is back to regain his place on top of the Genocide brand as SKCW Champion for the fourth time. Stanley Ryan Tiger is seen walking into the Cowboys Stadium with his bags in hand. A couple of children ran up to him with their parents hesitantly closely behind. The children had copies of the WrestleMania XIII program in hand asking for autographs. SRT smiles and crouches down to their level and signs their programs before getting a picture with them. SRT stands up and thanks the kids before continuing down the hall to the locker room. SRT enters the locker room with much hostility having been the center of negative attention for most of his career and always requesting to be secluded from the rest of the superstars. SRT sets his bag down by a locker and goes around shaking hands while putting out gestures of interest in how they are doing. Stanley Ryan Tiger is seen walking down the hall towards the entrance way greeting the stagehands. SRT stands at the gorilla curtain and waits for his music to hit so he could go and speak to his fans. "Under A Killing Moon" blares over the PA system as the some of the fans get to their feet cheering while others being to boo. 
Stanley Ryan Tiger stands at the top of the ramp and taunts the crowd. SRT walks down the ramp slapping hands with some of the fans before walking around the ring. SRT walks up the steel steps and walks to the center of the ring apron before stepping over the top rope. SRT walks to the ropes and taunts the fans again. SRT leans through the ropes and gets a microphone before leaning back into the ring. Stanley Ryan Tiger: Hello Dallas Texas! It is great to be back in my home state of Texas. Tonight will be a big night not only for myself for the state of Texas as a whole. WrestleMania Thirteen will be the night that the SKCW Championship will once again be coming home to the state of Texas. The local crowd erupts in cheers as SRT continues. Stanley Ryan Tiger: For far too long have I been without the SKCW Championship. At last year's WrestleMania, I was challenging this very man for the SKCW Championship and he some how squeaked his way through with the victory. But this time around, I will be walking out with the SKCW Championship over my shoulder. Tom Armetta claims to know me inside and out. Tom believes that I am just pandering to you people and being a shark. Tom says that I will snap soon and go back to my evil ways. Sorry to tell you Tom, but you are wrong about me. I may be the International Nightmare in the ring but outside the ring I am the Man of the People. I will be out there signing autographs, kissing babies, going convention appearances, doing interviews. Anything SKCW asks me to do, I will be there. Unlike Tom who only shows up when it is convenient for him and his girlfriend. Which is complete garbage. SKCW Champion means you are the top superstar on Genocide and that you have to be at every press and media junction. I am that man. With or without Debra and Alex. The crowd begins to speculate about the relationship between Debra and Stanley as of late. Stanley Ryan Tiger: Tom Armetta. You stand in the back and you talk trash about me. Telling everyone that you are going to kick my ass and you are going to end this feud once and for all. I agree with you on one thing. This feud will come to an end tonight. I will beat you and I will show you that I have been better than you since two thousand-five. Thomas Armetta. I have not forgotten about your little leg injury from last year. I am the Man of the People and the people are growing tired of you as Champion. Tonight I am going to give the people what they want and that is me as SKCW Champion. Just soak that in Detroit boy. You are coming to the Lone Star state and getting out of the Motor City. The hometown boy will be walking out as the Champion and you will be the latest victim to the People's Tiger Strike! SRT drops the microphone as "Under A Killing Room" plays once again to the fans cheering. SRT climbs out of the ring and heads up the ramp slapping hands with the fans. --- Disclaimer: This role play layout was made by Davi aka Tranquil Insanity at SKCW Designs. It is for Nicks use ONLY as Stanley Ryan Tiger and should not be stolen!