Date Posted:10-09-2017 5:36 PMCopy HTML
 | friends | current feud | accolades | the sorority (rebecca cunningham and alice creed), rina kirilos, anastasia lafayette | information to come | skcw womens european champion. skcw womens internet champion. hcw womens champion. 2x swyg champion. |
| SKCW WrestleMania Fifteen. The biggest event to date for the company and it comes to the biggest arena under the SKCW umbrella, the SKCW Arena in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Overdrive!, Genocide, Aftershock all make their way to arena with their hopes of stardom and immortality. Every championship commissioned by SKCW will be on the line with the appearances of the all time greats. Genocide is looking to over throw Overdrive! as the superior brand with some big matches and the unheard of addition to the main event scene.
The SKCW Arena is slowing filling with fans and reporters as the men and women competitors begin to enter the parking lot. Surprisingly, Sorority member Amberly arrived at the arena without her stable mates. After the closure of Implosion, Amberly began to stalk her older sister on social media looking to get back into contact with her now that she is on Genocide once again. Amberly walks into the arena checking her twitter and text messages seeming to be upset and disappointed about what she is looking at. Amberly walks towards the Womens Locker Room before stopping and typing something on her phone before entering the room. Amberly walks over to Alice Creed's space and drops her bag onto of her's. Amberly depressingly groans before tossing her phone onto her bag and walks away sadly.
Amberly heads down the hall way towards the entrance way completely by passing Jennifer Miller and David Denmark and walks up the steps. Amberly stands behind the curtain waiting as the technical crew sorts everything out. "Toxic Valentine" plays as Amberly walks through the curtain seeing the crowd growing quickly. Amberly walks down the ramp as some of the fans lean over the rail trying to touch her. Amberly walks around the ring towards the announce table and grabs a microphone. Amberly climbs onto the ring apron before stepping over the bottom rope and into the ring. Amberly walks around inside the ring swinging the microphone in her hand before stopping and starting to talk.
Amberly Before I even begin to address WrestleMania Fifteen; I need to address a two certain individuals that are very close to me. First off. I need to talk to my bestie. Hey Rina! Love you! I am so happy to see you competing for the Womens Tag Team Championships with your little niece. She is sooo cute. I hope you two do very well tonight. After tonight, we should get together and be besties like we always will be. And finally but certainly not least important, my lovely big sister! Hey Anastasia! Why won't you respond to me?! Are you still holding a grudge against me because of HCW? Oh come on! That championship is the past and it looks like you are now the SKCW Womens Champion! That's great! I am so happy for you. I love you sissy! TALK TO ME!
Amberly looks down visibly saddened by her sister and bestie not being around for her. She raises her head back up before sliding her hand under her nose and continuing to talk.
Amberly So! Tonight is the fifteenth WrestleMania here in SKCW and I am standing here moments before my participation in the fifteen minute Womens Xtreme Championship Open. I have some kind of advantage because The Sorority will be in full force in this match. Rebecca will be at ringside and Alice will be one of the participants as well. Now I heard Alice say that she has the match in the bag because she has Rebecca and I watching her back and she is not wrong about that. What she is wrong about is having the championship in the bag. I will be watching her back when she is champion of course. The Sorority will bring home the championship no doubt about it. But if she is not champion, it is fair game for me to become champion and I will take full advantage of it. I will not attack her during the match or afterwards. She is my wrestling sister. She will just have to get over it when I bring to The Sorority the Womens Xtreme Championship. Sorry my love!
Amberly drops the microphone as she heads out of the ring and up the ramp. | The Queen of Lafayettes | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!
The Vengeful Spirit