Date Posted:14-03-2015 7:21 PMCopy HTML
 | The Royal Rumble was just another unofficial lose to chalk up onto Andrew Palmer's record. Palmer knew it wasn't going to help him in his goal of being North American or SKCW Champion. Not only that, he knew that Harlee Lambert isn't going to want to be with someone that can't win a match. He still holds the HCW Internet Championship after refusing to relinquish it upon the closure of HCW. Palmer will be walking into the Genocide broadcast with Lambert close behind with a determination that he will be walking into British UpRising a member of the Steel Xscape match.
Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert walk through the underground parking lot of the AT&T Center towards the doors to enter. Palmer was determined to regain momentum after the lose in the Royal Rumble while Harlee was just happy to be employed and working with her man. She prided herself on being one of the limited individuals able to work with her love interest. Of course, under Palmer's rules, they didn't showcase their relationship to the world and always kept it to a professional level in the arenas.
Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert split off momentarily to go to their gender's respective locker rooms to get ready for the evening. Palmer took the moment of solidarity to get into his ring attire and pump out a few sets of limbering stretches and workouts. Palmer took his workouts seriously and never frayed away from his traditional daily exercises that built onto his strength and flexibility. If he wasn't a champion, he wanted to make sure he was the number one contender or an uncrowned champion. After limbering up and getting his mild workout done, he exited the locker room and joined with Harlee standing outside the door leaning against the wall filing her nails.
Andrew Palmer and Harlee Lambert walk down the hall before being confronted by David Denmark about an interview. Palmer looks to Denmark before taking the microphone from him and pushing him out of the way. Harlee stands next to her man clutching his arm as Palmer makes a statement about his match later in the evening.
Andrew Palmer: The Royal Rumble punches your ticket for the WrestleMania main event for the SKCW Championship. Every year I go into the match and every year I don't come out as victor. I will be SKCW Champion real soon. I have put my body on the line countless times to show the General Managers that I can and will be SKCW Champion. I will walk into tonight's match without a match at British UpRising and walk out with the final ticket for the Steel Xscape.
Harlee Lambert: Mon homme sera dans le Xscape acier. Je sais qu'il sera le champion bientôt.
Andrew Palmer: Finn Danielson. A man from Ireland has decided to go out to the ring and tell people a little story to get people behind him.
Harlee Lambert: Boohoo. Vous ne avez pas gagné de sorte que vous allez faire une histoire de sanglot. Pathétique!
Andrew Palmer: He claims to not care about this match at all and would rather be North American Champion than SKCW Champion. Which I know is a lie. He is just trying to pander to the crowd. Danielson is a furious competitor and can do a lot. I seen his work in another company but this is not the indies. This is SKCW. The best of the best. He has a long way to go. And tonight I will take him out.
Harlee Lambert: Vous ne serez pas victorieux et vous ne serez pas accomplir quelque chose de spécial. Retour aux Indes.
Andrew Palmer: As for the other little peons, I am not worried about you at all. You all did worthless in the Rumble and tonight you will not be anything special either. I am the future SKCW Champion and Harlee here knows it too.
Harlee Lambert: Mon homme est le meilleur concurrent sur le génocide. Non pas que rien morts Tiger. Pas le champion de la race de la maison. Personne ne est mieux que mon homme. Je mettrais ma vie entre ses mains et je peux faire tous les soirs. Il sera SKCW Champion chez British Uprising et envoyer l'Angleterre vers le sommet du monde.
Andrew Palmer: Face the facts. I will be walking out the winner and punching my ticket for WrestleMania at British UpRising when I bring the SKCW Championship to England where it belongs. England far surpasses the States in everything and British UpRising will prove that.
Palmer drops the microphone and walks away with Harlee clutching his arm tightly. |