Date Posted:25-07-2015 2:30 AMCopy HTML
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| mentioned__ divas championship, alice creed, rebecca cunningham, marisa turner occ__ lets have fun music__ "toxic valentine" by all time low tbc__ no one | | | Universal Studios in Orlando Florida is pumped for the debut edition of Implosion. Amberly walked into the building being prepared for the beginning of a new journey for her and her getting a chance to become a Divas Champion. A chance to further her career and move up the ranks of the roster. Amberly walks down the hall and walks over to the entrance way waiting for her time to shine. "Toxic Valentine" plays as Amberly walks out to the top of the ramp as Leslie DiPietro introduces her.

Leslie DiPietro. Please welcome. Residing from London England by way of Lafayette Louisiana. Amberly!
Amberly begins to sideways skip down the ramp as she unzips her jacket. Amberly climbs onto the ring apron and takes off her jacket. Amberly throws it to the floor as she rears back and screams. Amberly climbs into the ring and gets a microphone.
Amberly. Implosion. The birth of something new and something fresh for the select few that were round up and sent over. I am not ashamed of what I have done on Overdrive!. I have competed for the Womens Impact Championship on many of occasions. I have not been able to capture the championship but I am confident tonight that I will be able to out last my opponents tonight and be one step closer to being the Divas Champion. But first I have to get past Alice Creed and Marisa Turner. Marisa Turner will not be a challenge because she is nothing more than a lackey of her brother. She hasn't done anything for herself nor will she ever. While Alice Creed on the other hand, she lit her ex boyfriend/master on fire. She tried to kill him for leaving him. She is certified crazy. She was a former Naughty Divas Champion and she herself is looking to advancing her career. But tonight is where it will end. Alice Creed nor Marisa Turner belong in this match. Neither one of them should be Divas Champion nor compete for a chance at the championship. And after tonight, it doesn't matter who wins because like the HCW Takeover of KillShot, I will be taking the championship home with me.
Amberly drops the microphone and heads out of the ring as "Toxic Valentine" plays once again leading her up the ramp. |
The Vengeful Spirit