Date Posted:06-02-2015 9:17 PMCopy HTML
Armetta and Riley talk in their corner figuring out who should start the contest. DeVine and Serenity stand in their corner in silence having no desire to speak to one another. They are here to make an impact not make friends with each other. Riley decides to start the contest which means Serenity gets to do her business first. Serenity and Riley are told to come to the center of the ring. The referee explains the rules of the match. Serenity could really care less about the rules and attacks Riley in mid instruction. Serenity continues her under handed assault on Riley by taking her down with a vicious hair toss. The referee tries to stop Serenity and tell her hair pulling is not legal but Serenity is not having any of it. Serenity walks over to Riley and grabs her hands before stepping on her hair and pulling her up. The referee begins to count. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... Serenity lowers Riley down before pulling her back up. The referee begins the count again. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... Serenity lowers Riley again but Riley quickly flings her leg up and kicks Serenity in the head. Riley continues to kick Serenity in the head til Serenity releases her arms and gets off her hair. Riley rolls out of the ring and holds her head before fixing her hair. Serenity climbs out of the ring after Riley and tosses her into the barricade. Serenity walks over to Riley and begins to pound on Riley's head. Riley pushes Serenity off with her legs and causes Serenity to stumble back into the ring post. Riley quickly gets up and dives at Serenity squashing her between the ring post and Riley. Riley, fueled by anger after Serenity messing with her hair, grabs Serenity by the hair and begins to ram her head into the ring post before tossing her into the barricade. The referee's count is now recognized as happening. 5 ... 6 ... 7... Riley rolls into the ring as Serenity is slow getting up. 8 ... 9 ... Serenity dives at the ring and slides in breaking the count. Riley begins putting the boots to Serenity before picking her up and leaning her against the ropes and begins to connect with hard chops and slaps across her chest much to Serenity's discomfort. Riley pulls Serenity off the ropes and picks her up in a suplex before dropping her, stomach first, over the top rope. Riley begins to connect with hard chops and slaps to Serenity's back as well before the referee begins to tell Riley to back up. Riley puts her hands up and backs away from Serenity as Serenity falls to the mat in pain. Serenity pulls herself up with the ropes moments before Riley comes charging in. Serenity kicks Riley in the knee causing Riley to trip and fall neck first onto the second rope. Serenity takes the time to slowly walk over to DeVine and tag him in. DeVine hops down from the ring apron and walks over in front of Riley and starts to taunt her; telling her that he has a room key with her name on her after this is all said and done. DeVine continues to talk to taunt and berate her before she mustered up enough force to slap him across the face. DeVine holds his face before muttering "Oh you like it rough huh." and sliding into the ring. Riley makes a break for it and tags in Armetta which causes DeVine to start back pedaling. Armetta is a stand up guy and doesn't take any kind of disrespect toward women lightly. Armetta points at DeVine as he backs him into a corner telling him that he is going to get hurt for those comments. DeVine's back touches a turnbuckle as he begins to look worried. Armetta smiles before looking for a clubbing blow but DeVine ducks and gets out of the corner before turning around connecting with a quick punch to Armetta's head. DeVine boast about being the quicker of the two as Armetta turns around. DeVine stands in the middle of the ring and raises his hand up for a test of strength. Armetta raises his hand up as he walks over but moments before contact DeVine whips around Armetta and tags him with another punch to the head. DeVine is boasting once again that he is the better athlete of the two before raising both hands up this time. Armetta walks over and just clocks DeVine knocking him down to the mat much to the crowds approval. All Armetta could say was "You see that coming asshole?!" before DeVine gets back to his feet and holds his jaw looking at Armetta. DeVine and Armetta lock up in the center of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up looking to get the upper hand. DeVine quickly tosses Armetta's arms up and whips behind him before picking him up and slamming him on the mat with a collegant style belly to back slam. DeVine quickly spins around on Armetta's back before going to the head and slapping it around showing his agility before locking in a headlock. DeVine turns his head towards Riley and blows a kiss to her in a cocky manner before tightening his hold. DeVine yells out to the crowd, "You really want him representing you?!" and pulls back lifting Armetta up slightly. The referee checks on the hold to see if it is a choke and begins to make the count on DeVine. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... DeVine releases the choke hold and rams his knee into the side of Armetta's head before backing away. Armetta gets up holding his throat slightly looking at DeVine with pure anger and distaste. Armetta and DeVine go for another collar and elbow tie up before DeVine whips around and grabs Armetta from behind again but, this time however, Armetta throws a hard elbow back connecting hard with DeVine's head causing him to release the hold. Armetta turns around and begins to club DeVine with elbow and forearm shots backing him to into a corner. Armetta climbs to the second rope and begins to pound away on DeVine's head as the crowd counts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10! Armetta drops down and whips DeVine into the opposing corner but DeVine quickly reverse and sends Armetta thundering into the corner. DeVine charges into the corner and connects with a high turnbuckle splash squashing Armetta in the corner. DeVine lands on his feet as Armetta stumbles out of the corner. DeVine kicks Armetta in the gut and goes for the Ravishing Effect but Armetta pulls his head away and pulls DeVine's legs out from under him before hitting a catapult sending DeVine into the corner and his head hitting the ring post. DeVine stumbles back as Armetta is waiting for him in the center of the ring. Armetta turns DeVine around and kicks him in the gut looking for the Detroit Bomb but upon lifting DeVine up, DeVine slips out and lands on his feet behind Armetta. Both men turn around and connect with hard right hands rocking both men and making them stumble back into their respective corners. Riley and Serenity both tag themselves in before DeVine quickly gets up and runs over to Armetta and splashes him against the ropes sending both men crashing to the ringside area. DeVine quickly gets on top of Armetta and pounds on his head before Armetta pushes him off and gets on top of DeVine and pounding on his head. Referees come running down the ramp trying to pulls them off of each other without any success. Riley and Serenity meet in the center of the ring and begin to exchange blows to not be out shown by the men of this contest. Riley and Serenity exchange small advantages before Serenity whirled around and connected with a vicious spinning clothesline taking both women to the mat. Serenity grabs Riley's legs and rolls her over into a boston crab just to inflict unimaginable pain to her. The referee checks if Riley wants to quit but Riley shakes her head no. Riley tries to crawl towards the ropes but Serenity is having none of it and pulls her away from the ropes. Riley raises her arm to look like she is about to submit but slams it to the mat and boosts herself onto her hands using all her energy to crawl over and grab the bottom rope. The referee tells Serenity to release the hold but Serenity refuses. The referee makes the count. 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... The referee pulls Serenity off of Riley to break the hold. Serenity begins to get overly enraged by the referee's actions and just plainly touching her. Serenity begins to yell at the referee and threatens to harm her as Riley pulls herself up with the ropes and gets back to a solid base. Riley walks over to Serenity and turns her around before unloading with hard strikes to Serenity backing her into the corner. Riley grabs Serenity and whips her hard into the opposing corner before runing over and connecting with a clothesline. Riley picks Serenity up and laces her up in a tree of woe. Riley climbs out onto the ring apron and ascends the turnbuckles and stands on the top turnbuckle above Serenity. Riley waits until Serenity leans up and tries to unhook herself before leaping off and connecting with a double stomp onto Serenity's chest. Riley allows the referee to unhook Serenity and the crowd erupts for what a showing the four competitors are providing. Riley has Serenity down and signals for the Celtic Godess. Riley picks Serenity up onto her shoulders setting it up when CariDee Beckham comes running down the aisle with her Money In The Bank Case in hand. Beckham slides into the ring and rams the case into the back of Riley. Riley drops Serenity before turning around and being blasted for a second time but this time to the head knocking her down to the mat. The referee has no choice but to call for the bell for a disqualification.
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