Date Posted:26-11-2016 10:55 PMCopy HTML
WARNING;; here
| made by;; starryeyes as a freebie | muzik | "down in the catacombs" by dale oliver | occ | lets burn this place to the ground and laugh at the victims |
| The oster has been put on notice. Every match is like it is for the top prizes of the brand. Father Vandenburg knew this and brought his our Author of Pain with him. Over the years of being a part of the SKCW roster, Father Vandenburg has been working on his Book of Pain signing people to be members of his coalition. Grimm Cross was the last member and assisted Father Vandenburg in taking out former HCW Champion Gemini from the world of wrestling. Now. Father Vandenburg focuses his attention on the Universal Championship with his personal Author of Pain behind him.
Father Vandenburg is seen standing in the back with Manifest Destiny pacing behind him grunting and looking angry. Father Vandenburg looks back at Manifest Destiny before laughing and looking back to the camera.

Father Vandenburg: The definition of agony is an extreme and generally prolonged pain or intense physical and mental suffering. The exact sensations that will be felt upon the unleashing of my Author of Pain upon the Implosion roster once again. You see, Manifest Destiny bows to no man or wannabe so called demons. When the Publisher of the Book of Pain speaks, the Author listens. The Publisher of the Book of Pain has instructed the Author of Pain to cause as much agony as physically and mentally possible. The first Chapter of the Book of Pain will be Finn Danielson. Finn Danielson, your debut here on Implosion is going to be a short one and a painful one. You think because you are a former North American Champion that you desire to be the Universal Champion? What were you doing before you were drafted over here? Losing match after match? Ha! My Author of Pain is going to be making you the first chapter of my Book of Pain. My Author of Pain will be causing agony upon your soul and ruin any chance you think you will ever have at becoming even the European Champion. After tonight Finn Danielson, you will be bowing down to my Author of Pain as I come into that write and I publish the first chapter of the Book of Pain. Finn Danielson! I got one word of advice for you. Run!
Father Vandenburg laughs before the cameras fade to black losing sight of both men. |