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- Register:08-09-2012 12:37 AM
Date Posted:05-05-2018 6:23 PMCopy HTML
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| Zosia Championship Wrestling; A small upstart professional wrestling company headed by the President, Erin Roberts, and the brain child of another small revolutionary company named Extreme Championship Wrestling, Paul Heyman as Chairman. Everyone has heard this song and dance before; professional wrestling opens up in the United States heade by a scorned wrestling or promoter, immediately touring the country and world, spending all their money and bankrupting within a couple weeks to a few months. This is not the story of ZCW. Paul Heyman isn't scorned by the wrestling community. In fact the exact opposite is true. Paul Heyman is more than happy to be shunned by professional wrestling and staying home with his wife and kids. Paul Heyman doesn't need money. Paul Heyman has enough business inquires and money to live happily out of the limelight. Paul Heyman realizes that the United States wrestling community is over crowded. He knows there is a small promotion in every state in every town that will leech on to the bigger promotions that come to town. How does he prevent this? By not opening a wrestling promotion in the United States. ZCW was started in Edmonton Alberta Canada. Where will ZCW be doing business? The Northlands Coliseum in... EDMONTON ALBERTA CANADA! That's correct! Zosia Championship Wrestling will be following in Extreme Championship Wrestling's foot steps and stay stationary. All events whether it is television, live events, or large events will be in the Northlands Coliseum until the building can no longer contain the live audience.
ZCW cameras begin to set up for the first time getting all the kinks worked out and live for the upcoming Capital Blood event. The camera crew was instructed to get themselves together then find the Chairman. To many of the crew, it is an once in a lifetime event to meet Paul Heyman. Many of the crew have been watching professional wrestling since childhood and wanted to see his brilliance in person. The cameras are live. The production truck is in its place. Everything is ready for the first ever broadcast of ZCW content. The camera crew begins to move down the halls of the Northlands Coliseum looking for the Chairman of ZCW. The camera crew found Paul Heyman outside his office.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentleman, My name is Paul Heyman. I am the official Chairman of Zosia Championship Wrestling. As you can tell from cameras and the environment, this is not World Wrestling Entertainment nor Extreme Championship Wrestling. This is the beginning of something that could be one of the bigger things to come to professional wrestling in quite some time. I was contacted by some of my investors about an opportunity to bring an idea to reality. And tonight will be the dawning of this new era. But I am not going to stand here and have you all listen to me talk. I am going to address ZCW and its future in front of the live crowd in just a few moments.
Paul Heyman smirks before walking away from the camera and down the hall towards the entrance way. The camera moves to ring area to see the stands sparsely seated. Large chunks of the ring area open for seating. Noticeable ZCW and Northlands Coliseum staff notifying audience members of seating advancements slowly filling the lower rows and ringside seats. The production crew begins to show a video package created around some of the recently signed talent from their time in other companies.
Zoe Mason competing against some top stars where she used to work. Taylor Archor winning a Women's Championship. Allen DeVine showing off and being a work horse. Adam Lane training in the gym for his ZCW debut. Erika May competing in another company. James E. Dangerously showing off a brutal attack he orchestrated by his Undisputed Alliance group. Amber Bryant becoming Womens Champion for the very first time. David Thomas running up a partner's back before gutwrech suplexing a man off the top rope. Lee J. Tiger taking someone out with the Pope Express. William Ellis disrespecting the crowd after a victory.
The production crew pans back to the live audience showing better attendance. The fans look to be excited for what could happen if this company kicks off. The cameras show Lakeisha Short and Kristi Church sitting at the announce table and Natasha Castello sitting beside them. The male crowd erupts with cat calls for the lady staff members. The camera crew sets up around the ring and on the ramp anticipating the arrival of the Chairman.
"Mental" plays as Paul Heyman walks through the curtain to the crowd. Heyman struts down the ramp with a grin on his face looking at the crowd that is beginning to look more desirable. Paul Heyman walks around the ring grabbing a microphone from Natasha Castello. Paul Heyman walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring. Paul Heyman walks around the ring with the microphone in hand looking around the Northlands Coliseum before raising the microphone to his mouth to address the live audience.
ZCW Chairman Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman but you already knew that! I am the Chairman of this new company called Zosia Championship Wrestling. Like I said before, tonight is the beginning of a new era here in professional wrestling. And no this is not some kind of cross promotion with World Wrestling Entertainment. This is NOT a Canada based developmental brand for WWE. This is MY brain child. Like I previously stated, while I was sitting at home collecting a pay check from WWE, I was contacted by some investors regarding an untapped potential for a thriving wrestling promotion right here in Edmonton Alberta Canada. And the business man that I am, I listened to their pitch. I will say, obviously, I was not disappointed. I decided to invest some of my money into this project and here we are today. I have scoured the world and contracted some new and some established names to help build this company to the top. Let me address the President of this company, Erin Roberts. Erin Roberts has been an Assistant General Manager for many years within a company that under utilized her abilities and brilliance. That woman could turn any company into a multi million dollar corporation. I know she will kill me for saying this but she may be "damaged goods" after being fired from that promotion but once I brought her in, she has made a complete one eighty in her life. She is much better off being a PRESIDENT of a company rather than just some piss ant Assistant General Manager that is constantly disregarded as a woman with good tits. Then I hired the President of Female Talent Relations, Erin's twin sister, Oktober Roberts. Oktober was treated much like her sister in that company. She was able to be somewhat "free range" but was held down to certain activities. She wasn't allowed to express her mind for wrestling much like her sister. She wasn't utilized like she should have been. So when I gave Erin the call, she immediately recommended her sister. Which I am not at all disappointed with. She knows what it takes to be a top wrestler in this industry. She has already hired some of the bigger names from her previous employer. The President of Men's Talent Relations, on the other hand, is new to this industry. Erik Drake has dabbled in professional wrestling recreationally but nothing formal. And as the story goes, I handed his a list of men from around the world that I was interested in and some I wasn't so hot about with a budget to hire the ones he wanted. He took only five minutes to look over the lists and made some very impressive decisions. I hired him and I don't regret my decision because he has actually got some of those names signed to this company. I would love to personally talk about that announce team but I was not the one to have hired them but from what I have seen, they have been good employees and will be good for this company. But now I open the floor to anyone that wants to address the audience, the others in the locker room, or even myself.
Paul Heyman lowers the microphone and looks up at the entrance way to see if anyone wants to make their presence known. | ZCW Chairman | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!