Date Posted:03-02-2018 6:24 PMCopy HTML
 | friends | enemies | achievements | selina and charisma chase | xxxxxx | the official agent and advocate for the chase sisters |
| The production crew of Last Stand Wrestling get things together for another successful event when there is a rumbling in the back. Not a hurricane. Not a tornado. Not an earthquake. But a mediphoric storm was about to surface in front of a packed arena.
James E. Dangerously made a name for himself in another company heading up the merchandise team as well as having a hand in the graphics department and even stepping out in front of the crowd as a successful general manager. But now he is stepping into the ring, not as a general manager, but as an agent and advocate for the upcoming talent.
Right here in Last Stand Wrestling, Dangerously has successfully recruited the beauties named Charisma and Selina Chase. Two women who have competed in the company but was never able to capture the glory they were destined for. But now Dangerously is in control over their careers and looks to launch them into the stratusphere.
The management team was soon to learn just how much of an influence James E. Dangerously would about to unleash upon the masses.
James E. Dangerously walks down the hall before stopping at the womens' locker room and knocking on the door. Selina and Charisma Chase exit the locker room soon following close behind Dangerously. The newly minted trio head towards the entrance way as the sound technican ques up the music.
"Crash" by 12 Stones plays over the PA system as the fans look on to see what could be going on. James E. Dangerously leads the Chase Sisters out to the packed crowd. The Chase Sisters attempt to flaunt themselves to the crowd for a reaction but Dangerously cuts them off and sends the down the ramp much to the crowds disapproval. Dangerously heads up the steel steps first before sitting on the middle rope to allow the Chase Sister to enter the ring. Dangerously gets into the ring and goes to the opposite side of the ring and grabs a microphone.
James E. Dangerously: I want every single one of you to get off your pathetic undeserving asses and bow down to the two greatest talent in all of Last Stand Wrestling. These two women have decided to do the greatest thing they could have ever done and that is sign over their contracts to me. I will bring their careers to the heights no one could ever imagine. They will make history as the first ever dual Womens Champion. And with that said, I demand that the Owner, CEO, General Managers, EVERYONE show these women with the respect they deserve and book them in a Womens Championship bout. And I demand that it happen IMMEDIATELY! If they are not booked for a Womens Championship match on the next show, I will exercise their exit clause and I will bring them to a company that will respect their talent and give them what they deserve. So those in charge have exactly THREE minutes to come out here and address this before I have these two lovely and talent women walk out of this company NEVER to return. Time is ticking!
James E. Dangerously lowers the microphone as Selina and Charisma Chase look to each other with a slight sense of worry on their face but knew James not only had a point but knew what he was doing. The trio await comment from the management team. | Agent and Advocate of The Hottest Free Agents | This banner and layout were created by TigerTrapofDeath®2017 for the use of Nicholas for his own personal use. If you would like something like this, then I suggest you ask or learn how to do it from Ashley @ Eccentric Trace. No stealing. Seriously!